/gg/ - guitar and bass general

Trump Bux Edition
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>tfw had to pay tuition with my Trumpbux and couldn't use it to by a new amp
Anyone know if they'll be doing another round of checks?

New Standard tuning is the GOAT. Try it if you haven't already.

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/gg/ trumpbux purchases so far

>Greco ES-335
>Gibson Les Paul Standard
>Gretsch Jet

I guess the Ibanez posters were able to be claimed as dependents. Are any fenderfags planning on buying guitars, since trumpbux covers the cost of 99% of fenders?

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This is a Gretsch board.

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Nah. I've been playing in standard for 15 years. I'm not gonna start over and relearn all my chords and shapes just for some meme tuning that no one else uses.

Was thinking about another Fender, but have three already.
Time for something different.

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That's fine. I've only recently started playing, been a singer forever. I love the extra range and ease of playing chords all across the fretboard.

>Americans get time off work, hazard pay, and massive unemployment checks, all because of a flu that kills boomers
>Now everyone is getting an extra $1200 even if they're still employed

Jesus christ, so this is the power of new york liberals

what have you been working on, user? you have been practicing every day, haven't you?

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you bought 3 guitars for 1200? fucking omegalul

If that WHAT YOU LEARN ON then it's cool, good luck and have fun. If it's easier and better then good for you.
But if you've learned on standard and are used to perfect fourths (with one major third) tuning and the shapes associated with it, then there's no point in relearning.
Alternate tunings are only good if that's all you know.

>poorfag thinks 1200 dollars would even cover one months rent in any place worth living

>cities full of brown people
>worth living in

How much of a turbo-boomer do you have to be to play a Gretsch? Like, do you only listen to the Beatles or something?

If "rent" is something you pay, and not something you're paid, you're a peasant. It doesn't matter how affluent you think you are. You don't own your own land. You sleep under someone else's roof. You're a bugman, subject to the whims of people that actually made it.


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They make good guitars.

My wife works in healthcare and is getting raises and extra hours because of the Boomer Remover. So money is good right now. And on top of all that we just got a free 2400 to spend on useless shit at home

in /gg/ terms

landowners = PRS Private Stock
debt slaves = Gibson Les Paul Standard
tenants = Dean Thoroughbred

They haven't made good guitars in ages. Are they even still made in the USA?

Made in USA would mean they made bad guitars.

Oh yeah, because the gooks make them so much better.
Only the Japs beat USA made guitars

Great googlymoogly! (Serious post coming soon.)

they make them better than they ever have, in japan, but the demand for them is at rock bottom because their pickups won't do metal or generic strat/tele RnB tones and those are the only two things keeping guitar alive.

i think countryfags and jazz cats still buy them occasionally.

I was going to buy a new guitar, but every single one I liked was Made in China. I mean I will fuck with one made in Korea, Japan or even Mexico, but I will not give my TRUMP BUX to China.

Almost no major guitar brands are made in China. Most are made in Korea, Mexico or Indonesia. High quality ones are made in Japan or the USA
If a guitar is made in China then it must be extra shitty

Buy a used guitar and 100% of your money will go straight a hard working, god fearing American.

Make sure they got a toe or a thumb in the picture so you can tell they're white

If a company refuses to innovate and can't keep up then good riddance.
Boomers will only be alive for a few more years, then these shitty brands can finally fail

Custom shop Gretsches are made in California. The Proline is made in Japan by Terada, and the Electromatics and Synchromatics are Korean or Chinese. The Terada instruments are professional quality.

Whoa, who let in this false-flagger?

Buy parts from Warmoth and build your dream guit.

How do Yas Forumsfags reconcile the fact that the highest tier of guitars are made in Japan and not the USA?
Not that USA made guitars are actually by white people. They're all still made by Pedro and Juan

yeah just because you still live in the house you grew up in doesnt make you a homeowner.

China might be Taiwan, which is infinitely better because they aren't dirty commie bugpeople.