Compact discs are objectively the best audio quality available while also being highly portable. So why are people abandoning them?
Compact discs are objectively the best audio quality available while also being highly portable...
jewel cases suck
Because people don’t care about audio quality and streaming is more cost efficient for the consumer
How? Also you can just use the CD without the case if you want.
Then why is vinyl popular
fragile plastic, the little plastic tabs on the "door" of the case chip off all the time, as do the other little tabs that hold the liner notes and the disc itself
> you can just use the CD without the case if you want.
never liked the spool or carrying case, sorry
>never liked the spool or carrying case, sorry
that's your own problem
for all the CD's advantages in portability and audio quality no one has ever engineered a respectable means to package them. that's not a "me" problem
yes it is. the packaging isn't stopping you from enjoying the music. just keep the cds in a binder and throw the jewel case out if it bothers you so much.
Thought this was a Yeezus thread
>most accessible format with players still built into every car
>still being produced with almost every album 30+ years on
>second highest audio quality(if you actually keep your vinyl in good shape)
>easy to store and rip
>tfw cd chad
take the cd satchel pill
I reckon it's probably because of disc rot and they also cost money to buy.
i have hundreds of CDs and none of them have disc rot.
I'm not
Aesthetically I love them but yeah they berak and crack way too easily.
16 bits, 44.1 kHz really isn't that great
also I had a CD changer that fucked up a lot of my CDs and I'm still really mad about it
this post made by FLAC gang
im still using cds and cassettes mainly because I just like being able hold a physical copy of something and CDs have good audio quality with the right equipment. And as for why they are being abondended, well i'd say its partially because the of the vinyl resurgence
consumerism is stupid though
you're stupid
music should be free. artists should be payed by the government for enhancing quality of life
I wish. There are so many brilliant people who can't make a living with their art.
No really, it's stupid to buy pieces of plastic and pretend it's somehow enhancing your life.
it literally has the highest audio quality you nitwit. also physical mediums are superior to zeros and ones on a hard disk.
FLAC is better if you can get something higher quality than 16/44.1
They would be paid with tax money, which means you're still paying for it.
You gotta get a job.
>16 bits, 44.1 kHz really isn't that great
What's it like having an audiophile dog?
>16 bits, 44.1 kHz really isn't that great
all the shit I release is 24 bits, 48 kHz
say what you want, but a 16 bit noise floor is absolutely audible