What's the most psychedelic album you've ever listened to?

What's the most psychedelic album you've ever listened to?

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an album is only as psychadelic as you make it.

i miss the whomp whomp whomp from whippets while candy flippin

shut the fuck up druggie

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Any album can be a trip on DMT

boa you cant hang

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Your brain is damaged. Do you understand that? Damaged and completely fucked. You have given yourself irreparable brain damage.

boa i make 200k a month. i could be a vegetable and still be more of than you and your whole family

Hm, DMT makes my ear buzz so much that I can't listen to any music while the trip (5-6 mins tho) lasts.

I mean there's music, but I don't hear it .

>he has done acid and still believes money is worth anything
you missed any meaningful lessons from acid


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>I make 200k a month
>tightening the noose by browsing Yas Forums

pick ONLY one



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really? confield for me

I like more repetitive music on psychs

Why are you so mad? He hasn't even said anything yet to confirm that he would have brain damage. Why would you get so irrationally angry about someone taking drugs who doesn't know you?

Grateful Dead - Anthem of the Sun

This is so sick. I got a song from this album in my Spotify weekly and now I see it here.

i have no life, no friends, nothing. this is the only socialisation i get. i have a lot of brain fog. things like this make me feel like im part of something.

did anyone else find ITLLT hilarious? i found myself laughing out loud several times. its so goofy yet dead pan

Is there a ORA ORA ORA sample in this track?


this, as of recently

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idk about you man but this song makes me cry

Hands down this.

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I find this song to be heartbreaking
Yeah it's funny how people have wildly different interpretations on the same piece

what album is this OP?


That’s a great pick but for me it’s Are You Shpongled

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I don't do recreational drugs so my perspective is skewed, but this is the album that's most like what I imagine taking them must be like

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i'm touched by it too, but there's a hint of absurd in the processed vocal samples throughout the record

i think your pretty correct. i remember last time i tried to play drums while high on mushrooms it sounded like a free form freak out from this album

it sounds like the 3rd place submission to the talent show for robot children

most recently? pic related. crazy shit. but to me the most psychedelic is probably henry cow or magma

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the only one that really sounds like my psychedelic experiences
brings the listener to a childlike, simple state

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thats valid

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What album is it?

New Weeknd album.

anything with heavy reverb, delay, flanger, amp panning, heavy filters




>200ug TRIP










^^^ This one had my homie stuck talking in slow motion for about 30seconds


^^^ Was my go to song when I smoked weed

lol gottem



ill give some of my favs
dadawah - peace and love
blank banshee - mega (slowed down version)
shpongle - nothing lasts
kanye west - tlop original release

I think he meant the album in the OP, which is Ill try living like this

Just personal anecdotal: The early Verve albums before 'Urban Hymns' were pretty shoegaze-y and fit well with my depressed young self on trips.

Chill dude. Just let people live however they want. This whole 'drug' prohibition nonsense's purpose is to enable the executive of the ruling class and expand their power over us, nothing else. I know it sounds cliche but psychedelics changed me immensely and made me reconnect with my father, be more empathetic and patient with others and enjoy life despite the horribly mislead societal forms humanity has built. If we all refuse to serve the system, it disappears.

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you should take some acid man

Are you requaded?

honestly, acid isn't great if your life sucks
it can really negatively influence the trip

Sorry guys, didn't wanted to ruin your thread, i just like calling people druggies because It distracts myself from the fact that i can't have sex.

mushrooms are infinitely better, acid fucks me up for weeks after. Mushrooms feel like an instant reset

You can still do drugs, and they're probably better than sex anyways.


youre an idiot but checked

we have this same fuckin discussion every time drugs get mentioned. can you guys just let people who wanna do drugs do drugs?
also sick quads.

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It's true that while psychedelics are a spiritual experience, it's also just your brain reacting to chemicals. You come down eventually and nothing has changed except your perception. Which can be good or bad.

is 2cb worth it lads? my dad has schizophrenia btw.

Why the fuck are you even looking at a Yas Forums thread about psychedelic music in the first place?

am i a pleb for not really "getting" this album? Should i give it another listen?

idk it would be a risk

For the sake of yourself and others, please don’t risk it. You can have psychedelic experiences without risking your sanity. I’d research other options if I were you

what is the appeal because whippets always sounded like the stupidest fucking thing to me

it's easy.

The “beat drop” at 00:14 of WCWAR is one of my most memorable experiences from when I used to just trip and listen to music in a dark room. It actually felt transportive

If you do 3 in one go you’ll break through. It fades quickly, but if you write your thoughts down immediately, you’ll be surprised. It’s more psychedelic than one might initially think

why the original release of pablo?

best with headphones

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I’m not OP, but I’d imagine it was because of the og mixing. I specifically remember the ending of FML being rawer, and more texturally defined. Sounded like Kanye just dropped the sample in and didn’t care if it stung a bit

twin infinitives honestly