>be me >has a friend who only listens to Imagine Dragons and Metallica >I come up with a plan to introduce him to the /mu essentials >It'sgotime.jpg >it's an off day and I give us a ride to a comic store >after I parked, I asked him if I could show him some music that I like >"sure user, why not" >I give him my head phones and turn on the music >I have him listen to the most normie Radiohead songs (that aren't creep) as a gateway >I adjust the volume as perfectly as I can to avoid an explosion of noise >I wait patiently for his reaction >he bobs his head to a few songs >success.png >it was time for phase 2.. >I go over my semi-prepared speech about some experimental stuff I'm about to turn on, and how it isn't for everyone >he seems uninterested >my heart pounds as I put on a Kid A track >he is dead silent >I want to say that it's not for everyone again, but I keep my mouth shut >I stare intently for his next reaction >halfway through the song he turns to me and says >"yeah, I don't know about this one" > I frantically try to find music that fits his taste, but to no avail >his moderate disinterest in all the following bands I showed him made me die a little inside each time >I spoke in a calm voice between each song as I tried to explain why they were good >he nods his head while not looking at me and suggests that we should go to the store now >I bash myself internally for coming on too strong the rest of the night >after that, I never mention anything involving my music tastes to him again >we're still friends fortunately >also pissed that no one I know understands me >mfw the only people who like the same things I do are Yas Forumsfags
i did this with my old best friend at his house. he listened to extraordinarily shitty music. xxxtentacion, lil peep etc you get me, only thing i could stand to listen was sublime and some reggae. one day decided to show him some music. showed him the microphones, neutral milk hotel, mad villain, and normie radiohead shit like you. said he enjoyed it but we were just chilling on our phones so he could've just zoned out. it's always cringe showing people things because people suck. whenever somebody shows me something i act attentive and give my honest opinion.
it's admirable that you took so much text to tell an anecdote that nobody will ever care about
Ryder Taylor
>Radiohead That's where you fucked up retard. No one likes Radiohead.
Sebastian Johnson
I also showed him Nuetral Milk Hotel, it didn't pan out well since Chucks voice sounds like his balls were sat on at times.
Joshua Garcia
He should have showed him Anyone Can Play Guitar. That's a kino song.
Noah Flores
God you people are fucking autistic. Of course some normal ass guy isn't going to like embarrassing 90s indie and your gay experimental shit. Listen to it yourself and be content with that. If you really want to circlejerk with other people about your terrible Yas Forumsdrone music taste meet people at shows of bands you like (once the covid-19 shit is over) or talk to other losers like yourself on Discord
Brandon Russell
>Normies Why even try
Asher Gomez
>hey bro, I wanna show you some cool very experimental songs >plays Radiohead
Zachary Williams
i'm sorry you're having a rough day! i hope you feel better soon. :)
To stop the greentext being longer than it is, I only mentioned Radiohead. I showed him Pink floyd, Crimson King, Aphex Twin, Ween, and even the deltron 3030 album.
Adam Nelson
>Has a friend in your car and waits to park and give him headphones to show him music Just play the music on the radio and don't make out like your music is something special to anyone but you
Alexander Reed
i'm only halfway through this, i'm gonna finish it but i just wanna let you know that this is really, really, REALLY gay so far.
Landon Barnes
Why do you have the music taste of a 12 year old? Pretty embarrassing, no wonder why your friend wasn't interested
Kevin Morris
>my heart pounds as I put on a Kid A track ngl funny as fuck
Jackson Williams
This thread is hilarious
Julian Jones
>not even being able to download a fucking png properly why are wojakfags so retarded?
Jackson Butler
>be me >smoking synthetic cannabis in a car >get handed aux cord >put on some ambient folk >forgot that it gets quite noisy after a minute or so >one dude freaks out and just starts walking away >two remaining dudes get shifty and suggests drive somewhere else >driver is blitzed out of his mind on the powder >driving in the wrong lane into a roundabout >oncoming traffic horns blaring as the female crooning and cacophony gets worse >almost died because of my taste in music
you even mention that you listen to classical music and people start treating you worse as if they think you're automatically trying to be a snob about it or something
Owen Robinson
This. God help you if you like Jazz, too.
Christian Torres
Having an autist friend who’s really “into music” is the worst. When they stare at you like a fucking mong waiting for your reaction while they play for you whatever garbage they’re into is awful.
Jayden Garcia
Nobody cares what music you’re into. It’s like nobody cares if you’re vegan unless you bring it up at every opportunity, that’s when you’re perceived as a snob and annoying. I listen to a lot of opera and it’s never been a problem with anyone.
Wyatt Martinez
I feel you my man, luckily I still enjoy other music too but only person I can talk about classical is my dad lol
Isaac Anderson
i dont think bringing it up when the conversation is about taste in music is "bringing it up at every opportunity"
probably just a difference in people we are around, im mostly stuck hanging around turbo liberal hipsters who probably think classical is white supremacy
Wyatt Cruz
Thanks user
Kayden Ortiz
I live in San Francisco so if you’re around more hipster liberal people than I am then I feel very sorry for you. SF Opera did The Ring Cycle a year or two back that I was autistically excited about and I didn’t even get shit about that.
Hudson Rogers
Wtf is wrong with all of you, greentexts are entertaining
shutthe fuck up no one wants to hear your shitty stories. if your friend has normie tastes then so what? mind your own business, not everyone has to be "based and kekpilled" like you you mouth breather
Ryan Price
That shit used to be wild. Its the only drug where the "high" is just fear.
Cameron Bennett
Kayden Barnes
>develops taste from Yas Forums >>mfw the only people who like the same things I do are Yas Forumsfags
I'm not autistic, so no, I've never felt like this, and never will. Leave people the fuck alone.
Alexander Stewart
Work at a record store, there would probably be more people there who understand
Nicholas Flores
stop identifying with your music tastes so much. it will only hinder your perceptions of music and limit your interest.
Robert Hall
if you get passed the aux just play what you want to hear. Fuck everyone else in the car. Just play some dank shit and don't get down if they don't like it. Everyone has different taste so dont take it to heart if they dont like ur Radioheads.
If someone wants my recommendation, I'll try to find something they'll like but why the FUCK would I ever say "here listen to this it's good I promise"unless it was some meme like temporary secretary or viper?