I got this off of Google images edition

I got this off of Google images edition
FAQ: pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt (embed)
Filter and ignore tripfags
In the last episode:

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just a reminder

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melodeath sucks

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you forgot to name the thread /metal/

>I just wanna tell you non tripfags good luck, we're all counting on you

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>mp3 files
>one by one
imagine being this new


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I was tripping on acid at a club industrial night one time back in the 90s, sitting in a corner twitching, completely unable to participate in the world. I was, however, intently watching the people around me.

I noticed the way the scene girls were gossiping and talking shit about the girls not there, and then smiling and acting all happy when those girls showed up, just like the 'preps.'

I noticed the way the guys were pushing and jostling and shitalking each other, just like the preps.

By the end of that night when I got kicked out an hour after closing time when someone found me twitching in the corner I had come to the conclusion that the 'counterculture' was in most ways identical to the mainstream culture, with a change in music type and style of dress.

I challenge the idea that "Doing your own thing in the face of frothing opposition is the very definition of metal." That might be the idea of squatter gutter punk kids, but not metalheads. Every scene and subculture ends up like what they profess to dislike, just with their own faces: metal may not have abercrombie and fubu, but damn you if you are wearing the wrong band's shirt.

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the whole scene is immature boys trying to one-up each other proving how "extreme" and "brutal" they are. Well established Extreme metal like Demolition Hammer is not extreme enough for them - not to mention they are well known - so they are engaged in a race to the bottom, they know what they are listening to is *almost* just noise. They like that most people don't like it. It's a genre founded entirely on style over substance. hence edgy. hence hipster. I said fags not to mean literal gayness, but because I think there is this weird need to 'flex' that I think comes from insecurity, somehow (armchair psychology)
inb4 "has it never occurred to you that different people like different things?". Yes, I have. But not grindcore. I don't know why it's not widely viewed with the same derision as "post-modern conceptual-abstract art" or whatever the fuck it's called, the one where they just put a urinal on a pallet and pretend that it reveals something about modern society. it is so awful, the whole genre is fake and gay


>he downloads lossy music

Nobody here listens music on Spotify except you.


also hardcore is metal, downbeat is metal, metalcore is metal, and punk is metal that got out of the wrongside of the bed

>muh flax!
>*listens on portapro tier headphones*


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I appreciate the feedback and generally agree.

I am 100% a dyed-in-the-wool hendrix nerd. I will argue until I'm dead that he invented the "energy" of metal but I recognize my bias and that it isn't really anything you could define or point to in specific, meaningful terms. Led zep, on the other hand - you can point to use of power chords, of songs driven by simple, "heavy" rhythms, their sense of groove, their fantasy aesthetic and general love of tolkein as being features intrinsic to early "metal." what could I say about hendrix? His general 'vibe'? His experimentation? His use of a fuzz face into a cranked marshall? Ehh. These are weak arguments. Despite my love for hendrix, I'm not sure he belongs on this list in lieu of Led Zep. Deep purple, on the other hand, is a much stronger argument, even though I don't personally hold them as dear. I think if anything could replace Zep there, it's DP - but is that the way it SHOULD be? As the guy who made the chart commented - in early metal bands, what do you hear over and over and over and over? Essentially "we're just big fans of Led Zep, Black Sabbath, etc" - this is hard to ignore.


Despite that, Repulsion is based.

Downloading flac or wav files from a shady russian website is the best way to go


>Why yes, I do download entire albums as one track using a YouTube to mp3 converter, how could you tell?

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What are your top 10 bands? I want to know what kind of metal Spotify-kids listen.

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i think grindcore started out as a great idea that just fell victim to the same laws of entropy that govern us all.
all things will turn to shit, given enough time and hipster scene fags shitting up the place

Put trip back on, laș


Grindcore is actually punk desu

OP fucked up.

Here's a one without headphones. More suitable in some cases.

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do you guys know of any bands that mix beatdown hardcore with doom/stoner/sludge metal? I know it's not strictly metal but /metal/ is my best shot at having an answer that doesnt suck
thanks a lot

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This album would be better if it wasn't so over produced

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Closest you'll get is powerviolence, which is basically grind + sludgy breakdowns.

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High on Fire

>people in this very thread listen to metal on a gaymer headset
Snails deserve more admiration

Youtube-dl for downloading, audacity for cutting the wav album into mp3 tracks. That's how it goes.

What are the essential power violence bands?

>Sennheiser headphones

Attached: gigachadDisco.gif (800x520, 350.19K)

Someone who gets it, finally

Negru hates Repulsion. Lurk moar.

>not buying your own empty headphone shell and putting the parts together yourself and doing your own soldering
>not using milspec braided silver cable for everything
fuckin get with the timez faggot

Folk metal: Put something by Skyclad or Mago de Oz. I don't listen to either, rather the bands that came after them, but they're credited with inventing the folk metal genre, particularly Skyclad with The Wayward Sons of Mother Earth.
Symphonic metal: Currently missing. Put something by Therion, probably Theli (1996) when they became symphonic.

Funnily enough you can usually get quite good recommendations here even if it is not metal compared to other generals.

this record is really cool.
anymore like this? symphonic black metal with traditional/neoclassical guitar leads.

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A day to remember
asking alexandria
as i lay dying
bullet for my valentine
escape the fate
the devil wears prada
chelsea grin
all that remains
suicide silence
parkway drive

christ when did Yas Forums start paying attention to tripfags? Yas Forums has had tripfags since the beginning of time. why....why... WHY do we care

Sex Prisoner
Hatred Surge
Full of Hell

Influence Chart Maker here.
I'll give those Alice Cooper albums a listen. Cooper's on here for the "shock rock" that morphed through a long and winding road into bm's theatrics so Welcome to my Nightmare seems worth it.
I'll look into UFO vs Wishbone Ash, I found the interview but it's with Steve Harris. While he's the bassist, he wrote a lot of songs...
>“I think if anyone wants to understand Maiden’s early thing, in particular the harmony guitars, all they have to do is listen to [British rock band] Wishbone Ash’s Argus album,” Harris says. “Thin Lizzy too, but not as much."
100% correct.
I had considered them but Close to a World Below is easily their biggest and most influential on the metal scene, and that came out in 2000. On the topic of -ations, if I had more space I'd love to put in Incantation because Onwards to Golgotha is such a fucking monumental record, but I think Necrophagist had the overall larger impact.

Alright here's the chart changes:
>Replace Dimmu with Emperor, Emperor is earlier and better embodies symphonic black
>Replace Sodom with Possessed

And the two things that I'd like input on
>Replace Down
The tricky part is "who with", I had just been jamming to Huntsmen a lot so I was kinda fixated on those "prog and southern rock in metal" influences
>Atmosludge/post-: Neurosis - Souls at Zero or Through Silver In Blood, either of those are fucking HUGE records
>-core: Calculating Infinity or We Are The Romans, influenced a massive number of 21st century bands

>Replace Gorguts
The tricky part is "who with"
>Death - Human. Death isn't on the chart, which is a little ridiculous tbqh, and this is also a pretty blatant early slice of tech death.
>Athiest for all the reasons mentioned (nice dubs btw)

Actually I like them along with Terrorizer, depends on the mood though. My problem was more with that guy spamming his shit. Thanks for letting my preferences into your brain.

I swapped out most parts of my 7506s. Best studio workhorse, but not great for listening.

The fag I replied to seemed to care too much.


nah, my flavour of autism requires me to be in the mood for a specific album which I listen to in it's entirety. I do occasionally skip to the middle though, I'm not sheldon cooper

The blueprint of grindcore is Siege + Celtic Frost (+ bitching about Thatcher/Reagan). If you think Siege + Celtic Frost sounds bad you're the worst.

Kek, that's the tripfag himself. I'm actually proud of fags itt not replying to the tripfag despite his desperate attempts to insert himself in the conversations going on.

I'm casting my vote for Silver in Blood over Souls at Zero.

>purposely degrading a files quality