'ate israel

'ate israel
luv palestine
simple as

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these posts have been reported to the ADL for antisemetism

yikes cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>tfw hate israel and palestine equally

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Imagine unironically supporting terrorists because you want to fit in with your Yas Forums friends.
Unironically though
It's a two sided conflict user. You can't just be a fence sitter. One side is Western Judeo-christian values and the other is Sharia

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supporting terrorists? you must be referring to the IDF

go back to russia

On the one hand, I think the formaton of Israel was a mistake and totally unjustiafiable. I also think they generally respond to palestinian attacks with disproportionate force.

On the other hand I think Hamas are cowards who engage in a fruitless battle and hide behind civilians who they KNOW are gonna get hurt. I also think that Israel has now existed for too long for it to be morally reasonable to "abolish" it, if such a thing were possible. It's too well established now, it is home for the people who have been born there and it would be unreasonable to displace them.

Fuck Israel
Fuck Bolsonaro
Fuck Trump

imagine unironically supporting terrorists cause you want to fit in with fucking ben shapiro

From the river to the sea.

Fuck Boris

Israel belongs to Palestine. Fuck Israel and fuck Saudi Arabia.


This is guy is the worst piece of shit to ever exist. I say this as a venezulean

i'd love israel much more if they didn't kill christ and cause 9/11

based, simple as

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Bush and Cheney were israeli?

Google "Dancing Israelis" and prepare to have your mind blown

Falkland war pwned you. Get over it and shut the fuck up, bitch.

Based? Based on what?

What do you guys think of my Rog cover?

The Powers That Be


Kek, I'm familiar. Mossad had foreknowledge of 9/11 but it was obviously planned by the CIA and the pentagon. WTC7 was home to the largest clandestine CIA office outside of dc/virginia/maryland

if palestine wanted peace, it would be done in a day. they don’t. if israel wanted war, it would be done in a day. they don’t


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Ben Shoahpiro?


so THATS why nick was always quiet

I'm half Palestinian and can confirm most of the white people "supporting our struggle" are more often than not LARPers. There are way too many tankies and far-right white people whose support for Palestine only makes Palestinians look bad, and we'd prefer they not attach themselves to us.