Post albums you've checked out specifically because of the album cover

Post albums you've checked out specifically because of the album cover.

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that one punk album with the anime titties on it. you know what im talking about

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That was a kino album though, I stole some stuff from there for my own music

paysage d'hiver album covers are fanfuckingtastic.

Link of your music

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I might just be autistic but I can't like an album if the cover is shit.

yep, love the covers for the rereleases of those old tracks he's putting out

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Makes some sense. The cover usually serves as a visual representation of the music's aesthetic, if it has no appeal to you there's a chance you might not dig the music. On the other hand, if the artist has put zero effort in the cover or doesn't even know how to visually represent his creation, it might show that the aesthetic is poorly conceived, is more focused on commercial appeal, etc.

Still working on it, but I've lifted some guitar and vocal bits so far

Don't judge an album by its cover.

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I get not caring to listen to an album because the art is shit but never to the point of being unable to like an album...

If I didn't know this is David fucking Sylvian we're talking about I'd assume this is some mid 2000's indie folk shit

the original MotFD guitarist was pretty good, too bad she left

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idk why i found it funny

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this and pulse demon is obligatory

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Glad I did

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I'd say I do like 6 years ago but nowadays it could be anything off soundcloud or bandcamp

checked this out because It reminded me of FFVII. was not disappointed

Really good music, incredibly awful production though.

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Yep pretty much. Same with pic related, although its a bit more subtle. I still wasn't ready for it.

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Yeah you're retarded.