What the fuck is this?

What the fuck is this?

Attached: 1200px-Synesthesia.svg.png (1200x455, 350.75K)

something only cool people have

Literal pseudoscience meme. It's not real.


autism speaks
now make it shut up

The people who claim to have it also believe in crystal healing, qi, horoscopes, and other retarded new age bullshit

Attached: 1536790583112.jpg (656x579, 46.32K)


Attached: yes.jpg (647x659, 40.42K)


"H" is DEFINITELY a dark-browinish red.
whoever made this is a phony.

When I make music I paint a landscape in my head and think of how I can translate it

When I think about sucking a Warhead candy I get a sour sensation on my tongue. Is this synesthesia?

Why would your dad name his penis "Warhead candy"?


nice, that's called imagination!

cause it hurts so good


this truly is a thread for fags

based rationalbro?

I think all people have it to some degree, but it's not some super genius skill that lets you solve problems faster, like the internet says. In my case, when someone tells me a country's name, in my brain i can't visualize it like a city with buildings, people and stuff. I only have a color in my head. Like for greece is grey for some reason, and I can't think of how greece actually looks behind that color, even tho I've been to greece multiple times.

I'd like you to translate my big fat cock pounding your momma

>warhead candy
I'm genuinely calling my penis that from now on

sour? Does your uncle know this?

cuz it explodes like a nuclear warhead

Cringe: The Post (2020)
Starring: user

I bet you didn't cringe, i bet you are just a failed, useless, worthless loser that should be gunned down on the street like the degenerate he is. Maybe you'll stop being a disappointment to your parents after that.

You can experience what it's like to have synesthesia on enough lsd.

I think the radio station is programmed to play threatening songs to send me messages. I think the dead rat on my porch was put there by someone who is watching me. They're reading this right now. And do you see me bragging about it? No. So fuck off with your playskool autism funhouse some of us have real problems

Wish you all the luck in the world user :'( . Hope you find whoever is doing this to you.

I like to think there's an user somewhere on the chinz of 4 that has a form of synesthesia that allows them to read a post, instantly identify the posting style and assign each post a color meaning they'd be able to easily determine who's posting what. No flags or tripcodes needed

This and it's like a muscle

People who experience this have just been hardcore daydreaming their whole lives