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is this the non deleter thread

why do koreans like to eat food when it's scalding

i'm afraid that other thread might be deleter

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Ayayaya may be a poor man's rumor but it's still good

I'm posting in this one because I hate Lisa posters

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This is the thread. No males allowed

arin+binnie+jiho>everyone else in kpop

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sorry suas but I will think about arins from now on

good thread

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eat shit in your dead thread you tranny faggot

first arin now mimi who can stop her

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good whore

apolgy for bad english

where were u wen bp die

i was at house eating dorito when phone ring

"blackpink is kil"


Not helping buddy.

Fuck you too

is binnie back on the menu?

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onces explain

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men are bigger fans

Kyle is the asian chad

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Man, ho YooA isn't married to some rich oil rich man is beyond me.
Never seen someone so uniquely hot.

this is why they cover their buttons, it's so sexual...

They're not dead yet

bending binnie over, gripping her tiny waist, and relentlessly pound her kpussy...

i don't get it

because you didn’t pay you dumb bitch

obito no!!

it's on lisabro to regain everyone's trust :(
good luck

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because those men pay for it


wow such creative, SUCH KINDERGARTEN

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Kill this love? More like kill this group.

>onces were the small brown all along
say it ain’t soc

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oil barons can do much MUCH better

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I'm not sure I'll ever fully be able to until that retard stops making fake threads

i'm a simp, virgin, incel

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asahi is not for the sex user

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same small pp too

I love Park Chaeyoung

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i have a hard time believing that the lisa thread spammer and the thread deleter aren't the same person.

Heaven forbid

she looks like some evil combination of irene and seulgi

You had to ruin it for me didn't you?


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are those real?

How come there are tons of photos of men having sexual intercourse with her then


Of course not

100% authentic korean ear meat

i too am a cubcel

the lisa poster autistically posts one lisa per thread no spam

>irene and seulgi
this is the most newfag post i've seen here in a while. what made you decide to start browing kpg in 2020?

lies, she's pure, look at this pic

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i started browsing kpg in july 2019

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who's your waifu?

chaeryeong is itzy's visual

Looks like a mother

bae joohyun

that's the best part

Hitomi Tanaka

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/ourreactiontranny/ in the front

i can feel the blood rushing to my penis when i look at those ears

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Form of therapy?