What's the best city for Yas Forumssicians?

What's the best city for Yas Forumssicians?

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sao paulo

no fkin sxbw this year faggot

Los Angeles

>live music capital of the world
>countless venues
>countless fests (sxsw of course)
>cost of living isn't bad
made the move 3 years ago as a guitarist and a music fan and its been the best decision of my life

Sao Paolo intrigues me, it's a huge city I know little about. Like the New York of Brazil

Cope? I agreed with the cancellation decision

Florida if you're into metal.

LA must be pretty cool if you're loaded

hi fellow Austinite!

Didn't know Florida had a huge metal scene, interesting

depends what kinda music
in aus, brisbane and melbourne are best for bands that want to get noticed by playing live, but sydney is better if you have a financial backing and can market yourself (bigger venues, less pub gigs)
tamworth is our nashville
adelaide and melbourne are great for techno
canberra has a DIY scene

>cost of living isn't bad
isn't austin expense as fuck?

la is cool if you're super poor or super loaded
there are spots where both of those cross over
but if you're in the middle its shit

If you live downtown, yes, it's ridiculous

interesting, is it true Aus has a good psych scene?

well I'm in between so gg

yeah but it's quite concentrated. if you can land a spot on gizzfest you're set. psych fans litter every beachside municipality along the east and west coast, and the gizzfest tour takes the best aus psych players on a proper aus wide circuit
psych comes into the DIY scene too.

Gizzfest is dead, they blew their budget on the 2018 Melbourne edition
besides there is hardly a psych scene, yeah there's bands on Flightless but especially in Melbourne I'd say the domineering sound is garage rock and punk, the Anti Fade and Aarght records sound

I was about to say Portland but now the city's been hijacked by gentrification, rent hikes and polyamorous simp-egirl-tucute scum.

Phoenix is your best bet. It's so damn cheap and filled with dive/punky venues left and right - and it's basically the folk punk mecca (AJJ and Meat Puppets originate here) with some amazing neo-twee tossed in. It's cheap and characteristic enough/not gentrified that it's one of the few places in the US nowadays that has truly innovative arts/indie music IMO (and less trust fundees who copy decades old music directly)

I used to think San Francisco until I lived here

Creatives move to LA just to create this

Attached: la traffic.png (840x466, 722.75K)

lmao this

What are the best bands from Austin

Definitely not Philadelphia.

my city breeds talent yet will never be mentioned here :)

hint: its not in the united shits of america

Toronto has an alright scene but the cost of living is fucked and not entirely manageable for the average musician unless they're working multiple day jobs.

Just move to Hamilton or Oshawa and admit life sucks.

The most horrid place I've ever been.

>San Francisco
>The little town were dreams come true
>Saint Francis
>East Bay City (San Francisco)
there's only one correct answer

i work downtown though :(
Alright got forced out to Scarborough and i feel like Oshawa might be the next step if I don't just say fuck it and go to Montreal.

Oshawa isn't all that bad honestly. Decent music scene and you can always just take the train into Toronto.

Based dept.

i played a show in oshawa once and it was a pretty weird night. The crowd was strange but it was a pretty solid turn out even though outside looked dead as hell lol

Anyone who refers to himself as a "creative" needs to seriously consider changing the trajectory of his life
