ITT: Albums that Americans will never understand

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as an american, i understand definitely maybe a lot more

united states of america s/t

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>albums that britfags will never understand

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Was gonna say Burial but then remembered America invented dirty nigger-filled cities dripping with nihilism

>America invented dirty nigger-filled cities dripping with nihilism
They may have invented them, but we perfected the formula.

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>John Lennon

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>posts a good album oblivious to his racism and boasts about said album
You are fucked in the head m8

It was in jest, my friend. I grew up in South London and what that user calls "dirty nigger-filled cities dripping with nihilism" is what I call Home.

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Stormzy sucks shit

This album sold 4 million copies in America

no this is fire

Obvious one

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Any album created in Manchester or by Mancunians desu

not true

The best album posted ITT so far. Good work user.

literally just power pop

literally just prog

literally just new wave

literally just old powerpop

britfags truly have nothing special


Any power metal album

a lot of manc groups are key figures in indie smiths, the fall, joy division

I understand these. Eurotard OP BTFO into oblivion

>thinking americans can understand The Fall
Mark is the most mancunian man to ever exist.

>We are the Fall
>Northern white crap that talks back
>We are not black. Tall.
>No boxes for us.
>Do not fuck us.
>We are frigid stars.
>We were spitting, we were snapping "Cop Out, Cop Out!"
>As if from heaven

And yanks can't understand any of them


the fall is very influential in usa since the 80's until now

literally the first album I bought nigger

this or any Smiths album

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Ok, Yas Forums

Yeah I'll be honest I don't understand what it's like to get herpes in Greece so.

I guarantee you there are more Americans that like these albums than there are Brits that like these albums

What is there to understand about this album?

>more Americans like wtsmg than brits

That's unfortunate if you're American, since you'll never be able to understand the album

well, i don't speak spanish, so you're technically right.

Up until recently, it had sold more copies in America than in England.

How is The Bends prog?

this is the only madchester album americans can't understand
>because it sucks

>literally just prog

I'm American and these are some of my favorite albums of all time. I actually probably know more about Blur than 99% of bongs.

portugese mate

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ITT:Albums Brits don’t understand.


these I agree with

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you guys understand you’re just America with a funny accent right.


which is surprising since americans cant understand the fall's music

>but you cannut understund! we speciuul!!

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next level album

come on man

fuck i have to listen to this now
local music for me

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britbongs will never understand how shit most of these albums are

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