Why do people praise this shit...

Why do people praise this shit? It's just a cringy faggot nigger talking about how he wants to take cock with some shitty lofi beats and a bunch of samples he stole from kanye

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for the same reason they listen to rap in general
sub 85 iq and they don't know any better

i praise it because its a faggot talking about how much he wants cock on shitty lofi beats

It's a fun record that acts like a movie and Tyler has grown out of his edgy phase to make something worthwhile out of the last decade. I do like his older stuff, but you gotta appreciate this work anyways. Also, stop complaining that it's gay nigger shit. Same stupid ass arguments don't make you valid.


His music just went from being shit to a different kind of shit. Atleast before it was interesting, now it just feels stale and bland.

Sure user. I'm smarter than you, go to a top 10 university, and I like rap. Keep coping. You're probably one of those neets who has to latch onto things like musical preference to try to convince yourself you're better than other people because you have shit all else going for you

It's important to signal-boost LGBT artists, regardless of "quality" which isn't even objective, because they are still stigmatized by most of society

why do you like rap?




>It's a fun record that acts like a movie and Tyler has grown out of his edgy phase to make something worthwhile out of the last decade. I do like his older stuff, but you gotta appreciate this work anyways. Also, stop complaining that it's gay nigger shit. Same stupid ass arguments don't make you valid.

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projecting insecurities buddy

go back to Yas Forums

>It's a fun record that acts like a movie and Tyler has grown out of his edgy phase to make something worthwhile out of the last decade. I do like his older stuff, but you gotta appreciate this work anyways. Also, stop complaining that it's gay nigger shit. Same stupid ass arguments don't make you valid.

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Are you honestly retarded enough to think Goblin is more interesting than Igor? Legit off yourself my man

Appreciating a rappers flow can give you the same enjoyment as appreciating a nice line of a melody. You wouldn’t understand you clearly do not think critically while listening to anything

Yeah I guess if I thought more critically I would enjoy the things that you do

Probably try it some time faggot

2 insufferable unfunny onionjaks that have to ruin fucking everything.

You're right, but you're not as smart as you think you are.

>It's important to signal-boost LGBT artists, regardless of "quality" which isn't even objective, because they are still stigmatized by most of society

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One of the times I actually agree they were saying some wojack shit

>It's a fun record that acts like a movie and Tyler has grown out of his edgy phase to make something worthwhile out of the last decade. I do like his older stuff, but you gotta appreciate this work anyways. Also, stop complaining that it's gay nigger shit. Same stupid ass arguments don't make you valid.

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That s()jack actually unsettles me

Are really such an insufferable faggot that you like 'nigger faggot: the album'?
back to r*ddit fantano


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Can you even read? If you legit think an album like Goblin which was just edgelord rap over generic rap beats is more interesting than igor you’re a faggot I don’t give a fuck if you like either that’s a retarded thing to say

it's """""""""""""""""""""""lo-fi""""""""""""""""""""

Unlistenable noise. Even the rare few songs I like by Tyler are marred by how much I hate his narcissistic, mean spirited, predatory attitude


Stay mad onions man

>I have no argument I’ll just say he’s mad