King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard is objectively the best current modern rock band at the moment prove me wrong

King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard is objectively the best current modern rock band at the moment prove me wrong

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i listened to some of their first albums but one of them demotivated me to keep listening, which one is the best?

My favorite three albums by them are Nonagon Infinity, Polygondwanaland, and I’m In Your Mind Fuzz.

Nonagon is good if you want some turbo fast paced shittily mixed rock about cults and Satan and wizards and shit

Poly is good if you want something profit with weird time signatures

Mind fuzz is good if you want a pretty orthodox and straightforward psych/garage rock album

they're great but also they're one of the only bands that produce filler albums instead of filler tracks

Proggy* not profit lol

Curious to hear which albums you consider filler? They are really prolific but IMO their only weak albums are their first EP’s and 12 bar bruise

for me paper mache, gumboot soup and fishing for fishies seem rather filler-y


But for real though, their range and consistency in quality seems impossible. I love these Aussie fucks.

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I don't even like the rest of this album. Just saying, rock gets much better than meme bands. Mid-tier progressive songwriting and basic production don't go far enough for me. Rock should inundate the senses.

>Between the Buried and me

I can agree with Gumboot and fishies, but PMDB is another one of my favs. I love that album

BTBAM has been around for 20 years

gumboot and oddities are literally just left over tracks from previous albums. fishing for fishies is shit but its just them experimenting with a different sound so not really filler. paper mache dream balloon is one of their best albums fuck you

You shit on basic production and then post this.

How to choose a favorite project of theirs:
Patrician - Paper Mâché Dream Balloon / Flying Microtonal Banana
Contrarian - Willoughby's Beach / 12 Bar Bruise
Pleb - Nonagon Infinity / Murder of the Universe
HyperPleb - Everything Else


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Love to see Gizz appreciation on here. Super hyped for their upcoming album.

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they make decent albums, nothing really groundbreaking or mind blowing, just fun to listen to
they do get mentioned a lot as a favorite by normies with basic bitch taste

Pretentious garbage, even here in Aus. Only craft beer drinking, bong smoking hippies like this shit.

Holy shit, since when does this board like King Gizz?

Now that they can't do the theatre release for Chunky Shrapnel I'm undecided on paying the same price for a digital stream rental. Sure it would have taken longer but they should have done a DVD release.

have you been living under a rock

dam I'm not even gon lie that cover kinda sucks

Polygonwanaland, Flying Microtonal Banana, or Gumboot Soup are the correct answers

King Gizzard's production is way more interesting than this songs production

>have to wait til April 24 to stream the live album
I don't know if I can make it bros...

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Gumboot Soup has some of the best songs they've ever written. The Wheel, Superposition, All Is Known, Muddy Water. So many great tracks on that one.

They are good but I won't go so far to say what you did OP.

I have three favourite - Banana, Nonagon and Polygondwanaland. Each for their own different reasons.

Mediocre bands don't write and record tracks like Crumbling Castle. They (or should I say, Stu) know and understand music on a different level.

The genius of Polygondwaland is that it does not draw attention first and foremost to the complexity of itself which is the main sin of many prog-rock bands. They are so determined to execute niche musical theories that they forget to write songs with melodies and groove.

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Any updates on pic related?

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wish i was back with the lads in the gizz mosh :(

FMB really could have gone the other way in hands of lesser musicians. Yes, it's an homage to Anatolian rock and some melodies are pretty much lifted from that heritage but none of the songs on that album sound like a facsimile, parody or something even far worse.

I hope Stu looks further East for more inspiration, I would love to hear Koto or steel drums.

Poly was so good they had to release it for free.
Sad Willoughby's doesn't get much attention.
I met the boys after their show in NOLA. Great super smart dudes.

This whole Chinese cringe aids threw a curveball, they were supposed to be on tour by now. Probably later this year, Ambrose is doing Murlocs album rn.

its very toolish. luckily its just a live album

My biggest want/hope from kgatlw is for their next project/s worth of microtonal adventuring, they move into radically divergent tunings, not only equal temperaments (5, 17, 11, 22, etc.) but also some world scales or no octave tunings. I'm not extremely knowledgable with xenhamonic things, mind you. It's a world unto it's own.

They have a lot of really different sounding albums. Some that I've not liked at first have become amazing, like Gumboot Soup. You'll have to figure out where your entry point it. Mine was Eyes Like the Sky

It's possible that you just haven't come to like those filler albums, or that they aren't your thing. I don't think I'll ever really like Infest the Rats Nest

Notice all the different opinions here





fair enough

>shittily mixed
your mother

Jeez no one has any love for MotU. Can’t stop replaying the album

It's decent, but not a stand out, hence the lack of attention on it. The biggest stand out moments I can think of are The very beginning of Murder of The Universe (track), and this point in with that melody. Everything else sounds like par for the course with this band. Not to say it's bad, just largely unmemorable.

480, I mean. with 486 the first instance of the melody is skipped.

id love to hear an that they put sincere songwriting effort into without the Epic Randumb Vomit Weed Banana XDDDDD shit. They're all compentent musicians, too. I dont listen for lyrics but there's no way I can listen to shit like Mr. Beat is just too much

fuck me theres a lot of errors in that posr, i need to sleep

I cannot understand how people think Nonagon Infinity is their best.

Sure, it's got great tracks but the latter half is quite weak. The gimmick of "whOAG it's a never-ending album!!!!" is weak because half of the song transitions are just the main melody slapped at the end of half the songs, and seamless segueing is done in any competent prog rock concept album.

Not as narratively engaging as MotU, not as technically experimental as FMB, not nearly as consistent as Poly or Mind Fuzz and not as quaint as PMDB.

Ain't no one talkin bout Sketches, not the best but by far most underrated

Tezzzeta tezzzeta

dogleg - melee

12 bar bruise is great

They have 2 good songs

U guys don't like Willoughby's Beach?

The only other contender: The Chats.

Yeah bro liking things is totally onions dude


Paper Mache is good, I like that they took it down a notch.
I actually still haven’t heard the other two.

damn ngl that cover is kinda dope

local legend says he died right after making this post

Quarters! is so underrated

If this is the real cover, It's a pretty big departure from their regular cover art style. It can still be related back to the ITRN cover, but none of the others really. Gizz covers do always have some variation of the colors Red Blue Green and Yellow on them though, maybe kgatlw/jasongalea think it's more eyecatching?