Here's me thinking Dave Mustaine was based

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>Here's me thinking
Why you gotta lie like this user?

kek, his mom is jewish

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Why does Lars' hair always look photoshopped on

what? I don't get what you mean. I'm not saying I'm in the photo, I'm saying I thought that Megadave was based compared to metallica until I saw this.

Oh, so he's Jewish then? Hmmm.

That's another reason then

oh wait, that's lars... kek, his grandma is jewish

Man 100 gecs sure looks qt here.

He's saying you were lying about thinking which is kinda true since you didn't understand what he meant even though it was so obvious.

Why? So many Jews make it big, why the fuck?

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Everyone's Jewish, even Hitler. We get it.

yup, jews are cool but dumb for doing nazi salutes

What I don't understand is the argument that black people and native Americans are lower socioeconomically because of colonialism but Jews were genocided and they were able to bounce back within 1 generation to the point where 2% of the population in America (Jews) are 50% of billionaires.

you tarded bro

nothing wrong with being jewish, user... happy passover, if it's still goin on, everyone

You don't find it ironic that Jews celebrate the genocide of Egyptians?

Nobody gives a fuck what you don't understand. Take it to Yas Forums.

I find it ironic that Jews by German cars.

Holocaust didn't happen, and every black or hispanic person starts off with -10 points from me and have to prove that they aren't culturally retarded in order to gain my respect, if they speak in ebonics they are automatically disqualified. Jews will never gain my respect.

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>black or hispanic
Fuck off Yas Forumsfag. Stop trying to steer the conversation away from music and musicians.

Go back


>nothing wrong with being jewish

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Hmm. Of the big four, all had at least one Jewish member except for Slayer. Do conspiracy theorists ever come down on thrash for being marxist?

>The big 4
The state of this.


Slayer were the pet project of Def Jam records, a hip hop label, and they were the kept pet of Rick Rubin, a Jewish man.

How can you be a Dimebag fan when you don't realize the two biggest bands in his life were the Jewish fronted KISS and Van Halen? You could never sit down with Dime and get drunk and talk about music without earning his contempt, but his taste and mine link up perfectly. Me and Dimebag would probably start our own band we'd get along so swimmingly.

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>Me and Dimebag would probably start our own band we'd get along so swimmingly.
The fanboydom cringe is hard with this one. That doesn't mean anything. First of all, I hate Jews but Megadeth is still my favourite band. And second, you wouldn't be able to keep up with Dime's playing to save your life.

kek separate the art from the Jewtist

Yes, unironically this.