Who will be the next musician to get "CANCELLED"? What are some musicians who are secretly rapists/abusers/pedos and will get exposed soon?
Who will be the next musician to get "CANCELLED"...
Rivers Cuomo/Weezer.
ariel pink for hanging out with braindead neorectionary ecelebs
james ferraro for being a pedo rapist
go back to twitter
dubs decide
Billie Eilish for supporting gentrification.
Thom Yorke's pedophilia will get exposed soon.
quads of truth
Already happening.
Carti gets #metoo’d by some thot.
Fantano gets caught using the N-word.
oh shit
You know he uses it in private.
this is a guarantee. black women love slave/master roleplay
>t. racemixer
Hasn't this already been confirmed? Remember when his black (now ex-)wife dropped him?
Remember when he got metoo'd but got away with it and richer than before?
Oh shit.
Weird feeling it'll be JPEGMAFIA
I read part of the article he links and it almost sounds like the author is going easy on Billie.
Favorite cancelled musician?
I still blast the shit out of riffquisition
holy based, PRAISE KEK!
You do realize you're a retard for equating the two, right?
Here's the article on Eyelash being a gentrifier in case anyone wants it.
>It also ties into Eilish's background as she is a wigger skank.
100% this. She steals her whole vibe from the hood all while celebrating the selling out of the hood to hipsters and realtors.
>In America, a lot of those neighbourhoods are populated entirely by blacks who then end up getting pushed out of their own homes.
Just like how blacks originally pushed whites out of those same homes decades ago.
How is it any different? What the Zionists did to Palestine is colonialism and what hipsters do to the inner city is also low key colonialism. Not much difference except the former uses uzis and the latter uses regular police.
they are still maried lol
Didn't this already happen?
So, which musicians actually got CANCELED? As-in, career-ending?
>Brian Wilson
This man is legit severely mentally ill (like actual schizo, not typical neurotic bullshit) with a documented history of suffering abuse as a child. He also generally has a very sweet demeanor when giving interviews.
james ferraro and ariel pink for sure. idk how ariel hasnt been cancelled after saying he supports cops killing black people in ferguson
Dubs and it happen before the end of the year
Male victims of child abuse usually grow up to be abusers.
woah funny i just said those without opening the thread but for other reasons. ariel has so much shit and scumbaggery but for some reason no news outlet wants to cancel him. and didnt someone who new james in the mid 00s say he raped her?
Jesse Lacey
C H E C K' D
Dorian Electra
100 gecs
the list goes on
Charles Cohen... hes still my hero. Dont have many black queer folks making art music especially of his generation. Shame he tried to rape a child and died in jail.
Typical kike
doesnt everyone?
person i dont like
oh, so the definition of every sjw buzzword?
it just means "person who doesnt agree with my politics 100%"
dubbin' for cancellin'
yeah its weird how no one wants to touch ariel
i actually love his stuff a lot but hes clearly a huge asshole
there have been a ,ot of rumors about james but i dont think many specifics though there has been one post on reddit from an owner of some label that worked with him that said he and matt mondanile used to fuck underage girls or something that which seemed kinda credible
uh oh...
Are you confusing two different people?
Lmao based
they are though
you unironically fell for a meme lmao
Because he didn’t say that?
hi anthony!
this KING
he did in an interview
you know its coming
That’s not what he was getting at and you know it.
>getting this mad about someone being called an sjw
>tfw you get pre-too'd and now it's all old news
>I wanted to write a song about sexuality in the classroom. I'd done teaching practice at secondary schools and been through the business of having 15-year-old girls fancying me – and me really fancying them! How I kept my hands off them I don't know... Then there was my love for Lolita which I think is a brilliant novel.
i know that hes a bootlicker authoritarian who supports cops, hates black people and women its clear.... hes trash. stop letting him get away with shit like that
isaac didn't do shit except fall off after We Were Dead. The rape allegations are bullshit.
most of the people im talking about literally selfdescribe themselves as that but sure you abslolutely owned me
I mean, Lolita is a brilliant novel