Attached: jiu's back.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Which idol will be the first to sell feet pics after their career ends?

Attached: 99ADB6415D5FFEDE27.jpg (2561x4096, 946.08K)

fuck lmao

rosie :)

Attached: 2lmjzem4ugm31.jpg (820x1024, 114.18K)

signal bonnae

Attached: 1584907893565.jpg (1442x2048, 195.39K)

>kop general


nice try shlomo


fucking retard

Do you have
1) an asian/K-girl fetish (asianness itself an attractive feature, other girls in general less attractive, perhaps even exclusiveness)
2) a preference (Personality or physicality?)
3) no specific reaction to asianness (liking cute girls regardless of race, just happen to like 1 or several who you know through K-Pop)
I guess same applies to the homos on here though I'm somewhat convinced they are ironic.

>kop general
just wait for the wonybros to start posting, it's finally time for them to get caught!

what if he misspelled it so everyone on Yas Forums who has "KPOP GENERAL" filtered, now has to see it?

Attached: 1585404590505.webm (506x900, 2.92M)

>not on the list

I have a fetish for K-Pop Idol Giantesses

Attached: giantesstaeyeon02.jpg (911x1280, 599.76K)

Errybody say ''Thank You Milk Goddess'' for introducing pilates to Wony

Attached: IMG_20200404_200204.jpg (795x960, 141.53K)


what type of panties do minju, chimp and jo yuri wear?


Attached: 273fc7de253d1c852c.png (552x636, 718.95K)

So stretching?

that would make him a retard

Actually fucking based


so, it's way more than that


good job

Attached: 1585622256218.webm (938x1080, 2.91M)

more like COPE GENERAL am i right guys?

Polka dots


Day 194:
twice comeback news in 3 hours BROS

Attached: IMG_20200331_044304.jpg (379x379, 29.45K)

i appreciate eunbi doing pilates but wony is not for that

For me, it's them.

Attached: 1584857406495.jpg (1080x1080, 144.04K)

copping a feel...

Attached: jungsadatzu_181214.webm (910x512, 988.06K)

I'm not being dismissive. Please elaborate.

I dont believe you anymore dude

we know that she's been grooming them for a while. she's a pervert and a pedophile

Attached: 1555668453690.webm (1280x720, 364K)

Attached: EUvGV8kU8AAMJ9s[1].jpg (1333x2000, 1.42M)

fuck why is busan so lewd

i know it's hard to believe, but i'm not an attractive girl that does pilates
if you want to know more search the net

Attached: EUvGMzCUMAAQeVa[1].jpg (1333x2000, 1.58M)

days since last good twice cb: 726

you can't sell your used panties if you don't wear any, yuri is not being smart here

Is giantess the most reddit vanilla fetish?
>hurr durr I like normal figured women but I also want to tell everyone how weak and little I feel. Aren't I cray cray
Kys manlet.Go join a boxing class.

A bit of all 3


Attached: 1569702149399.jpg (730x740, 110.86K)

Attached: EUvGF5KUcAAGVrX[1].jpg (1333x2000, 1.61M)

Kek. Fair enough. Thought maybe Yas Forums would be here and had some insights.

she can sell her used safety shorts instead imagine how creamy they are

but asian girls usually look cuter both by their phenotype and by their styling and behavior

Attached: flexibility test.webm (600x968, 2.96M)

beautiful yoo

Attached: 1569463891706.jpg (2000x3000, 1.14M)

would be willing to pay a couple of hundreds of dollars for that

dubu is such a fake


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Attached: aUvqvgm.jpg (1200x1800, 2.01M)

Gf just sent me this with the type bored. Kpop for this feel?

Attached: 3f77a5854c71e8564b40d10c183b4f11.jpeg.jpg (960x960, 62.73K)

a bit of 1 and 3. i think i have a "thing" for asian girls and have done long before discovering kpop, but it's not like a full on fetish at all.

cute girls are cute regardless of race


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Attached: giantesstaeyeon03.jpg (677x1080, 200.7K)

closer is so fucking good bros

at least it's not a food pic this time

Why do Rosie posters always post the same 3 pics?
We're getting less munchies than her lmao.

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Attached: 1583655690571.webm (554x563, 1.15M)

teaching jo yuri what that sensitive little ball on the top of her p is for

Fancy UwU

don't do that

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how can anyone compete?

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they're probably just the best pics, idk. i always default to my favorite pics

post her


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Me on the left

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is he talking about Eunbi?

please molest me

They are so busted now.

I think i should drop them

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Attached: 1585969059935.webm (960x892, 1.36M)

this is rape

me too
long to be their boy

Attached: 6e699d8c20f3574651fb3031998c1e8c452c3f5f_hq.jpg (1024x768, 86.48K)

imagine fucking tinny’s Thicc ass

>pinned plastic generation

comfy and cute

t. midgets

there are so many ex-sones turned wizones on twitter for some reason

sorry, you have to be a dreamcatcher member to get the full SuA experience

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Attached: 드림캐쳐, Scream 가현 포커스, 하이! 컨택 [더 쇼 200225]_16.94775 _screenshot.jpg (1080x1920, 170.67K)

bro she's just...

Attached: IMG_20200403_185538.jpg (1024x622, 48.06K)

desire them desu

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for one thing only

My future wife

she's so adorable

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>Tfw the wall also damaged your emotion regulator chip

i'm here for the music


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