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Other urls found in this thread:

for me, it's cub

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love wony

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>slow posting
>wizcucks still make early pedo thread
unironically kys

minju is ready

WANNABE MV physically angers me. What's going on? Why is Lia trashing a well-made dining table? Why is Yuna taking selfies on a catwalk? Why is Ryujin cutting her hair extensions in a toilet? Why is Yeji dancing? Are these supposed to represent epic acts of rebellion? Why? Rebellion against who? Waiters and cooks who made dinner?
The only sensible part of entire MV is Chaeryeong running away from the drones, the scene looks cool and conceptual enough to let my mind find joy in some interpretation. But the rest is just too bizarrely pointless.

for me it's An Yujin

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Crazy story from Dispatch
>After complains from neighboors of a liquid seeping through the floor Korean police entered the apartment of a foreign man living in southern seoul
>The police say they found only the skin of the man living in the apartment floating on what the believe is coom
>A doctor at the Central Seoul Hospital believe that the man have edged himself to the point were his entire interior body turned into coom including his bones and internal organs
>Be tracking a million dollar money transfer from the man the police was led to famous idol Jeon Hee-Jin
>After hours of interrogation by the police she admitted that she had visited the foreigners apartment. in exchange for the cash she would tease and deny him and incourage him to edge his cock.
>This went on for three (3) months until the man eventually exploded and flooded the apartment with coom
>Jeon Hee-jin is facing 60 years in prison

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>cblinks have raised enough to buy 209k albums

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imagine being mina's boyfriend

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cutest girl in the universe

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why don't you photoshop a blacked photo and cry about it faggot

reddit post but i don't care. lia's was so retarded.

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for what

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Momo is literally a toddler and that is a good thing!

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I'd marry exy to make a yujin daughter

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That's a cutie

My goddess

don't ever reply to me attention whore

wony thread

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Twice women are too beautiful to pick a bias. They're all just so perfect and likeable.

I mean except Momo. Fuck Momo.

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Momo is probably the nicest one in the group, she seems so likeable

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It's about self affirmation teenage style

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Blackpink’s (Ddu-Du Ddu-Du) fills my body with so much Unbridled Rage every time I hear it...

I don’t understand why so much people like it..

I stayed up till 12am at midnight to stream the music video when it first dropped, and holy shit was that not worth it..

First Reason: The song is just extremely fucking bad.. It’s not catchy or good to listen to.. A lot of songs are made to grow on you, many songs I hated in the past have become an absolute necessity to my playlist.. D4 just didn’t do anything for me.. It’s a mess..

Second Reason: When you compare it to their other discography it’s just extremely lacking.. Especially when the song that came out before this (As if it’s your last) is the best Blackpink song in my own personal opinion.. It’s extremely disappointing to say the least..

Like I don’t even hate their style and aesthetic.. I loved Boombayah and Kill This Love, but D4 is just an absolutely atrocious song..

Edit: Also the fact that this song was their big hit.. It attracted so much bad people into the fandom that thinks that liking Kpop or liking a certain Kpop group is their whole identity baka...

Edit 2: Forgot to mention that I hate the choreo.. Give me some Kokobop or Don’t Wanna Cry choreography, not that shit (It’s not like I hate the choreo that much, it just isn’t interesting enough).. Also, Some of the outfits I really liked such as the MBC performance, but let’s be honest.. Those outfits were pretty fucking horrible in most performances..

Edit 3: Also YG is a bitch, it’s not an unpopular opinion, just stating a fact

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I love my cute gf so much

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she is silent and just a sweetheart

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thank god the oldshitters are gone
back to quality posting lads

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the best blackpink song is playing with fire


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mmm i love a good reddit seethe, link me senpai so i can rage

i think wony threads should be early

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want to face fuck her so bad

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>oldshitters are gone
>posts twice
what did he mean by this?

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he's being ironic i guess

I agree that AIIYL is their best track, and D4 is mediocre. I don't understand its popularity either

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>imagine being a small brown
no thanks

Have actually took time to seen a couple of threads? They all repeat the same catchphrases and post some gooks its like they are bots. Its reallt fucking weird...

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So what

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I haven't been here for like 2 weeks and it seems like not much is happening here
why is everything so slow when there's corona lockdown?

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Make it a 230 posts early Lisa thread

i hope she had a pleasant dream

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good taste

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does minju know?

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I need pits

I really like Forever Young except for the last 30 seconds

I'm not being ironic bozo
twice is the very best this gen has to offer

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do you ever sometimes just take in how cute and beautiful your waifu is too intensely and then just want to start crying for no other reason

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corona put a dent on anything notable happening

izone was on immortal songs earlier but kbs tricked us, theyre performing next week

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It's a good one

The only good things about twice are Sana, Mina, and Dubu's fat ass.

no she is pure

i cant believe you farmer actually bullied the oncels out of kpg.. the mad cunt actually did it

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wony cuny

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based me with my broken english

what's kpg's best catchphrase bros

and the rest of them

looks like Hands Up is still soty

she does

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yeah, I've watched that earlier today and hoped they would be performing today
at least Yena's fear dance cover was nice

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I used to be a once but then I realized I only liked them because they're the most popular and that IZ*ONE is simply better in every way.