Was a literal pedophile who is 100% confirmed to have fucked a child in the 70s

>Was a literal pedophile who is 100% confirmed to have fucked a child in the 70s
>Spent years as a literal nazi and was quoted as saying "Britain is ready for a fascist leader" and "I believe very strongly in fascism"
>Never got cancelled
>Never got ostracised for any of these things
>Leftists, LGBT and liberals worship him to this day

How did he get away with it?

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He wrote and recorded The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars



>fucking children and professing your love for adolf hitler in many interviews

idk man, i'm all for freedom of speech whatever form it takes. I think the kiddy diddler thing was a bit different than LostProphets etc cause he literally had 14 yo groupies throwing themselves at him.
Also FYI, Sable Starr fucked most of the Rolling Stones and Zeppelin. You basically can't like anyone who was famous in the 70s unless you can forgive a bit of noncery.

yes :)

children do not have feelings until 18 years old so you can't hurt them and so you can't be nice or rude towards them, it's like saying you can be nice toward a tree

adolf hitler has feelings user so he needs a little bit of recognition from time to time

kys pedo

good post

the white moms who grew up loving him are also the ones who cancel or metoo people. theres an obvious conflict of interest

Can I maybe get an article talking about the fascism stuff?

just google “thin white duke persona”

he made really good music and was relentlessly handsome
maybe if that faggot from lostprophets made anything near the quality of an album like heroes he would have gotten away with it

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Was it a groupie? Whores that follow you around don't count.

thanks i wrote it!


So it's a character that he created and acted out, and that's what makes people think of him as a fascist?

>professing your love for adolf hitler in many interviews

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it's not really a "character"
at the time bowie was very shy and he did interviews and all public appearances "ïn character" , and at that time (1974-1976) he was snorting mountains of cocaine and generally went a bit insane

here's the response you were clearly fishing for when you replied to my post, you attention-starved incel.

People are generally able to look past things people did over 40 years ago while everyone was on mountains of coke and heroin, especially if the person is dead. And it’s not like Bowie didn’t create controversy back then with the Thin White Duke persona, it’s just that now everyone has moved on

Pretty much. His entire life was a character.

wait wait wait
so you are saying he wasn’t really a doomed alien messiah?


That was the only real part.

Phew, it’s a good thing Google exists because I thought you were actually telling the truth for a second there!

My brother was talking about this the other day, yeah nobody ever brings up Bowie's fascist persona.

>>Was a literal pedophile who is 100% confirmed to have fucked a child in the 70s
No he literally wasn't this is a lie. Lorie Maddox or whoever is a proven liar. do some basic research before making a fool out of yourself next time


The pedo stuff was a complete lie, see As for the fascism, I always had mixed feelings about it because I recognize how fucked up some of the stuff he said was but I also know that his mind was clouded by the massive amount of drugs he was taking. He was basically incapable of sound reasoning at the time, and he publicly apologized for that years later. so...

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all that while making amazing music, truly the most based man to ever live

Newsflash user, not everyone who makes art is necessarily a good person.

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Stop trying so hard, Discord tranny

>love for adolf hitler
ironically he just loved their aesthetic


killing people is so asthetic guys

only commies and jews

Shut the fuck up. Don't invade my space with your retardation, cunt.

Killing commies is philosophically ethical

1. It’s ephobophilia
2. He was trying to be an edge lord

Killing yourself would be even more ethical, user. Be the change you want to see in the world

>nevuh gawt cankle
how did john podesta get away with it
how did any celebrity or politician get away with it
why are they just allowed to do these things
why won't siegefriends or backyard maoists hold them accountable in a fun and safe way
why did they turn me too around on the general public after KKKosby and weensteen got slapped
think about it

I don't want to see that change in the world. I want to see the looks of fear and pain on the face of a communist as I shoot him in the gut and leave him to fucking die slowly. Fuck you

imagine being over the age of 14 and not finding this statement to be deeply embarrassing lmao. Are you larping as the Postal Dude?

I don't know who that is. Expressing a hatred for communists is not embarrassing, it's a source of pride and it's the duty of every compassionate, ethical and free person.

based i love bowie now


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he was quite attractive
that's basically a free pass


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>n-no, y-y-you
Nice job

if you're a nazi or a communist you have aspergers

It's not a "no u."

You called me a young ugly white kid, I called you a fat, mentally ill freak

>he doesn't think nazi looked cool

confirmed pussy

>It's not a no u
>you insulted me so I insulted you in the exact same way as a direct response
nice job
>You called me a young ugly white kid
Your words, not mine. Projection is doing my job for me lmao

>exact same way

The person in your picture is different from mine. It's a different insult. If I replied with a soijak, that would be a third separate insult. Basic reading comprehension is hard for commies

Oh, you're only a tireless campaigner against fake dairy, but you're also a pedo. Nice.

>The person in your picture is different from mine
>But the format of insult is the same
good job
>Basic reading comprehension is hard for commies
not a commie but keep grasping at straws, little Contra fighter.


There are only two formats on this site for insults. Words and images.

Stupid fucking communist.

holy cringe

I can't wait to ruin his career.

stop getting so mad, contra junior, your mom will let you out to kill sandinistas after your homework is done

>communists deserve to die
>BRROOO this is cringe bro how can you not support communism YIKES

lol the political message isn't cringe dude it's the fact that this reads like someone trying and failing to come off like a badass.

It was meant to be edgy and bait replies from asshurt communists

only black men and people who rape boujee cali girls get cancelled