Mfw someone says Arca is shit now and has lost all of her creativity

>mfw someone says Arca is shit now and has lost all of her creativity

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still shit, never had
feel better?

Wrong, you pleb. She's still making decent stuff with some duds in between.

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I'm no information scientist but isn't it fascinating how this whole thread, this entire thread which will probably be about 10-20 posts long, can be losslessly compressed into a four-character string?



Amazing how many Yas Forums tourists(you) exist on this board. Go back and let us discuss the music you insufferable retard.

enjoy your shit

Name five musicians that do what she does but better. Protip: you can't

>name five shit
are you even trying?

>no argument
Thank u, next

>hurr I win, mommy i win against the internets, gib me tendies

La Chiqui
>Bops but could have been better
>Nice songs
No Queda Nada
>Shit tier
Rip the Slit

Genuinely hope that she will change something for the official releasing. Deleting Time and Afterwards would be a huge improvement. Slim chance that this will happen though

Arca is always shit and has never had his creativity



Mutant was nice

Desafio and Reverie were dope, but everything else is weak af

I'm not listening to any of this faggot's music. Just looking at the way he displays himself is disgusting enough.

Attached: Arca.jpg (300x300, 15.25K)

Wow he is so hot
Im a white girl

>his worst work is dope

This dude is as gay as a Sunday picnic.

you mean he

I love her music

with a mug like that how the fuck does he think he can be a woman lmao.

She's hot

>misgendering on purpose

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Luv her so much

Haven’t heard the last couple albums.

Wasn’t that into her. Enjoy it more when she makes music for others

>mfw its true because he used one of his songs off &&&&&&& to "produce" a bjork song

If you're going to post "mfw" you should know it means "my face when," and you should post a reaction pic.

Thanks for the explanation. I'm new here.

This is thee best take in thread so far.

Same. I enjoy her solo work but she needs to get back into doing sole productions for artists again.






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She's hella based


>posts going up
>IPs staying the same

cool sounds but it was mostly pretty boring

If putting lipstick and nails is all it takes to become a female women should be fucking embarrassed. Trannies are the equivalent of a minstrel show except instead of white people pretending to be black to entertain other retards, its whole ass men crossdressing and being praised. Imagine being a woman in this day and age. Notice how no one respects dykes and lesbians pretending to be male but women are more than happy to be replaced. What a bunch of fucking dumbasses.

i do wonder when one of these is going to actually make good music, instead of just using it for attention and fashion

Nothing more cringe than a man pretending to be a woman

o i am laffin

I just can't respect people who poison themselves with hormones. Can't they be normal gay?
It isnt far from self castration.

>indulging willful self-misgendering for PC brownie points

I'm a mod on her Discord server so I'm obviously biased but KiCk i is still insanely unique in its own ways. Essentially S/T mixed with reggaeton.

based opinion: arca peaked with &&&&&

>being transphobic and mistreating others because your an epic edgelord from Yas Forums



yep its women time

she cool


terfs mad

arca always sucked

she cute

i agree but im also a fan of mutant

dont say bops ever again

You left out Watch

What's his chest routine?


put on your glasses. that's a MAN.


based homosexual

she confirmed Time in the paper mag article but she also confirmed a song called Tiro so there's already going to be a difference between the leaked album and the released one

we love arca

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two bags of silicone