Other one's dying.
Don't lazypost
Other one's dying
posted mine a bunch of times in these threads
gonna check out the albums i dont know
2 shirtless album covers, nice
+xiu xiu
based new yorker
based water drinker
+yellow swans
what's your favourite sweet trip song? mine's either Pretending or Milk
Jeff is incredible, def check out PUP if you haven't, they're heavily inspired by him. he played a few songs with them at their echo beach show too
+TOTBL, xiu xiu, HANL, modest mouse
favourite track off of Long Drive?
Been digging Breakthrough recently
+the hotelier
everyone has a very nice choice of animal :)
mad respect for Incunabula, criminally underrated Autechre
Based book
Based porn
underrated genesis album im PUP is great, i love their s/t the most, imo they gradually got worse with each release but thats not to say they have any bad albums
++GY!BE, Xiu Xiu, Futurama
+weed, tetsuo, ootter
++HANL, Sierra Tahoe
+TF2, filet mingon
++Aphex Twin, MGS2, Cowboy Bebop
++Smiths, American Football, CSH
+Star Wars, South Park
++spirit of eden, anim als
++98.12.28, ITAOTS
love red krayola, mbv, early pink floyd, naked lunch. good taste in everything except porn
love primus,tetsuo and lain. never got into car seat headrest, xiu xiu, gybe etc. i guess (modern) indie is not for me, production is too clean
polvo is great. need to reread farewell to arms
eeewww erased. watch more anime
big black and evangelion are fucking great
I sometimes forget to come back to these for replies
Dr Bepper is good
+Xiu Xiu
+Sleeping on the beaches album
-----Milk, it hurts my stomach.
+Best PF album
++Simcity 3000
Based twink
Too patrician for me
Fanta is shoot gross
Fantastic albums, love Gastr del Sol
Lain seems really interesting, I've heard a lot about it but never checked it out
Love TF2 and nice ambient-drone picks
Newfag here. Sorry, what does it mean when you post those plus signs? Like >++GY!BE, Xiu Xiu, Futurama
+weed, tetsuo, ootter
the more pluses, the more you like it too, minuses mean disagree
Thank you.
+ Don Caballero
+ Tortoise
+ Naked Lunch
+ Drive
+ Hemingway
+ Aphex Twin
+ Autechre
+ The Shining
+ Breaking Bad
+ Location, I like my bed too
+ Animals
+ Coca Cola
>likes dick and androgynus fags
like clockwork
you didn't have to specify you're gay with porn taste, we could tell from the rest of the chart
tetsuo is pretty cool i guess
pretty good. i feel like i've seen a lot of people in these threads say animals is one of their favorite albums. i don't think the album was that liked on here before
+Big Black
Pretty damn based. Also, what kind of drink is that?
++Morbid Angel
Based metalhead/Nietzsche fan. You seem like a cool person.
I don't recognize much here but +Kate Bush and ++La Croix
Drive is such a good movie. One of my favorites from Nick Refn. Good stuff, user.
Based choccy milk drinker
Stout beer is based
Fucking based movie and location
Godamn so much boomer rock nigger, but at least you got that King Crimson in there, respect.
You seem cool
++++KLF, MGS2, The Shining
very good taste except for breaking bad which sucks
TQID and American Football are two of my all time favorites. Overall good depressioncore taste
Your favorite Sparks is Gratuitous Sax?
Your Favorite film is the meaning of life???? That isn't even the best Python Film
Patrician enough to just admit that your favorites are also very popular, I like it.
You seem like a cool metalhead.
+++Plantasia, Beetlejuice
Based Stars of the Lid bros
I'm . That's called an Italian soda, and it's gonna change your life.
Degenerates, the lot of you
Except you. You’re alright. Don’t like taxi driver or beer but you’re alright. You, especially, need to cleanse yourself. Find god. Do yoga. Whatever it takes.
>Your favorite Sparks is Gratuitous Sax?
Some days its Gratuitous Sax, some days No 1 in Heaven, depends in the mood
>Your Favorite film is the meaning of life???? That isn't even the best Python Film
I love all Python films but I much prefer the sketch based approach of Meaning of Life to the story-oriented writing of the other two. Its also a very nostalgic film for me. I dont know if its the favourite of mine but its up there for sure :)
nice GI
grew up with adventure time
god I wish I can remember my favorite strain
I think it was tangerine dream based, just wrote for the entire time
+don cab, tortoise
+polvo, tf2
+bark psychosis, autechre
+indian summer, polvo
++drink, porn, book
+xiu xiu
+++xiu xiu, coil, tf2
+yellow swans
+vidya, porn, drink
+++swans are dead, porn
+swans but tbk is maybe my least favourite of theirs (not being a contrarian just don't really like prog rock)
+++porn, animal
+++book, vidya, drink
I am highly intrigued. It looks very tasty. I need to try it someday.
+swans, xiu xiu
+talk talk, HANL, GYBE and Sweet Trip
+pink floyd and nick drake
+ the thing and RE
+smiths and sufjan stevens
+better call saul
+++gi, nice chart
+sgp and king of the hill
nice disreali gears and doors, otherwise meh
+porn and ++trailer park boys
listen to you're living all over me by dinosaur jr
absolutely based
+indian summer and the minutemen
nice guy picciotto though i'm not straight edge
based music and always sunny
+foetus, xiu
+location, animal
+food, drink, location
drake, orca, thing, food, drink, location
>You, especially, need to cleanse yourself. Find god. Do yoga. Whatever it takes.
Out of all people ITT why me, o wise one?
do you even have to ask?
If you like orcas, check out Benoit pioulard’s stuff. He’s a member of orcas. Temper and lasted are 10/10 albums
My music tastes are so varied to the point where its almost annoying, idk what I like. Anyone else like Back to the USSR or Minor Threat?
really? come on.
no im just gay and new
Your chart is fucking me up. Right down to the file name. Impeccable taste.
+otters, SEL, and Futurama
-animu maid girls
+Pretty much all of your taste in music barring Xiu Xiu
+good music taste across the board
+ Apocalypse Now, NGE, and Daria
+Les Rallize Denudes
+NitW border collies
-cute boys getting beaten up
Lol, stop
>Nu Jamal
>Tranny shit
And they say AEW fans are the trannies...
Cute boys getting beat up is based
What is that?
still need an explanation on the animal user
based bronie boomer
+food +drink -coil
cool dude, seems semi chad but still a bro
+labyrinth -star wars, smirnoff is awful too man
great everything, too bad for coca cola but still based
+fishmans +movie, but this whiskey is pleb choice
+daria -drink
awful everything except animal
+based alcohol and food, what's your favorite red wine user?
+movie, but that beer is awful dude
Asahi is the pleb choice amongst japanese beers, what an awful choice of everything except animal
animal and food is goat, I'd cook and hang out with you user
really disliking these albums, however food is based
raspberry tea? neck yourself please, tea doesn't need any added shit
lazy poster
you seem like a dangerous person to be with but nice chart user
I like your taste user, except video game but eh
citizen kayne zzzzzzzzzzzzz
++deltron, but get LSD outta here
I consider this a lazy post.
still less than yours :^)
This is a fucking nightmare to do on a phone.
I really dig your taste in music. Frogs are dope.
Are those eggs? Love Venture Bros and shrooms.
Damn, TF2 is popular on here. I used to sell pigs at the county fair when I was a teenager; I fucking hated it. I always got attached to them, and the noises they make after you load them into the slaughter truck is soul crushing. It probably affected me more than I realize.
would hang out with
Can you link me a good example of that?
Thread's probably gonna die right after I post mine like every other time but fuck it, lol
Extremely based choices in every category. Tribes Ascend is a great game
Would hang out with. I really like Sophie's music a lot
Satoshi Kon gang rise up
Fuuuck jellyfish are an underrated animal
I'm .
++Fear of music
+Discipline, Endtroducing, The Idiot, crab, cephalopod
Kill yourself faggot