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Joshua Adams
Caleb Reyes
Daniel Williams
Nako is for kidnapping
Nathaniel Diaz
Adam Ross
dead pop general
Parker Hill
Jaxon Adams
kang yeseo?
more like i love this girl so much,
Joseph Nguyen
is momo still dating that 45 year old gay manchild boomer?
Adam Harris
no yoona said heechul put the gay rumors out himself so he can date comfortably
Jonathan Long
Connor Brooks
Chase Baker
any twice lol or hul pics
Gavin Price
Brayden Edwards
omo (in Japanese)
Tyler Wright
who bop here?
Adrian Stewart
are u still mad that heechul can fuck your favorite idol ? just stop
Nolan Thomas
god i wish that was me
Adrian Adams
yeah, that based chad is cumming on her holes and soles every single day. quite based
Eli Lewis
Yeji blessing is bestowed upon this thread
Jayden Lopez
disgusting pedo namefag
Sebastian Ross
me too
Zachary Powell
Lucas Hall
Sebastian Sanchez
triangle mouth
Oliver Bell
wow nako is so cool unlike the other overdramatic bitch
Jack Butler
Andrew Turner
Aaron Flores
What Momo did is a crime
Dylan Davis
Nako is a crybaby
Christian Ortiz
post her feet
Eli Lee
what on earth
Ryder Howard
we get it josh
Jack Ross
Ayden Brown
Hunter Brown
taking advantage of the elderly. oncels will defend this.
Jacob James
I love sluts. Who is the group for me?
Aiden Harris
me in the back
Jonathan Hughes
Jaxson Sullivan
happy bunny day
Elijah Brooks
Lincoln Campbell
Jackson Bell
Nako deserves a white boyfriend (me)
Leo Lewis
sorry but im looking there
Joshua Stewart
Adam White
i want this mans job
Chase Harris
holding hands... uwu
Justin Diaz
6'3+ chads only
Christian White
Bentley Parker
how popular was nako when this was filmed
Ian Reed
I hate holidays so much bros I can't stand my retarded family I thought corona-chan would change things this year but all these idiots are here anyway aaaaaaaaaaa
Benjamin Reyes
Dylan Gomez
the panther gets what the panther wants
Jose Reyes
Daniel Davis
Justin Lee
Zachary Cruz
oh my girl
Blake Cooper
Dubu really is a goddess
Austin Wilson
imagine having this guy in your creative writing class
Gavin Baker
Eli Lee
Cheering up Oogie by blasting to her fancams
Hudson Moore
Aiden Richardson
Ian Bennett
Why would I be in a creative writing class
Lucas Campbell
so many losers itt
Anthony Lewis
2016 was when she was starting to get pretty popular, but she had been getting a push from management since she started. Nako has been doted on since the beginning.
Elijah Stewart
for the arthoe puss
Carson Carter
Thomas Jackson
when it comes to lewd comments, CarolinaPanthersFan is a wall you can't climb over
Mason Hill
Post more kpop bop choreography
Owen Martinez
word especially this guy
Charles Ramirez
Irene cutie bounce
Bentley Reed
Andrew Cox
Camden Russell
I love (you)s
Who is the group for me?
Easton Robinson
people think this is good?
John Brown
reneing her baebae
Tyler Mitchell
chin implants and fillers are relatively easy to remove, there's still time left to stop her from irreversibly bogging herself with a jawshave. kangzmen need take action and #MakeKangzNattyAgain
Kevin Cruz
good? lmao
iconic? absolutely
Andrew Wood
Bentley Sanders
he's the gold standard
Connor Gomez
Henry Wilson
is BVNDIT still alive?
Logan Allen
i didnt look
Xavier Rodriguez
baebae'ing her reenies
Evan Hernandez
I wish she would dominate me
Daniel Cook
why did she do it in the first place
why would a girl want a chin implant
David Williams
how do you make someone natty again?
Grayson Morris
Jackson Gutierrez
ohhh yeah keep posting
Kayden Gray
Christian Perry
you guys told me koreans love bts
Chase Parker
as long as our natty goddess is
Easton Ramirez
I rather dominate her instead
Logan Richardson
Tough truth time: Red Velvets best days, such as they were, are without a doubt, behind them
Dominic Hughes
stfu oncel
Christian Butler
to get that delicate vline
Bentley Wilson
nako left cause of this
Ayden Morgan
koreans like pointy chins
James Scott
young red velvet was so fucking hot bros, i wish they weren't all old and saggy now
Carson Powell
Koreans hate bts and bp
Jason Perry
this dude looks so frail, one right uppercut from me would absolutely shatter his jaw