I consider this the greatest album of all time, and “Dogs” the greatest song of all time. Thoughts?

I consider this the greatest album of all time, and “Dogs” the greatest song of all time. Thoughts?

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dark side of the moon

Listen to more music.

OP is right

Such as??

Your next argument will be to get better taste



Well done OP, not a shit opinion.

It was my favourite too back when I smoked pot. When I stopped smoking pot I stopped caring. I miss it tho. Pigs 3DO was the best song tho.

Good taste OP

fisher price prog which is already fisher price art rock

That too. Pink Floyd is like fake prog. Yes and Genesis were what Pink Floyd was trying to sound like, but they didn't have the creativity or musical ability to pull it off. Their songs are dull and dreary with the most basic forgettable melodies.

Here's how Pink Floyd structured a song.

>simple pop song with simple time signature
>hmmm not experimental enough
>lets throw in background noises like people laughing and clocks ticking
>maybe some weird ambient synths
>now it's progressive!

They are without question the most overrated shitty band in history, and you unironically need to get better taste if you think they are anywhere near the top 100 best bands ever.
They might even be worse than Nirvana.

I remember being in 10th grade too... good times...

60s Pink Floyd is based as fuck tho

Lmaoooo u take urself way too seriously, super hipster!

Great album, one of my favorites, but not the GOAT

you've gotta be crazy

Dogs by Sun Kil Moon is better


Not even the best song on the album.
See “Sheep”.

That’s true for dark side, I always thought it was overrated. But you’re ducking delusional if you think because Pink Floyd has one generic album that they all are. Listen to piper at the flood gates of dawn, or Meddle.

Fucking mobile autocorrect

Animals is far from generic as well

Meddle is fucking terrible. Literally the entire first side is filler. And Echoes maybe has enough musical ideas for a 7 or 8 minute song. Not 23 minutes.

>*inhales deep then blows air through pursed lips*
..I mean..well, it's a unique take, I'll give you that. Controversial even but..well, I can't say I agree.

why doesn't ANYONE talk about this album? its severely underrated

When was the last time you heard Dogs on the radio?

not that long ago on a local independent station at probably 3 in the morning

That’s actually based


Pink floyd and KC are how good prog rock should be made, Yes and Genesis is pure "complicated" wankery stinky nerd garbage,