I feel bad for anyone that isn't aware

i feel bad for anyone that isn't aware.

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thats how i feel about karagarga, the best site on the internet

i didn't say any names, i didn't promote anything

reverse image search

I'd rather just pay for what I want than deal with spergs and seed ratios.

It's literally been decades. Anyone that doesn't know already is a retarded zoomer and that's the last thing it needs more of.

is there a way i can only share folders of corrupted files to those with >looks like youre not sharing any music?

if you don't share music you're a piece of shit. the chad move is sharing something you took from another sharer though

everyone knows about soulseek stop being a dork

This is Soulseek, a free safe application to download the highest quality music files. Google it and try it out Anons!

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fuck yo- oh modest mouse, nice user


>limiting uploads

> Section 2256 of Title 18, United States Code, defines child pornography as any VISUAL depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a minor (someone under 18 years of age). Visual depictions include photographs, videos, digital or computer generated images indistinguishable from an actual minor, and images created, adapted, or modified, but appear to depict an identifiable, actual minor. Undeveloped film, undeveloped videotape, and electronically stored data that can be converted into a visual image of child pornography are also deemed illegal visual depictions under federal law.
As you can see, the law only forbids VISUAL depictions of child pornography. Therefore, purely audio depictions such as the kind in *that* album are by definition not CP and are 100% completely legal.
This however only means that listening to such content is legal in contrast to watching such content. Creating an audio depiction of CP is still illegal, under different laws. But listening to it is not illegal


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aware me what the fuck is this

Make sure you tell that to Officer Friendly I'm sure that'll turn out well :)

shut the fuck up zoomers

some boring and derivative piece of dreck that got memed because "lol so edgy"
just listen to Buyer's Market, the good version of that album.

>highest quality
>downloading mp3

Hey so you know how things can be legal but morally wrong? This is one of those things

Enjoy anons!


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Doesn’t make the Jannies and mods any less retarded for banning people for things that aren’t illegal on the grounds that they are

redacted.ch > soulseek

It's not their good albums, though.

i feel bad for anyone that isn't aware.

Attached: redacted-ch.png (750x310, 12.15K)

they're not obliged to only ban things that are illegal. they're trying to avoid getting dumped from their host

What the fuck was it? an album more brutal than buyers market? someone aware me please

The Tranny Janny removed the previous explanation. They are so removed from reality that they don’t even want people to be aware of music that is 100% legal.

what was the name of the album though?

Sorry, I can’t tell you because of the tranny janny

Might start using it. It's use is mainly for more obscure stuff not easy to find, right?
Do they have live performances and that? There's some bands right now with like pretty much no studio music out and very few performances I could find online.

So it really was nothing and you just made a post, deleted it, and pretend like you found The Grifter or something

weak joke

Lurk more