Post your essential Jazz albums

Post your essential Jazz albums.

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Cowboy Bebop Ost

It's gonna be BS&SL.Op's pick is also quality.

Dropping the obligatory Minguspill

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I prefer Me, Myself and Eye

waltz for debbie - bill evans trio
a love supreme - john coltrane
bitches brew - miles davis
I know they’re entry level but I think that’s what you want

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Jazz Greatist Hits vol 2

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>no jazzcore/punkjazz
Shit list

Forget the idea of ''essential'' jazz albums, it's not like rock music. Listen to something, find out who your favorite players are and search for other recordings they played on. Repeat this process until you die.

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This. Much of the greatest jazz is from before the album era anyway.


>Much of the greatest jazz is from before the album era anyway.
Garbage opinion. Jazz peaked in the 60s.

Wes Montgomery, grant green

Actually this. Everything before bebop sucks and the shit didn’t really jump off until hard bop

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Check em

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>Much of the greatest jazz is from before the album era anyway
Alright bud, take a step back there. That's a rather bold statement to be making.

this desu
do not believe the swing boomer's / dixieland contrarian's lies

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This album is why I keep coming back to this cesspool. Best recommendation I’ve ever received

Complete Village Vanguard > The rest of Bill Evan's career
Nobody has ever played bass as well as Scott did that night.

>We sincerely hope you enjoy, this beautiful little thing entitled "Ugetsu", in Japanese it means "Fantasy"

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I remember listening to Portrait 8 years ago from a recommendation when first getting into jazz and getting absolutely put off the genre.

It wasn't until some years later after consuming first ragtime, then Dixieland and blues / New Orleans stuff that I was eventually able to appreciate bebop.

Not being a burger does suck sometimes, jazz is not a thing in my country

It takes a while to get. My dad’s been a working horn player my whole life and played in jazz ensembles, swing bands during that revival in the 00’s and small combos; I played in my hs jazz band and in some combos in college. And I still didn’t listen to it regularly or with much focus until my early 30’s.

I have only listened to pic related and liked it. What other jazz albums would you reccomend?

btw, are there any jazz albums with tracks longer than 10 minutes? I love that kinda shit in rock and other genres

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Basically everything Miles Davis did after 1969.

Coltrane after and including ALS.

Mingus’s later years.

I notice you bud

>Basically everything Miles Davis did after 1969
Please be fucking trolling.
Arrival - Fire! Orchestra
Expansions - McCoy Tyner