What's your favourite Radiohead song?
What's your favourite Radiohead song?
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The Trickster
it's also coincidentally their best song
Let down
“How To Disappear Completely” for sure.
You And Whose Army, that delicate jazzy strumming in the beginning gets me every time. I imagine Jonny just playing that alone on a stool in a pitch black room.
dollars & cents
not a radiohead fan, i like the first 4 notes from kid a
none of them
The fan edited version of True Love Waits with the synth arpeggio
pyramid song
what's wrong with the 5th note? or chord that is
Videotape :)
Motion Picture Soundtrack.
I cry to that song frequently.
India Rubber
scatterbrain comes to mind but it's a very very very difficult question to answer
Their top 3 is, objectively:
1. Pyramid Song
2. Let Down
3. The National Anthem
Life in a glasshouse
Knives Out. The intertwining triple guitar harmonies on it are fucking ace.
Tinker tailor. A wolf at the door.
Oh shit, someone standing up for Tinker Tailor. I respect that, shit sounds like an Amnesiac cut 15 years after the matter. First time I heard it I knew it was gonna be the overlooked one on that album.
Thank you. I think one of the best things about Radiohead is how diverse the favorites and least favorites can be between fans.
agreed but id replace anthem w reckoner, the bridge or middle section or whatever is probably the best thing they did
1. Pyramid Song
2. Jigsaw
3. Karma Po-Po
for me, its In Limbo
I love the version with the extra verse with Limbless and helpless
I can't even recognise you
based fellow my iron lung ep retard
No surprises
It's gotta be Reckoner, pretty transcendent stuff
oh yeah that one too thats a good note
for me it's MPS
Changes with the day, but right now I'm feeling Daydreaming.
motion picture soundtrack
it’s music to transcend to whilst being in tears
btw the huge range of responses here, spanning over 20 years and half a dozen albums is proof that Radiohead is one of the best bands in history regardless of what Yas Forums contrarians think
no surprises
Mega based and probs my other favourites, my faves are Life in a Glasshouse and Faust Arp (scotch mist edition) youtube.com
i mean this is just based
There There
Jigsaw Falling Into Place
Based and redpilled
Reckoner, Street Spirit, There There
might be wrong or like sardines
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
Up On The Ladder
based pyramid bros
1. Pyramid Song
2. How to Disappear Completely
3. Motion Picture Soundtrack
1. There, There
2. I Might be Wrong
3. Spinning Plates/ Life in a Glasshouse
How To Disappear Completely
Fake Plastic Trees
Pyramid Song, No Surprises, or Packt Like Sardines
true love waits (live in oslo) NOT the studio version
Let Down, How To Disappear Completely, Codex
in that order
Daydreaming. I could have said Jigsaw Falling Into Place, Karma Police, Everything In It's Right Place or even Lotus Flower, but no. I'm saying Daydreaming.
Subterranean Homesick Alien
weird fish arpeggio
Subterranean Homesick Alien