Jokes are over whats the cures best album without memeing

jokes are over whats the cures best album without memeing

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The Queen Is Dead



the cure has like 4 good songs and everything else is just moody cringe music

Not only sounds like the work of someone suicidal, but sounds like what suicide feels like. Love it

you just dont get it bro *flisps hair*

Morrissey is a fucking pussy ass incel who should have killed himself before polluted the world with his shit opinions

Do you even know what that word means, caveman? Morrissey was a volcel, and since the 90s has been in relationships. In his prime, he could have had literally anybody he wanted. Now go dilate.

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>Do you even know what that word means, caveman?
Do you think I even give a shit what it means? Of course I fucking know what it means, I don't care if he's an incel or a volcel, still a fucking shitty was cunt who should die already

>Of course I fucking know what it means
You clearly don't, as you used it wrongly. And once again, he's neither a vocel nor an incel. And his parents have lived into their 80s, so he's not going anywhere anytime soon. Perhaps by the time he actually dies, you'll be old or wise enough to see that nearly everything he has said politically is correct.


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Discounting the obvious answers of Disintegration and Pornography? Faith.

I think its too subjective. Critically and generally, Disintegration. Technically, Pornography. But in my eyes, always will be, The Top.

>Was the only album almost exclusively created by Robert Smith, plus Lol Tolhurst.
>Moody, interesting, dynamic sounds
>Beautiful songs like Dressing Up that make you feel something otherworldly
>Underrated gems like the title track ending the album on a gloriously eerie note. Can't even begin to describe how rewarding the song is to listen to once you get past the grating opening.
>Smith wrote the bulk of it allegedly under the influence of psychedelics

Seriously. Not enough love for The Top.

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I love post-punk but I have never been able to sit myself the whole way through a Cure album. They have songs I like but their full albums just feel like a chore to me.

kiss me kiss me kiss me

Pornography > Disintegration > Faith > The Head on the Door > Seventeen Seconds > The Top > Kiss Me x3 > Three Imaginary Boys > Wish > Bloodflowers > The Cure > Wild Mood Swings > 4:13 Dream

this is a good ranking

But all albums are worth a listen! WMS I think is underrated, it has some good tracks on it.

He has a nice voice when he sings songs.

Three Imaginary Boys or Faith. Probably Three Imaginary Boys

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Disintegration > Faith > Pornography > Wish > Seventeen Seconds > Bloodflowers > The Head on the Door > Kiss Me x3 > The Cure > 4:13 Dream > Three Imaginary Boys > The Top > Wild Mood Swings

Faith, Disintegration or Bloodflowers are their most cohesive and listenable. Bloodflowers in particular gets better with each listen. Their only bad albums are Three Imaginary Boys, the Top, Wild Mood Swings and The Cure. I don't think the ever actually release another album.

Shake Dog Shake is one of the better regarded songs from that album. That said, I think it's a fascinating album that's half Pornography 2.0 and half proto-Head on the Door. Overhated record, but I still wouldn't cite it as among their best as moments like Bananafishbones and Piggy In The Mirror might make the argument for being a bit too wacked out, but regardless of some eyebrow raisers it's never not an intriguing listen at least.

pretty good

Disintegration > Pornography > Faith > Bloodflowers > Wish > Kiss Me x3 > Seventeen Seconds > The Cure > Wild Mood Swings > The Top > Three Imaginary Boys > 4:13 Dream > The Head On The Door

Always felt people slept on the S/T and never could get into HOTD. Former only has 2 songs I don't care much for (Before Three, Never) and the latter only has 2 songs I really care for (Inbetween Days, Sinking).

They were supposed to release one last year. Apparently it's going to happen for real this year and it turned into 2-3 albums? Robert's kinda keeping a lot close to the vest but reportedly a new album is basically done at this point.

I know the best is Disintegration
But for me it's Bloodflowers

The Top is seriously underrated, as is that entire neo-psych trilogy of records produced by the Cure/Banshees clique over 1983-84. In a way I always considered The Top to be a companion piece to Public Image Ltd.'s Flowers Of Romance. Similar otherworldly atmosphere, similar percussive focus.
But for me, it's Blue Sunshine.

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There's 2 proper Cure albums. The third thing is a solo Robert Smith thing, some sort of a long-form experimental piece. Knowing how Smith is, it's probably never going to be released.


Shake dog shake is great but I love the eccentricities of tracks like Bananafishbones. Its so much fun to sing along to, it really has that Robert Smith charm, sonically. I think they're songs that touch on the potential of Smith making some really out there music, like if he were to throw himself into it I'd eat it up. I like feeling tweaked out by the weird songs on the record.
And as I said, Dressing Up is just everything I want of a song. I wish I could describe it. It's a song I just want to inject into my bloodstream.

Caterpillar is also a great track.

Pic related is their best. I love the early guitar driven cure sound.

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Based Bloodflowers posters. Absurdly underrated album, easily top 5 Cure.

Disintegration > Head on the Door > Wish > Seventeen Seconds > TIB > Pornography > Bloodflowers > The Cure > Faith > Wild Mood Swings = 4:13