Too old to learn an instrument

>didnt listen to music at all until i was 17
>musical awakening in 2013 around my 17th birthday
>thought i was "too old to learn an instrument" at 17 so i didnt bother
>7 years later
>am 24 now
>am even more in love with music now to the point that i listen to it all day during every activity and time of day
>all my idols in life are musicians
>i never bothered to learn an instrument still
>now i'm 24 i worry that i really am too old to do it now
>desperately wish i had just learned guitar and/or piano at 17 like i wanted to
>i could have had 7 years of experience by now
>instead i am just a fucking failure who "loves music" but can't play any instruments and can't write any songs

For 7 years I've had dreams about being a musician, being in a band. I had dreams that when I went to university I would finally get the balls to learn an instrument, form a band there, and play shows at the local bars and clubs. But I never did it.

I wish I had gotten into music earlier, as a child, so I could have learned guitar/piano between the ages 7-13 like all the great musicians did. But instead I'm just a failure. A poser who says he "loves music" but can only consume, he can never write.

What do I do now?

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If it makes you feel any better Michael Gira from Swans didn't play any instruments til he was like 28

Better now than never user.

learn an instrument.
honestly don't even know why you made this post. you know what you should do. come on, man.

>now i'm 24 i worry that i really am too old to do it now
When you're 34 you're gonna be like "damn I wish I'd just started learning 10 years ago"
There's no such thing as "too late", that's a normie midlife crisis meme. Start now or never.

If you want to do it bad you should do it. If you dedicate all your free time to it, you can be pretty good within a few years. I really got into learning music when I was about 21 and I’m 28 now. I started getting obsessed at 14 but never really applied myself. It’s a big sacrifice because well basically everything fell apart in my life except for music, but.. I really don’t regret it

no you're definitely too old man. if you learn an instrument now you're scientifically proven to get dementia and be in diapers by 35. don't do it user, you have too much to lose if you try.

"playing" the drumbs isnt an instrument

The thing i struggle with is if i start learning now i probably won't be any good until i'm 30.

Who the hell is gonna wanna listen to a 30 year old's first time music? No one.

My guitarist didn't learn guitar until he was in his twenties and he's great.
Learning an instrument isn't about putting the work to reach some vague end point of being "good". It's just about playing for the sake of pure enjoyment. The skill improvement comes along with that.

Self absorbed and melodramatic post to be sure, but I literally started learning guitar about a week ago and I'm 24 like you with a job. I only know a few chords but I love it and look forward to finishing work every day so I can just get back to learning guitar. Just. DO ITTTTTTTTTT!!!!! AHHHHHHHH

Attached: justdoitshia.0.0.jpg (1600x900, 127.47K)

I would

You should be making music for the love of music, not to ingratiate yourself with others and get attention you fucking whore

>honestly don't even know why you made this post. you know what you should do. come on, man.
It's pasta. This guy keeps posting the same shit over and over instead of learning.

So it's not about music it's about looking cool. Now fuck off from Yas Forums.
As others said: 24 is not too old to learn an instrument.

30 is relatively quite young. A lot of these young people are not very persistent with their interests. So if you really are crazy about music you should just do it and admit you will have no life. If you are interested it enough it should be very fun for you. Not always easy, but lots of fun.

>won't be any good until i'm 30
at least you'll be good. that's better than nothing.
>who the hell is gonna wanna listen to a 30 year old ...

who the hell gives a fuck? you wanna do it because it's fulfilling, i assume. not to be famous. you're not gonna be famous man, you probably never were. that's not why anybody does anything creative if they actually care about it. what, you wanna be featured on the fuckin front page of bandcamp? you wanna be the next pitchfork darling? sorry, probably not gonna happen. but you can learn how to play an instrument. maybe even well. maybe it can be what defines you in life going forward. maybe fuckin lightning will strike and you'll get some renown. but, realistically speaking, that ain't gonna happen. no craftsman ever got good at something expecting they were gonna be famous. they did it because it was what they loved. don't let a fixation on success hold you back, dude. that shit fucked me up for so many years. get over it, man. seriously.

also: you can just not mention your age and put your shit up and bandcamp.

and maybe you'll be good earlier than 30, you'd be surprised at what a good few years of practice can net you if you keep at it. key thing is: you have to keep doing it. whatever it is. you gotta treat it like exercising a muscle. whatever, you're not gonna read all this shit anyway. asspenis.

Thanks user

I dont necessarily want to be FAMOUS famous but I have a dream of being able to play live. I'm an okay singer so if I could play an instrument I could hit up open mic nights. I also would love to play in a band. It's not necessarily about being famous but i could at least have an ambition to be known in a local scene and play some shows at bars. But no one's gonna want to hear some 30 year olds clunky first time effort at being in a band. If I had started at 17 then I could have been half-okay by the time I was in uni in my early 20s, and joined a shitty uni band to hone my craft. That dream is gone for me now.

>no craftsman ever got good at something expecting they were gonna be famous.
Well you're objectively wrong on that one. Like I said the boat has sailed for me, but there are plenty of artists who set out with the goal "I want to be famous and make this my career" and succeeded. They all started in their teens though.

Really I'd be happy in my life if I could just say I made something. My biggest dream is just to be good enough that I could write an album. A body of work I can look at and say "that's music, and it's all mine". Maybe nobody would listen to it, maybe a dozen would, maybe thousands, maybe just my fucking mother would listen to it. But at least if I could make that album then no matter what, I would be able to say I tried and accomplished a massive artistic goal.

Ok then you are not really looking for an encouragement but you just want everybody to say yes your life is over give up. Ignore all the positive things said thus far because believe me usually they are not so nice but you sound like you do care about it so fuck it. If you want to do it, do it but you have to care about it

It's very sparse pasta. I posted a few threads like this in 2014-2016. Then I posted a thread like this a month or two ago. If you've been reading my threads that long, then I'd be damn shocked.

You can see how pathetic I am, that I've literally been posting this thread since 2014 and at no point in those 6 years did I actually learn a damn instrument or even make an attempt.

I am similar to you. I played piano at an entry level as a child, and briefly dabbled in guitar at 16, but never committed and then I got an injury that made playing instruments extremely difficult. Now I'm 24 and almost healed and I plan to learn guitar and piano as soon as I'm able, and continue to produce music. I think that my quality of life would improve if I knew how to play a musical instrument. I remember being 16 and wishing I had played guitar since I was a child. I don't want to be 30 and wish I had played since I was 24.

>but there are plenty of artists who set out with the goal "I want to be famous and make this my career"

yeah, but that ain't you. i guess that's what i'm trying to tell you. sure, there's that happy .1% of people who set out with big plans and actually made it, but that ain't you. you gotta face facts here, man. if you're playing with a stacked-deck, you gotta recognize the reality. if you really just want to make a body of work, so you can say 'i made that,' then you shouldn't even be asking whether or not you should start. just go fucking do it.

MC ride is like 40 or something isnt he? stop making gay threads and go learn an instrument you bitch

and swans suck, oh fuck op is doomed

>I've literally been posting this thread since 2014 and at no point in those 6 years did I actually learn a damn instrument or even make an attempt.
holy shit


stop doing this to yourself. where are you, i need to come to your place of residence and slap you in the face to snap you the fuck out of whatever bullshit you've been stuck in for the past however-fucking-many years. jesus christ, dog.

That's lil bane

holy fuck the autism on display

>Who the hell is gonna wanna listen to a 30 year old's first time music?

The consensus in this thread is really divisive. I have a feeling OP is already pulling out because of you guys



buy the guitar, piano

and google scale and chord images.

Can we all just agree that OP will never actually learn an instrument? Is it not clear based on his attitude?

you don't need to specifically play instruments to make music, i don't think you like this kind of music but:
All of those songs have been made in "trackers", whichs (mostly) 90s software that was used by a lot of early 00s and 90s IDM musicians, the entire point of a tracker is that its pre-DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) in nature its more responsive and you only need a keyboard to learn it. If you're interested then download milkytracker (a fairly popular but very good modern tracker).
Here's a tutorial that i recommend, its from a swedish veteran whose been around since the 90s:
If you're more of a rock person, i'll mention that one of Thom Yorkes favorite albums has been made in a tracker (If you're into it i'm out of it by christoph de babalon).
As a musician you shouldn't care whose gonna listen to you, that's a worthless thing to care about. If you want to learn another instrument do it, you know the old meme but Vincent Van Gogh only started painting in his 20s. Eitherway you should make music because you care for it and love it rather than because you want to be popular, if you care and put effort into it you'll get what you want.
I hope my advice is helpful
Anyone can play live no matter what, stop being a complete fucking moron and just do it. You honestly don't deserve any advice in this thread you complete moron, just fucking start. Either start or kill yourself.
Buy a cheap synth or a cheap guitar or listen to my suggestion, i fucking swear just getting a Novation Bass Station II or a cheap SG or just off yourself

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