When did punk become DNC Rock

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Punk was never right-wing, get fucked nazi.

It was never left wing either retard

Nice. Based.

Punk was good when it was made up of unapolagetic purist leftists who didn't drink up radlib SJW/idPol autism koolaid (2016-present wave got hijacked by neolib HRspeakers and a tiny sect of alt right incels like negativeXP or whatever. It's fucking retarded,)

based as fuck

>centrist punk
name 1 (one) band

negativeXP isn't even a real incel as he's had a gf in the past but don't let his fans know that

The Sex Pistols

Who cares. He fucking sucks ass either way.

2014 was a mistake; everything (esp with zoomers) in pop culture and politics is based on crudely written and drawn shit made up on Yas Forums and from pewdiepie nowadays.

Everything is fucking gay and retarded now.

The hardcore scene of the 80s ranged from apolitical to anti-Reagan, with Reagan Youth being probably the most notable example.
The Dead Kennedys, while not strictly and hardcore band, were clearly left of center. Even the name is a statement of left-leaning politics.

*Either apolitical, anti reagan, super gatekeepy/exculsive leftists to autistic levels or neo nazis.

Zoomer and Yoomer punks are tumblr-grade radlib SJW bougies who finally and sadly discovered lesser known stuff over the past few years (who were usually former hot topic mallgoth/scenesters) that Doc Corbin would behead on sight.

Punk wasn't about being in any political alignment, it was about triggering people.
Many punks used swastikas because it triggered war veteran bongs.

>He fucking sucks ass either way
More than your standard punk artist? I thought being sloppy was the idea


Stupidpol retards fuck off. You're the same as other leftists

Ok Zoomer.

punk sure is some shit music isn't it

The father of Punk: Ron Asheton

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GG died

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Nah senpai. The 2010's happened.

Refer to and

Cringe Level Edge Lords
Make sure you memorize all the lyrics to the most edgy songs so you can attempt to impress people by your lack of self development
Also make sure you act out all the lyrics and try to imitate any cover art in your day to day life.
Don't forget to show the middle finger in all your pictures , refuse to smile and look like you're trying to be on a record cover.

Punk was cool at one time, but then it was taken over by Pussies with Low Test who collectively taught younger Teenies to self hate and self loath any bit of success or self improvement.
They want to be "Tuff" like the "NAZIS" (Regular Men) whom they constantly sing about how much they hate but they refuse to self improve. How can you be accepted by society and still be a rebel ? (Also not be a meanie) Well you hate NAZIS of course, and fight Fascism, that makes your Hard Core Rebel life completely acceptable. (Insert Rebel Piercing Here). By doing this you prove all the judgmental people in society wrong whom are NAZIs themselves, Churches, the Police, the School Teachers.
but unfortunately since most of these punks as pic related are such pussies they can't actually fight anything so fight the system until we can defeat all the tough guys like the lyrics in our songs tell us too. Eventually we'll organized a cool thing like Rock the Vote and preach to all the 14 year olds that buy our teenie albums on the truth that their teachers do not show them in school. How bad white men are , the slave trade, and Reagan are bad. But Reagan is dead you say, ? Let's relive our lyrics from the 80s before we were born and Bush is Bad... Bush is not president you say ? Okay Well we know Obama is not bad since he was black, Well Orange Man is Bad
According to my music Album there shouldn't be any borders in the country cause well you know corporations, Fuck Donald Trump!

Pic Related

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Ban these fucking Yas Forumsturds already


Mods don't! They're the real punks now!

Type O Negative takes it one step further

Ok pol.

Its very clearly not.
Punk is anti authority. The DNC is authority.

Since always?

almost sad to see the internet has rotted away this anons mind almost entirely

>Never mind the bollocks, ORANGE MAN BAD!!!

The best punk band (amebix) were never leftists

Lol imagine Brett SPERGING out at that

>the cross is about making people mad

Same logic dictates this should be ok too right?

The vast majority of musicians lean left, user.

Very punk to ban non mainstream ideas bro!




See my point exactly
>NAZI Killer
Look out for these guys they have a lot of rage.
>Hey Guys Lets Make a Hit Song That is Punk Legend Material
>Like Jello Biafra's One Song About NAZIS ?
>We Will Call IT NAZI Killer
>Well Lets Be original
>Let's Make the song less than 20 seconds

WOW Everyone will be so shocked when I play this for people who never heard of the band before. They will be like WOW these hard core lyrics are acceptable since they are raging , but ya ! they are raging about NAZIS ! Duhh...

This shit has gone on for decade Zoomer NuFag in the early 90s you actually had to go see a band to know what songs were what and find someone who would introduce you to a copied tape. Or have one of your friends make you a copy of a tape that had riskee lyrics to shock your parents with.

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Cant wait to blare this song out at a party next to the blonds who refuse to talk to me since I am socially awkward and have low self esteem. Having self esteem makes you a NAZI
like communism just wants everyone to be equal, I mean why do I need to own my own car ? Or have more than 1 TV. Corporations man Fuck them, Hold up the Middle Finger and show Trump and Bush what you think about em!

>Type O Negative
That song is prefaced with "Fay Wray Come Out and Play". Fay Wray was the leading lady in King Kong. The song has tribal native chanting. Blacks. KATWP begins. Pete sings: Kill all de wypipo.

Now test your IQ. Do you get the song or not?


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Reminder that Rock Against Bush was a thing that existed

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See how the Offensive Anti-Authority Punk Rockers lash out when they've had their life explained to them. Go outside, stop listening to music that preaches what opinion you should have ,or stop trying to live your life according to some lyrics that were written by some loser musician, you can be surprised how much self esteem you might gain.

I remember when this cringe album came out.
It was Fat Mike's marketing to indoctrinate teenie rebels and relive the 1980s.
Quite frankly if there were no Republican President most of these "musicians" would go bankrupt.
Just like Justin Sane from Anti-Flag in the late 90s early 2000s teaching tennies how to think
Sing along if you know the words to every Anti-Flag Song

>Fuck America
>NAZIs are bad
>I don't like rich people
>I don't like Corporations
>I own my own business so communism doesn't apply to me just you

Great Songs

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Why are you calling me a Yas Forumstard ? What is wrong with anything I said ? I'm allowed to have an opinion. I did nothing wrong

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>Those Comments

8 years ago
@ignatatus666 Yes it does, this song talks about not letting Nazi's take over a scene due to ignorance and apathy. I can't tell you the amount of times I've seen some nazi bone-heads come through a show and start trouble for no reason. Punks are for unity, especially when it comes to Nazis, but when you mess with the bull, you get the fuckin horns jammed up your ass! Fuck a nazi pig!

I'll take things that never happen in this person's life for 500 Alex

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Looks like L. Ron Hubbard now.

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I'm confident I could easily beat this "man" to death with my bare hands and literally the only thing keeping me from doing so is the "system" he claims to hate so much.

Let me in a room with this queer and see how fast he changes his tune and begs for the "system" to come step in to save him.

How come musicians can't ironically dress up as nazis anymore?

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Aren't you guys tired of making this shitty bait thread every single day?

While attending Beverly Hills High School, Mike began his musical career with the band False Alarm. After the band split up in 1983, he met Eric Melvin and Erik Sandin and formed the original line-up of NOFX.

>While Attending Beverly Hills High School
>Beverly Hills High School
>Beverly Hills
It doesn't get more punk then that

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Poe's law.

Everyone overextended themselves with 500 layers irony anyways; it's fucking retarded and gay and I miss the days where most people were more serious/grounded in presentation instead of pretending to be as retarded and obnoxious as a hip/quirky statement.

This was me in my late teenie years early 20's I wish I could go back in time and strangle myself for it .

Seriously, is there a cringier genre than punk?
>Yeah man, fuck the establishment!
>What do you mean, our values are already accepted by most of modern society?
>You say our music takes low effort to make? Well, fuck you bigot, that's what we're going for!
>GG Allin was honestly such an inspiration for me. He totally aligns with my views on woman's rights.

Fat Mike
>Burkett lives in San Francisco, California. He attended college at San Francisco State University and graduated in 1990 with a bachelor's degree in Social Science and a minor in Human Sexuality.
>He is of Jewish heritage but is an atheist


>It doesn't get more punk then that
How many times do you think I'd have to plunge my giant black dick into his ass before he cried out for the police to come save him from me? I'd bet all I'd have to do is make the suggestion in a locked room and he'd be climbing up the walls screaming for help.

That was me in all my teen years; but peaked in both 6th-9th grade then had another phase of it during my senior year. I was like an IRL filthy frank before he was real mainstream. And everybody thought it was fucking retarded/hated me for it - then started adapting that chic years after we all graduated (class of '13)

I grew out of it and founded it fucking stupid; then jumped back in out of insecurity/peer pressure and my quarter life a couple years ago. Now I hate myself for that.

>In 2014, Burkett started Fatale, a brand of panties marketed towards men.

You're kidding yourself. He'd be on all fours.

punk is a hilarious genre nowadays. They just parrot mainstream leftist shit. Stephen Colbert is punk

Seethe more basedlennial

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How about with a knife instead?

Currently going through this. Shit fell off so fucking hard when normalfags and cringe zoomer little kids got their obsessive grips on the internet. Has made everything boring and even predictable. Hopefully the next kids can bring something new to the table and shake shit up because the current kids were a boringly sheltered bust that were content just to consume what was left out.