What is the non-meme explanation for black people being so much better at music than all other races...

What is the non-meme explanation for black people being so much better at music than all other races? Is it because they go through more hardships in life which then fuels their creativity?

Attached: miles-davis-q-tip[1].png (1000x743, 589.15K)

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Music critics tend to be white and liberal, so they exercise their white guilt complex by shining a light on black artists and greatly exaggerate their "excellence."

For a long time, especially in America, being a musician made you a kind of social outcast/journeyman figure. Since black people were already outcasts, there was more incentive for them to get seriously into music. Also why their music has been mostly garbage the past 30+ years as the old racial divides slowly fade.

Wrong. The widespread white guilt we see today wasn't as prevalent between 1950-1990 and yet we have many great black artists from that time period.

Jazz is fucking boring

I love black musicians but I also love white ones, asian ones, latin ones...
Maybe stop being American, and stop seeing everything in white and black.

yes more hardships and they just have a more soulful culture, go in a white household, then go in a black household and you will immediately notice the differences in the air

It's just basic statistics bro...not that hard lmao

Yes it was though - particularly among "creative" and "artistic" circles. Watch any Hollywood film from the period. To us they seem anachronisticly racist and old fashioned but if you actually pay attention they all contain pro minority pro black pro civil rights messages. Basically the SJW nonsense of the day

Stop being a burger and consuming burger media. It's rotting your brain.

Just keep thinking you're right about everything and see where it gets you. roflmao

Just go on khanacademy or something if you can't wrap your head around such a simple concept wtf hahaha

You can't get a non meme explanation because america turned black people into one giant meme.

I know you’re trolling but please point me to the “statistics” you’re referencing

ding ding ding
10 points to user

It was one of the few artistic choices that black people were taken seriously in. I think Mingus wanted to be a poet and philosopher but said something like "they don't want negroes in that world, so I learned to express it through music"

mingus, like almost all famous black contributers, wasn't even really black. he could pass for a mexican early in his career for fuck's sake

It’s funny that you posted a picture of Miles Davis while assuming that because he’s black that he must have experienced a lot of hardship. Davis’s father was a dentist and so he grew up fairly wealthy and had a privileged life.

so does it occur to you that the "SJW" panic of the 2010s will be seen as the non-issue it really was decades from now?

just goes to show race is made up, it's based on drawings

Even studied at Juilliard for a while.

t. literal retard

There are more hardships in life than monetary ones. Growing up black in 1930s America wasn't easy regardless of how much money a person had.

The musical traditions of their ancestors had a social characteristic that was highly conducive to mass consumption. I don’t know if that makes it the best music, just the music that best fits our society.

Yeh, his brother was gay for one. Must have been hard for Miles.

Holy shit, thats actually profoundly true

A lot of 'white', i.e. european folk music traditions were lost during industrialisation. Black people kept working the fields and their music kept developing, becoming a key part of their identity right up into the profileration of music through mass media. There's no such thing as 'white' music because there's no unified 'white' tradtion of music.

>The critic is the real artist

>there’s no such thing as “white music”
classical, romantic, and baroque music are exclusively white, and their tradition lives on in cinematic scoring. John Williams, for example, is a modern flag bearer of principles developed in the romantic era.


They are european, not 'white'. The black population in America became a cohesive cultural group through the institution of slavery, but whites in America were and are a disparate group of various ethnicities that often don't have much in common. The reason blacks are so much better and music than whites in america is because they were able to form a unified musical culture while european immigrants were pressured into giving up their music and culture to chase some ideal of a 'free american settler' that never really came into being.

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>classical music is objectively the superior genre
>classical musicians and composers are mostly white
>therefore whites are better at music

reads like schizo lyrics

The virtuosity of the bebop movement to some degree came out of a desire of black musicians to be taken as seriously as white musicians were.

I understand what you are saying, those Europeans at the time did not have collective “white identity,” but rather were products of their respective countries. However, this topic always seems to disingenuously blur the lines between genetics and sociological identity. Are blacks good because they are black genetically, or because of “black identity?” Personally, I don’t agree with the trope that “blacks are so much better at music than whites” because most of my favorite music is not written by blacks, so why would I think so? Brian Wilson, for example is a wonderful American artist, and in my opinion, the worst and most disposable aspects of his music are the ones that are the most attributable to blacks (chuck berry). I also do not agree with the trope that black influence on white music means that the music is solely the property of blacks. Blues and early rock and roll are pretty much the sole property of blacks, sure. But psychedelic and classic rock have many prolific white artists who have written great music that yes, draw on traditions of European (which is mostly “white”) harmony. It’s absurd to attribute the complex harmony of the Beatles to the simplistic form and harmony of early black rock and rollers, despite their heavy influence.

they just have more free time

Unironically thinks:
> Brian Wilson is a good artist
> Chuck Berry bad
> Beatles had complex harmonies

I don't know why listening to music is so hard for people. Honestly most of you should go back to r/music.

it's actually based on the genetic make of your mom and dad. mingus parents and grandparents were (in no specific order): chinese, indian, black american and german.

I do unironically think Brian Wilson is a fantastic artist. I think the Beatles have complex harmony for the standard of rock and roll. I think chuck berry is a faggot and I never want to listen to him. Bloo bloo bloo.

I mean I love Miles Davis too man but to say that stuff like jazz is better than Western and Eastern classical music is just a biased dumbass thing to say

>What is the non-meme explanation for black people being so much better at music than all other races?
That's probably because you grew up listening to music made by blacks. Therefore, you tend to enjoy music made by them.

Black music isn't that good on its own. White people made rock into an interesting art form (progressive rock/metal) and the same thing goes for jazz (ECM records/third stream/European jazz)

>What is the non-meme explanation for black people being so much better at music than all other races?
I'm not sure I agree, in my experience black music is simplistic and dull

>made rock into an interesting art form (progressive rock/metal)

jesus. cringe.

>hey tony, get a load of this faggot

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>the differences in the air
that would be the crack cocaine, Tyronqous

>his brother [...] must have been hard for Miles

Chip on their shoulder, that's it. There may be some really far out, loose connection to internal rhythms (akin to Chinese symbolic-linguistic acquisition) but I doubt that connection is as strong as the self-discipline required to make great music.

Jesus, this thread is a clusterfuck.

lol. Miles Davis died of AIDS, so who knows.

Music is in no way genetic.

Artistry is in no way linked to "suffering."

Give up the Romantic era myths.


OP was a fool for expecting a good answer to a question that deals with race on Yas Forums.

>so much better at music
define better.

t. idpol classcuck

i can't remember a single black musician i like

rock has nothing to do with metal

>What is the non-meme explanation for black people being so much better at music than all other races?
There is no non-meme explanation because "black people are better at music" is a meme.

Im not sure. Personally Im not too impressed with the music black culture at large is putting out these days (although Im not too impressed with the mainstream stuff coming from whites either). However I have always been fascinated with the raw talent of early black blues and jazz musicians. Maybe its just selection bias? Or maybe people like Miles Davis worked extra hard once they got a taste of musical success because it was their one ticket out of a shitty life.

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Once rap came out they stopped being good at music, idky it's just facts.

Part of the problem is conceiving of black people as one group. A blues guitarist from the Delta and Miles Davis have exactly one thing in common.

Miles was from a middle class black family in New York, he went to Juilliard. He only became successful after attending the elite of elite music conservatories. Black people don't have "one ticket" or "raw" talent. Miles cultivated his playing and compositional style as much as humanly possible.