How can you see into my eyes like open doors?

How can you see into my eyes like open doors?

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now this is a thread with potential

You ruined it

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i suspect it will endure

Bid my blood to run
Before I come undone
Save me from the nothing I've become

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boy she was my crush when I was 13

I still love her.

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Same but I was 15

She's so wholesome. I bet she's a great mommy.

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I tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone

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Literally Hayley Williams with dark hair. Why bother pretending to be a band when the girl singer has all the power?

Hayley Williams is nothing on Amy Lee

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I wish she was my mom

I want to see into her chest like open doors oooooooh give me (you)s

Her face is too round

It's round and cute. She looks very warm and kind.

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So go on and scream
Scream at me
I'm so far away

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damn user you finally did it
i gotta DL the album now and F2B it

It'll always be a special favourite for me.

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same and i can't wait to listen, whoever is seeding it keeps disconnecting on me

Fuck yes, I love death metal

I always liked Everybody's Fool
Used to listen to it while playing Gunbound

My brother and his friends know one of her brothers. They always drop everything to hang out with him lol

Really? Her brother actually died in 2018.

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I wanna fuck her peehole


I think she has more than one, a younger one not in the band

My mistake Ben moody or his brother. Not sure which

>TFW An alcoholic South African Kurt Cobain wannabe was banging THIS in her prime

Fuck Sean Morgan....

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A younger one, who she had to raise herself like a mommy.