it clicked
It clicked
It took me three listens but it finally did it for me too. it’s pure gold
It's clicked 5 times so far to me and I would like to 'click' Julian if you know what I mean
It clicked for me instantly. Really dig the sound. Went in not expecting much based on the title but it's a fucking good album
it's solid. Probably their best since Room on Fire.
Pitchfork is gay
Not the Same Anymore is tho only weak song, the rest is fire
it took me like 5 listens for it to click. but its goddamn worth it. best strokes record imo
Sunday’s is the worst fuckin song
Fuckin love this album. My gf is getting annoyed with how much I’m listening to it. Fuck it.
She told me the same yesterday
I’m tired of pretending this hAs SoMe FlAwS and it’s not a 10/10
It’s a 10/10
i didn't know
i didn't care
i don't even understand
did something wrong
i wasn't sure
stay on top of this or else
i was afraid
i fucked up
it's one of the best tracks imo, and it's objectively the closest to a "classic" strokes song (think Under Control). Try to listen to it with that in mind and you'll hear the classic strokes sound hiding behind underneath the polish
I was just thinking that too, it sounds straight off RoF after like ten listens
because it’s almost 1:1 with you talk way too much
it did, but what’s that noise at the beginning of ode? it doesn’t make sense
This is it, this is their best
>when Julian goes into his falsetto in The Adults Are Talking
gave it another listen, but stopped half way. this album is just so awful that I don't think it'll ever click for me.
based and ten-listens pilled
I suppose I hear what you're talking about, but it doesn't even slightly remind me of that you talk way too much. For me, it's the way that the guitars are layered that evokes 'old' strokes
>mfw this part was way better in the live performance
preterm baby
not that comfy, studio is superior
I think this will easily be one of their best albums in terms how the songs sound live
it dicked
imagine not liking every song on this album
this album has everything, if you can’t appreciate now you’ll do it in a couple of years, trust me