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Other urls found in this thread:

are you really jennie from blackpink

deleter thread

the florist and his hard on for v

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ah, time for a shit thread from a retarded OP, see ya

No this one isn't. That retard falseflagger is asleep I'm pretty sure

i hope the next 5 threads are deleters so that i can migrate to all of them

Confess your kpop sins before deleter expunges this thread, my child.

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The deleter roastie never sleeps, how sad.

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i haven't listened to a single new release in years

I've blasted to all your waifus

Who should I stan???

Forgive me Father for I have sinned

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I just did it to jinsol

my first kpop song i heard was fake love, that's why i thought back then that kpop was shit

i don't actually care about feet

No Lisafriend, it's me this time


i come to these threads only in hopes of someone bringing up one group

for some sins forgiveness is not possible

We'll see

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Attached: [4K] Rocket Punch - BIM BAM BUM → So Solo → BOUNCYㅣKNOCK KNOCK KNOCK-Yeonhee-1.webm (728x1254, 2.9M)

wony thread

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She winks slyly, then walks off

I only shit on songs to fit in. I actually like lots of releases from the last two years.

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sins are not real

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i hope i get hers

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I ship idols and fap to porno fanfiction of them

When is taeyeon doing it?

I always repent afterwards so it's OK

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Yes you'll see no delete. That piece of shit has ruined my opportunity to make trustworthy threads, but he's not around at this time I think so it's okay

wtf that's one of their best songs

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so whats this?

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i'm not a priest but i don't think that's how it works

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no g*nitals shown

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meant for

I see no vag here

A real babe if I've ever seen one

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If you sincerely repent then it's fine but then you must not do it again and I am working on that

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just imagine how bad that makes the rest of them

I personally think korean softcore is really hot on a more meta level. Watch those things and imagine being the dude (or the girl). I'd want to bust a nut so bad I don't care how professional you are in a situation like that you're probably hard and horny as fuck. Korean softcore might as well be actual porn sometimes and I'm convinced they're actually fucking on rare occassion unless they've mastered the art of camera angles that much to the point where it's like a live magic show.


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yeah but no when u are used to "normal" music (like rock or hip-hop) like i was back then. now I can listen to that song and don't think is complete shit

not what i meant but this is pretty cool i guess.

Cringe, imagine being amoral

do it again

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they're based

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Posting my harem

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fakey love (love you so bad) is garbagio

you will not tempt me satan

*closes thread*

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Doing what

you know you want to

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stupid fucking wonycuck

The melody in ddddd sounds familiar