
Gypsy edition
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Previously, on /metal/

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Death is inarguably the greatest metal band of all time.

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DragonForce Live stream, rewind to see some SHRED


(You)r kind is not welcome here.



>implying I care


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Listen to P.L.F..

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Whores' butts

Kektor - Kerminal Kedux

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>He likes Wino albums over based Reagers albums.

>gets cancer


Other metal ironies?

looking for more bands like Mortuary Drape, Sinoath, Root, Tudor, Master's Hammer, Necromantia, Wampyrinacht, etc.
no scandishit

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Place your bets, how many posts will he have made by the end of the week? My guess would be 7500.

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good stuff, listen to Rot

Not as many as the number of times I made your mom cum.

You wouldn't expect it, but Brazil is one of the best countries for metal.

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prove it with a list of bands

A "Your mum" jokes still considered funny in Romania? Good romanian poster, please explain

I really don't care but I hope you Babymetal and anime faggots get squished by a fucking steamroller ASAP.

so AOTY?

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The irony of me being your dad is what makes it funny.

you're the only one hating, like we care about your autistic opinion
based, good stuff

Ok now this is based

Waste of Satanic trips.
>Ratos de Porão

Guys, I’m serious. I can’t remember the name of that grind band. Spam (good) grind bands at me until I remember.

>Von - Satanic Blood

Von what?

Everyone who has listened to metal for more than a month knows this

Baby metal posters and f/a/ggots looking much more tolerable now in hindsight.

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Still pretending Sepultura isn’t absolute shite, are we?

>people make fun of Varg
>corona proves him right

Explain , then.

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My favourite genre is dm and I like a couple of bm bands but ""war metal"" is for cro-magnons who are too retarded to play crust/d-beat and that's a feat.

It's usually underages like you who have shit taste in metal like ""war metal"". Do your homework and go to sleep kiddo.


Sam Totman is on.

Do they even have steamrollers in Romania? Or do they just use the fattest woman of the village (Negru's gf with the anime body) to flatten their asphalt?

Did it have Kate Bush on the cover? If so, it's Internal Rot.

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I mean its a random question,but does anyone know a full girl metal band that had their album artwork in orange/blue tones?
I've found it here like 2-3years and cant find it again
If i remember correctly the vocalist had orange hair, but im not sure

what was the album cover

you really are the new worst trip, jesus

My hint is it was one of two grind bands I was really into at the time. Other was TOOH, by this band was nothing like them.

War metal is exit level music. Diocletian, Teitanblood, Revenge, Bestial Warlust, Blasphemy, Axis of Advance, Profane Order are all high IQ.

Keep complaining like a bitch.

No, but I’ll check that out

keep listening to shit music like a faggot
just do it out of this fucking general

>Czech produces based bands like !T.O.O.H.! and Lykathea Aflame
>Romania produces the biggest blight on this general

its probably this since almost everyone in these threads are newfags

That's some paranoia right there.

It's fantastic. Second favorite grind album of the 10s.

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imagine believing this holy fucking shit

m8 even fucking Mexico has The Chasm, BR cant even compete with its other shitty south american rivals

I can’t remember

DragonForce >>>>>>>>> whatever r*ddit shit you listen to, kiddo.

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You have posted this image without engaging in any meaningful conversation many times. How is this different than avatar usage?

>bitches about newfags
>deletes post
well, well, well
it's almost like you're a fucking shill

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Thoughts on the new Paysage?

Your first?


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just listen to Wormrot


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>black metal
into the trash it goes


Not going to happen, this general is all he has

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at least i know how to delete the image

fcking based, has violins

once the plague is gone, this can recede

Hatebreed is inherently high test.

for me? it's the awesome obscure bands you don't know and I'll never tell you about

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War metal invariably sucks ass and has no groove

Nah, I remember him from before he started using a trip. Guy has no life. Kinda suprised he thought it was a good idea to use a trip in the first place, he got shit on all the time even before that