What did Fantano mean by this ?
What did Fantano mean by this ?
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simps get the rope
What a simp
XCX is cancer. Noice.
He's still a faggot though.
Pathetic fucking simp piece of trash faggot.
pussy beg
Is simp like "faggot" for tamed newfags now?
It's not my fault the stupid 'simp' word exists; it's his.
just leave now
you guys think he is touching himself when he writes female artists shit like this?
Sounds like you're the newfag begging to be spoonfed for a meme he doesn't understand.
go back, this is not for you
in fairness, none of you recent bandwagoners actually know what simp means
The "What did he mean by this?" posting is getting really old.
It's just a twitter/reddit word for beta orbiter.
Don't use it.
It didn't come from Yas Forums, stupid.
It's not even a "meme," you dumb kid. Don't call someone a newfag if you're going to be such a fucking moron.
>The "What did he mean by this?" posting is getting really old.
What did he mean by this?
"In fairness," "To be fair," "Not gonna lie," "To be honest," you're a dumbass.
He wants to cum inside her
He's becoming so desperate after his divorce.
he got divorce?
idea with twinks
pacific northwest vibes
ape mode
pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray
real good
grease grease grease grease grease grease grease
going fricking cuhrayzee staying "the fuck at home" getting groceries delivered
i'm gonna throw a wet bag of mre shit at his house
chimp shit clown mode ape mode
>getting old
user, I...
so dominique is single now?? hot dog!
>user, I...
You're probably the same faggot that posts "wew, lad" everywhere.
I would simp Charli desu
It's "cuck" or "beta" equivalent used by 15 year olds from Twitter and Twitch. Those are the the people you interact with on Yas Forums nowadays.
I barely post
Yas Forums has always been for 15 year olds
>Yas Forums has always been for 15 year olds
He has a wife though.
Fucking coomer
No wonder everyone is a fucking idiot.
she a solid 7/10
yeah probably
That's a really unattractive picture, though.
A quick googling revealed that it came out of reddit and tiktok
ewwww a mutt
Did you mean to type in the abbreviation for "to be honest," or did you actually type in "desu?"