Who was the better singer in your opinion?

Who was the better singer in your opinion?

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If you've ever listened to Stand By Me, you'd know it was John

Paul = soul
John = soulless

John without question
I find myself liking Paul's voice less and less. In fact I'd probably go as far as to say he's the weakest singer of the 4 Beatles.

>Not feeling Oh Darling or Kansas City

Paul was objectively the best singer.

If you've ever listened to Monkberry Moon Delight, you'd know it was Paul

Paul has more technical prowess
Johns voice is interesting and unique

John has that raw, powerful scratch for sure, but you can't deny that Paul was one of the best screamers rock and roll ever had.

He has his moments, like HTE, I Will, Blackbird et al. but for an overall feel and flavour he is pretty bland. Oh Darling is a nice attempt but just compare it to John's screaming vocals on something like Twist and Shout. No contest.

men who don't beat their wives are naturally better singers

Attached: lennon.jpg (658x650, 38.44K)

Well Paul best his wife too so I suppose they both suck with your logic my friend


lmao all these hipsters saying John is better
He's not bad but he's voice is to nasal and goofy, Paul actually sounds great


Paul basically does a John impression on Let Me Roll It and it’s amazing.

Brian Wilson

How can one man be so wrong? Twist And Shout ain't shit to what Paul does on Oh Darling. From that growl to the little richard falsetto. That is based.

Nope, try listening to Everybody's got Something to Hide Except for me and my Monkey, granted it's a filler nonsense song but the vocals are insane.

Lmao try Yer Blues you brainlet

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John lennon slapped, his songs hit different

You got that backwards. John makes Don't Let Me Down the best Beatles song with his autistic yelling.

1962 - 1967 I prefer John
1968 - onwards I prefer Paul

There's nothing like John's rock'n'roll vocals on those early Beatles records. It's the intensity and timbre of his voice more than anything technical. His softer, emotive singing on tracks like A Day in the Life and It's Only Love was also first class. I think he did wear his vocal cords out pretty early though, you can notice a definite change in his voice around 1968 that only gets more pronounced during his solo career.

Paul had more technical proficiency than John but in general, and especially on the early records, is less adept at channeling emotion. I think by Sgt. Pepper he really comes into his own though. You have the blistering Little Richard screams on the title track right alongside the regretful, melancholic delivery of She's Leaving Home. His shrieks on Hey Jude and Backseat of My Car are other career highlights.

Honestly I could listen to both these niggas scream for hours and never get bored

John, listen to him in A Day in the Life, you can directly compare him to Paul in that song.

Paul was a better singer technically but John was better at making me think he was feeling the emotions of the song. Paul was an okay actor from the 1940s, John was a pretty good actor from the 1960s who worked with Stella Adler.


I think George had the "coolest" voice. Like someone from a more psychedelic underground garage band from the 60s. Paul had classic vocal talent, but he sounds a little boring due to the way his voice sounds imo. John had style but he is kind of a one or two-trick pony and it gets old after a few consecutive records.

John, by far. His voice is so unique.

Listen to his performance with The Dirty Mac. Paul never reached this vocal performance.

Kek nice bait

Attached: John Lennon Beat His Wife 6.jpg (801x801, 130.49K)

If you've ever listened to Wanderlust, you'd know it was Paul.

Paul was the better singer, but John had the better voice

Don't Let Me Down