Just how autistic are kpop fans?
Just how autistic are kpop fans?
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just a bit
What do these people even look like in real life?
pedophile manchild brainlet coomers
What do they even talk about in these threads?
I don't get these threads, all they do is post photos?
I remember coming to Yas Forums before KPOP became so big but I didn't come to this board so often. Was there a time when KPOP generals weren't yet a thing but KPOP was spammed everywhere else or something like that?
if you know anyone who is a kpop fan irl don't let them near your children
KPOP fandom is like bronies. We may never understand.
I knew a girl whose sister was into KPOP but it was kind of hard to have a conversation with her. She was kinda weird/crazy.
less than you
>mfw I see this thread
leave fany-ya bro alone
I'm just kidding. I too wish I could understand those KPOP generals.
seethe harder
U mad incels?
leave fany-ya poster alone asshole
There's nothing to be understood. Just 13 year old girls living inside some fat fucks.
having sex in your mind with KPOP stars doesn't make you not-incel
Nice English lol
K-pop fan is a definition of NPC.
imagine NOT having a kpop waifu you want to love and protect from antis could not be me lol
stop trying to understand kpg and go back to your boring cookie cutter threads
Horrifying. Getting "The Incredible Hulk" vibes.
>Was there a time when KPOP generals weren't yet a thing but KPOP was spammed everywhere else or something like that?
we used to post kpop in the sc2 general on /vg/ (and before /vg/ on Yas Forums), also there were snsd and kpop threads on /hr/, mostly those same posters
we got banned from /vg/ and moot allowed us to post kpop on Yas Forums in february 2013, ever since then the communitys been growing and theres like 100 posters per thread now
its terrible and not what it used to be, back in the day we never used to take kpop seriously, people would post gook pics only ironically, eventually the lines blur on these things and you have a new generation where the irony is totally lost
>stop trying to understand kpg and go back to your boring cookie cutter threads
fucking retarded yellow fever fag
So basically it used to be a thread to make fun of KPOP? Also what does KPOP have to do with "videogame generals"?
This is the most soulless thing I've ever heard
>Also what does KPOP have to do with "videogame generals"?
Nothing but neither do KPOP threads have anything to do with music. Shit, they should just be in Yas Forums since they're just waifufag threads.
the og posters unironically thought the girls are hot, but no one took their music that seriously
most of the sc2 progamers were korean, also famous kpops used to perform at sc2 related events, hence the connection
i personally never played sc2 but always went there to shitpost, many such cases!
do you newfags not know how to filter? I haven't seen a kpop thread in a good 3 years now