
Good ol' speed metal edition
previously on /metal/:

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>there will never be a better metal band than Type O Negative
why even continue?

Peter Steele didn't


This is sounding pretty dope breh. Luv me so me shred.

Are there any Power Metal bands with limited musicianship? Like bands where there is no double bass and no shredding solos because the drummer can't do double bass and the guitarist can't solo for shit? Or is that what USPM is?


Yeah bro let's just put a bunch of thots at a party in our music video

Late 90s/early 00s were pretty peak for popular music, at least in Europe. While America was going through its wigger phase for another decade we had both Eurodance and Europower at their peaks.

>got his debut with Shrapnel Records at only 18 years old
>fantastic singing voice, sounding like a cross between Paul Rodgers and Chris Cornell
>beat up Michael Richards once
>reinvented his style in his 40s, now able to do all the crazy shred shit with no pick
>ballsy enough to replace Paul Gilbert in Mr. Big
>best friends with Keanu Reeves

Why don't you talk about Richie Kotzen?

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Ich muss kotzen, wenn ich ihn sehe

Because I don't know who the fuck he is

Link to a song? Album? Something with shred


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>not knowing poison

I do know Poison though


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Doesn't look like he was on their heyday albums so I'm excused, not like I need to keep tabs on who's in which band even if I enjoy them.


Still how the fuck can you go from THIS to playing bluesrock? And I don't mean Poison but what he's doing now. Where's the SHRED, man? Or would it alienate his audience? What's the deal?

Best Poison

He's like a lot of the Shrapnel guys, he got sick of doing shred metal albums after a few years and wanted to branch out. He's almost akin to a more updated version of Tommy Bolin, he'll schizophrenically go from hard rock to blues to poppy blue-eyed soul to jazz fusion prog to funk and all around again.



Btw I'm thinking of moving from Shitland (finland) to Germany. Bad move? How's the rapefugger situation there?

Really fun player. His instructional stuff is geat. Always struck me as slightly odd that he always got so much high profile press, label budgets, and signature products considering he’s not that popular. However, considering the whole Keanu thing, maybe he hangs out in upper tier mainstream circles and they pull triggers for him.

it's a meme, the brown people in germany aren't that bad and they're not "replacing" the native populace

How do I memorize scale patterns across the entire fingerboard and use them, instead of just one box at a specific fret (like the E pentatonic box on the fifth fret)?

Rapefugee-situation is easing up a bit, you wont be seeing much unless you are planning to move to one of the bigger cities (don't)

Where you at? I used to live in Berlin (Kreuzberg at one point) and I fucking hated every minute of it, and this was before 2014. I went to Munich in 2016 in a C&A and I was the only white person on the entire floor except some pole.

Where all you guys are from? How’s the metal situation where you live? I’m Dutch, many people seem to think The Netherlands is a metal heaven, but the metal fans are mostly in the deep south and upper north, while I live in the middle. It seems that most people from the more metal regions here tend to love melodeath and corset metal, neither of which I particularly like.

What’s wrong with Finland? Serious question. I know nothing about your country aside from that there’s a lot of metal that comes from there, your language is difficult, and that most people seem really weird/awkward.

Probably a combination of being popular with other musicians and success in Asia thanks to his stint in Mr. Big


Nigga, there hardly a worse place to live if you don't like mudslimes.

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learn all the pentatonic boxes one by one. and then when you are comfortable to play it in one key like E minor for instance. move on to another key. And when you are super comfortable with that, add the two other notes of the scale so you can play ionian / aeolian modes for example. the 7 note scale.

Attached: pentatonic_boxes.png (640x397, 67.28K)

The Northlands.

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The classic box on the fifth fret is A minor (although there are many boxes on the fifth fret).
just practice bro
Seriously, try improvising over a backing track with the scale on only one strange. Pentatonic is just five notes per octave. It’s very easy to do. Become familiar with the intervals and you’ll quickly nltice them across the fretboard on all strings. It’s all the same intervals, you just start in a different place.

what should lyrics be about?

I'm not from here originally, I just moved here a few years ago.

>What’s wrong with Finland?

I can name so many things it would be better if I said "what's right with Finland" (some of the womens' appearance, public transportation, and drinkable tap water) and then told you everything else sucks or is fucked, or more like the combination is. The thing I hate most is that you feel like you're in some backwater island at the end of the earth, not in Core Europe. The second thing is the weather/lack of sunlight, sub 20 degree weather in June and having to wear a jacket in summer just ain't for me.

>most people seem really weird/awkward

I think Finns are the most rude and toxic people I've ever met, they're annoying enough in person but they especially let their hair down online since they're too pussy to say anything in person. One time some old fingol asked me "what am I doing here" and all I was doing was drinking a cup of tea on a bench hear my house, and like I said I'm white.

music videos killed metal

Thanks bro! This is what I needed.

Do you have any boxes for the Aeolian mode?

nice floofy gal there

Are you from Lulea? Do you still have snow there? Have you seen Machinae Supremacy live? Why is there a university so far north? How can you stand them colds, what's so great about living where you are?

That’s not my point. I just noticed a trend and was wondering where it started.

Thanks to user in the last thread who posted that Minotaur album. This is good shit

Didn't early Napalm Death have 2deep4u lyrics?

Based edition.

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Any more major key (power) metal?

cant find any boxes for that but save the picture, and then draw the missing notes in each of the five boxes, shouldnt be too difficult bro.

In the key of E minor you have E-F#-G-A-B-C-D


No such thing as lack of sunlight during the summer in northern Scandinavia dude, be it Norway, Sweden or Finland.
>Are you from Lulea?
Oh hell no, fuck that place and burn it to the ground. Those fuckers sold out to the southerners over 400 years ago and all shitty things come from Luleå. We call them LeuL hasaföttren where i'm from, and it's not a compliment.
>Do you still have snow there?
Yes, it actually snowed yesterday.
>Have you seen Machinae Supremacy live?
I have not.
>Why is there a university so far north?
Why not?
>How can you stand them colds, what's so great about living where you are?
You get used to it, that's why you wear clothes. The worst part of winter is not the cold but the total absent of sun, December is a very dark month with pretty much 0 hours of sunlight. I love it here because of the contrast of summer and winter which is the complete opposite, midnight sun vs. lack of sun. I also like the wilderness, great places to go fishing, hunting etc. It's a very calming place.

Vektor – Terminal Redux

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Wtf you didn't tell me reddit was based

>No such thing as lack of sunlight during the summer

Ok you're right about that, but you don't really FEEL the sun like you would in Andalusia, even if it's bright out you'd still have to wear a windbreaker. And many of the days it's cloudy here, I remember one midsummer it just rained.

>The worst part of winter is not the cold but the total absent of sun, December is a very dark month with pretty much 0 hours of sunlight.

Honestly my sleep schedule is so fucked it doesn't even bother me that much since I miss most of the daylight hours anyway and don't like going outside anymore because of the cold, no incentive to. I miss the med countries where I could just walk out the door in a t-shirt, take a walk through the city admiring the architecture and stop for a coffee or 2 euro arancino or whatever.

>Oh hell no, fuck that place and burn it to the ground.

So you're in Umea then? Kiruna? Some good bands from Umea I think.

>Those fuckers sold out to the southerners over 400 years ago


>all shitty things come from Luleå

Such as?

Can you tell the difference in phenotypes between people in Sweden? Which place has the most attractive women?

>Why not?

Because it's pointless and annoying

>I also like the wilderness, great places to go fishing, hunting etc.

I've never been, I also don't have local friends to introduce me to it. Other than some hikes and lake dips I haven't done much, went to Storforsen as well, that was nice.

What kind of metal do you listen to? Do you like Steel Attack, HammerFall or any of the Swedish bands? What do you think of Ola Englund? And what's the deal with the Finnish-sounding names up north in Norrland, did you Swedishize the people there?

What's some essential Björn "Speed" Strid metal?

Nice record, gonna listen to it now, thanks mate


This band predicted internet assholes before the internet became mainstream. Song is still relevant 20 years later.

Wtf, you don't need to wear that unless you're a wimp. I use t-shirts and shorts all summer, even when it's raining. The arctic summer may be a bit different compared to the rest of the world, but since i was born here in the north i guess i am used to it.
During winter you can also be outside, unless it's like -40c or something. No such thing as bad weather only bad clothes.
>So you're in Umea then? Kiruna? Some good bands from Umea I think.
No in between those. The mortal enemy of Luleå is Piteå and vice versa, it goes back hundreds of years.
Historical stuff, goes back to the historical Westrobothnia.
>Such as?
Policies, politics, assholes and so on.
There are Samis, Finns, Norwegians and Swedes in Norrland. The Swedes have a lot of different dialects of the Westrobothnian "language" scattered along the bothnian coast from Umeå to Över Kalix.
>Which place has the most attractive women?
All of the towns that end with "å".
>Because it's pointless and annoying
For you maybe, not for the people who live here. Lots of industry and resource gathering here in the north that need educated people.
>I've never been, I also don't have local friends to introduce me to it.
That's a shame, there are a lot of beautiful places here in the north, from the forest areas, to the steppe like north-north (Sapmi area).
Storforsen is a cool place, if you had follow the river north west you would eventually come to a place where everything is named Troll-something (Trollforsen, Trollholmen, Trollträsk, Trollsel and so on), probably lots of trolls in that area.

I like thrash metal, old death metal and old heavy metal.
>And what's the deal with the Finnish-sounding names up north in Norrland, did you Swedishize the people there?
That is most likely the Sami places where the Sapmi live. The Swedish places are located on the bothnian coast and all have Swedish/Norse names that dates back hundreds of years.
Yes they got Swedefied during the 17th century, so did the Finns. The North Swedish population was also forced to learn and speak Swedish. The Westrobothnian dialects are very similar to Swedish (and Norwegian) but a much older Swedish language that dates back to the 12-13th century.

what's your favorite brand of guitar for metal, anons

i like how scary black metal dudes always play the gibbies

pic related: my dream gibber

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>All of the towns that end with "å".

So Luleå then? :P

No really, which places in all Sweden have the most attractive women?

Ok cool, thanks for the info.

Are there any neat movies shot in Norrland? It was very scenic in the summer with all the bright light and the gulf, I must admit I enjoyed that and will probably never forget it.

I don't play one but I'd like to try a Strandberg with even temperament frets.

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They play gibson because they want it to sound as shit as possible.

I guess. I don't know which place has the most attractive women, i guess the entire country, from North to South, West to East. You'll find them all over the place.
>Are there any neat movies shot in Norrland?
There is a movie called Jägarna (Hunters), they shot that movie around Älvsbyn and Storforsen. Norrland is a huge place you know, it's about 60% of the entire land mass of Sweden. The gulf is a small part of it. If you go to Sarek there are no forest but lots of mountains and wide open spaces, in between the gulf and Sarek are deep forests that are dark and spooky even in the summer.

Esp has never done me wrong, but I've been itching to get a Kiesel

i love the function of a strandberg, at least i think i would, i've never played one
it's such a brilliant and unique idea

it's just that they sound so bad every time i look up a demo video??
maybe i just have weird ears but they have this scooped, thin tone. and their pickups have that ceramic emg sound.

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Does that literally mean elf village?

Whats wrong with finland ?

I dunno, Sarah Longfield plays one and I like it.


Maybe, but no it means River village (or both?). Pite river runs thru the village. All though there are lots of folk myths/lore that survived in some of those parts inland like Älvsbyn. Lots of crazy shit happened here in the North 100 years ago.

Internet was already mainstream

>Lots of crazy shit happened here in the North 100 years ago.

Such as?

I had a girlfriend there, and her great aunt's father or grandfather or something was Sami. She told a story that her father had a horse, and a bear saw it and it spooked the horse, so they had to put the horse down. Not much of a story but first time I heard of something like that.

One time while hiking through the Apuan alps alone I encountered a horse on the narrow path of the mountain, that was weird. Had to wait for it to get out of my way or risk getting kicked in the face.

Is new Testament any good? It's shit isn't it?

They had a article in the local newspaper about events that took place 100 years ago in the area, taken from old newspapers and such. It was about the fishermen in town who had desecrated a freshly buried murder victim, decapitated her, cut off her right hand and skinned her legs. Brought all these artifacts with 'em on their fishing boats for good luck. (happened more than once)
Also cow magicians who would put protection spells on cows and other livestock so they would find their way home and not get eaten by bears. And things like building roads after the so called vitter-stigarna so the road would not cross their road. Vittrorna did not like that and would bring bad luck and even killing people who did this.