Post your favorite album right fucking now

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everything except this is useless and NOT real music

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right on, miss

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gonna go watch this now, thanks op

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call me a pleb idc

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what's that from
my fav album is Just Got Back from the Discomfort

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Songs in the Key of Life

Astral Weeks

Tough choice, probably Pet Sounds but Vulnicura has a special place in my heart.

Bloody legend

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forever and ever

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Listen to it.

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Led Zeppelin IV

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Band is Sweetfist, this is the best underground album from a dead band I’ve found, its easier to find it on Spotify because just looking up sweetfist brings up a bunch of porn

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whats up with that?
you'lll cowards....

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all good picks

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gotta be this, production is so clean and unique

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