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Other urls found in this thread:

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tiffany was the hottest snsd

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W-Why are they hiding their hair?

Attached: EVTTFz_U8AAWa9h.jpg (1006x743, 157.12K)


Attached: 1575811510406.jpg (658x1197, 129.34K)

it's RV. For me,

Attached: 1583401838651.webm (854x832, 1.8M)

tzuyuggo is so ugly now

Attached: DSTnKIkUIAAyCcg.jpg (2048x1365, 249.72K)

love this smelly girl

Attached: IMG_20190917_123859.jpg (1475x2212, 440.37K)

how did they do if

Attached: A96C6648-7F53-48BD-992A-CEF40A94B5AC.jpg (720x441, 70.04K)

this song keeps getting stuck in my head

Attached: LiaPyjamas.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

mogs all of twice

Why not just buy Secret Diary? It's not a pre-order bonus, comes with first press. kmall has it for $29.78 for main photobook version and $24 for the blue calendar one.

For me, it's House 6

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4 me is them

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Attached: 626bfaada1dcac224871bcb9e49a69981118a159.jpg (960x640, 103.54K)

how are chinks so rich? i thought they're communists?


shipping is easily $25 for me

Thanks for the cub posting bros, looking at cub makes me feel cozy and warm inside!
I love her so much

Attached: cub_computer.jpg (6240x4160, 1.31M)

if even 10% of them are rich it's like 100mil people

Attached: 1563923087528.webm (1100x878, 2.97M)

they have a huge middle class

House 7

I'm more interested why did they dress like hobos

Attached: IMG_20200411_110620.jpg (720x720, 49K)

starting the Cult of the Eye of Dubu

Attached: 2128543B57ED41F710.jpg (1000x1499, 1.15M)

2 is objectively the best
It would be 5 except it has Lisa


Attached: 1585123931676.webm (1280x720, 2M)

there’s literally a trillion of them

Attached: 1577156040701.png (515x574, 77.83K)

because they don't want to be recognized immediately

Attached: 64057f68767a4389fe2ad9f022401bd69f97064e.jpg (789x986, 584.05K)

Attached: EMYqmz2UcAASmKB-orig.jpg (2400x1600, 526.34K)

2xSecret Diary was only $25 shipping. You can always sell the sets of members you don't give a fuck about to recoup your costs. People buy the image sets for $20 (kinda dumb to do so but they do it)


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psy and other celebs are part of shincheonji cult, which spread the coronavirus

The group is apocalyptic[11] and messianic in character,[12] and has been described as a doomsday cult.[12] The group's founder and leader Lee is a self-proclaimed messiah.[13] Known for its secretive nature, adherents believe that Lee is the returned Jesus Christ[2] and that the Holy Bible is written in secret metaphors which only Lee can correctly interpret.[3] The group believes that on the Day of Judgment, Lee will take 144,000 adherents to Heaven with him,[14] where they will enjoy eternal life.[5

Before founding his own religious movement, Lee was a member of the group known as the Olive Tree.[4]

now the olive tree

At the same time, mainline Christian denominations and several Korean media regarded Park’s movement as a cult, indeed Korea’s quintessential cult, and organized against it what was the first embryo of the future large Korean anti-cult movement. Lee answered that there was indeed in South Korea a problem with cults, but these were the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Unification Movement founded by Sun Myung Moon rather than his own organization.[1] He was also accused of practicing P’ikareum, a ritual where female devotees have sex with the male messianic figure in order to achieve purity.[6]

> a ritual where female devotees have sex with the male messianic figure in order to achieve purity.
Our girls

Attached: music.jpg (1000x714, 82.77K)

her face looks too round at this angle, she doesn't look pretty here. she looks like she thinks she's hot, not like pretty delicate featured yiren

Attached: DDqMyxcVoAMaQSS.jpg (1472x2048, 219.82K)

i'm seeing a lot of webm material in this somi vlog

jeongers a cute

Marrying Jisun and Minju for perfect food-rape combo

park chaewon (aka go won)

Attached: gowononly_20200411_3.jpg (640x800, 91.07K)

Nose Team~

Attached: wenrene3.jpg (1280x1781, 743.77K)


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gooks have square heads
japs have angular, triangular heads
chinks have round, oval heads
that's what god intended

Attached: 1541244462867.jpg (1000x1500, 311.3K)

Key rings are also good $. Squid sold out for $30

>be untainted virgin
>fuck old man ceo cause he says you arent pure
roastie logic

Attached: e8yjyg1j5ws21.jpg (2400x3605, 1.64M)

theres something about eunha
i just want to protect her from everything bad in the world

>no chimp or busan
this is shit

you can r*pe minju and she would be too afraid to tell anyone

Love Red Velvet
Love Brown Eyed Girls

Simple as.

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wendy is so fucking ugly

are you two serious? People buy those extra goods for tons of cash? i would order one but i really wanted the posters toi


so basically Jehovah's Witnesses before the time limit for apocalypse came up and the old leaders completed sudoku

based granny lover

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If by shameless you mean perfect I agree and thank you for complimenting my Wife~

Quite the opposite

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i will probably quit kpop when izone disbands

Attached: tb6euy2k4ra31.jpg (890x890, 116.61K)

stay safe slug!!

busted troll

unironically one of my favorite pictures of her, she is so beautiful

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it's seppuku you retard

Attached: 99C5DC455D71D6B31F.jpg (800x811, 149.36K)

unironically me too
i cant bear to see starship fucking up wony and yujin

Attached: tumblr_oaq5iqKJFJ1tub6hqo1_1280.jpg (732x930, 189.39K)

Attached: [SUB] ‘I AM SOMI’ EP.03 ⎮ LOOK INSIDE MY HOMELIFE ⎮ 소미의 지루할 틈 없는 집콕생활.webm (1920x1080, 2.66M)

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why is there no more once vs wizone shit flinging in kpg

ah, wang yiren... such a goddess

took my gf to the playground
fucked her on the swing

Attached: 0AF04ED0-8B90-42E7-BD37-29372CBDF1E2.jpg (834x791, 70.89K)

I am a white man and I desire this woman more than anyone else

accurate, but in most yiren pictures her facial features look sharp/pretty/delicate/beautiful. that's the basic formula for attractiveness, too: thin/sharp/defined = sexy/attractive, round/dull/undefined = unsexy/unattractive

Attached: Wang.Yiren.full.189945.jpg (1280x1920, 506.81K)



dont speak ill of the dead

there is so much good stuff to webm from the episode and you choose this?

Attached: 2540794057F066691B.jpg (1000x1500, 1.23M)

the oncels all got bullied out 2 days ago

the one guy who forces it went to sleep

she looks pleased

Attached: 1554110722096.jpg (1333x2000, 532.72K)

if you see this image while browsing kpg
u have been visited by the SLUG of CORONA VIRUS SAFETY

Good luck and no coronavirus will come to you
but ONLY if you post a "Stay safe slug!" in this thread

Attached: predeb slug.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Attached: 2473273C575CD32215.jpg (959x1440, 481.16K)

i see no problems with that webm

fuck off
only yul

Attached: 1586255984685.jpg (972x972, 71.67K)

back to trash oncels

yes. fatten her up.

Attached: busters_official_20200411_5.jpg (1080x1080, 70.81K)

i'd ride this cowgirl

they already made peace awhile back

Attached: 24625D475760048D20.jpg (2048x1362, 460.07K)

Day 201:

Attached: EUR1f7EVAAAUVPg.jpg (640x640, 36.43K)

wait until later. that tranny is probably still sleeping

Attached: 1579227517652.jpg (1024x1024, 160.48K)

imagine twisting her nipples, spitting on her face, making her deepthroat your cock, then fucking her roughly while choking her and spanking her ass

oncels cant stop taking daily Ls
i almost pity them.......
.... almost

Attached: wendy2.webm (720x752, 2.68M)

Attached: 1573581355747.jpg (2312x4048, 802.3K)

Look on eBay

tzuyu mogs this goblin faced uggowhore

>200+ days
now im sad

Attached: 221 - SP7fGo3.jpg (1200x1920, 661.45K)

oncels bent the knee

but everyone here pities you greatly

I want to make babies with Lia

Attached: itz.jpg (2000x3000, 505.04K)

onces love them now

Attached: 1586577832636.jpg (851x568, 202.56K)

I guess I'm just not getting notifications from twitch anymore since I completely missed seras stream

looks like the mentally ill fag is here to attention whore again

eat more

>he doesn’t realize the power of the one autismo

samefag falseflagger

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#hitomimail Hiichan started Animal Crossing!
It's the 1st time she owns a game console so she doesn't even knowbasics like 'save' function & the part she already played was gone "Sakuchan taught me various things Gaming senpai" She can't wait to build a grand house

who’s bigger in the west, nct or bp

Why the fuck are you dragging my Wife into your dumb fan wars?

i want to be pathologically jealous while in a relationship with her that drives us both to ruin

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he is so fucking ugly

Wendy seems like a lot of fun.

Attached: 1585309544054.webm (1280x720, 2.29M)
Who's the girl playing security?

does this mean i can post a picture of izone and twice together

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imagine playfully bullying her and lightly pulling on those
damn you're right

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