Is he truly the GOAT of all music?

Is he truly the GOAT of all music?

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Beethoven is the greatest artist ever in any medium.

What about mozart?

He wasn't very talented, but he worked very hard, and managed to produce a few masterpieces late in life. Kinda like Van Gogh.

i listen to him right now. Piano Sonata 11 is based


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concentrated sono in it's purest form.

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Get this out of here


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roll back into your grave, nietzsche


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He was absolutely right. Take your melodramatic heaving-bosomed Proto-filmscore trash out of here you easily impressed society woman

no lol classical is fucking boring and only virgins listen to it

based and red pilled

This is man’s favorite album is either Filosofem or Loveless and thinks he has the right to call someone else a virgin

It really isn't, once you take the classicalpill there's no going back

based as fuck

Reminder that mozart lived in beethoven's head rent free for literallly his entire career

then listen to Baroque, plebeian.

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Not an argument, boomer.

classical btfo, baroque ftw

Wagner is unironically boomer music. Even rap is superior.

laugh at the insufferable hipster

Boomers hate wagner

Has he been refuted?

even if you were to make this case unironically, mozart is better than beethoven in every way

>mozart is better than beethoven in every way
What's the best Mozart piece?

Any serious critic or music scholar would laugh at your thesis. Ignorant snot-nosed brats like you should be culled.

Nah, that would be his cousin, Rudolf Beethoven

imagine believing this
at least you didn't say Haydn you rube

>early romanticism bros unite

*Blocks your path*

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>Any serious critic or music scholar would laugh at your thesis. Ignorant snot-nosed brats like you should be culled.

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He’s prety good but not the greatest.


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go back

This is the man who we consider foundational, for good reason. The quality and sheer output are never matched.

t. Redditor


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Nothing beats his sixth symphony for me, especially Adagio lamentoso - Andante.

But each to his own i guess.


>post redditjak
>cries reddit
I ought to rip your dick from your balls and shove it back up its own wound. Don't you think of sassing me again you pansy metro faggot.

One of string quartets or piano concertos
Oboe concerto is a pretty big contender too

>I ought to rip your dick from your balls and shove it back up its own wound. Don't you think of sassing me again you pansy metro faggot.

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listen to Berlioz
soundtrack to opiate abuse (he was opium junkie)

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I wish he was born later when orchestration stopped being limited and boring desu

Bitch please

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imagine what he would have done in the late 1800s-early 1900s before Stravinsky started sucking and modern composers went off the deep end fully


So you want him to be a firetruck composer? Sweety...

No this is the goat of all music

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fuck of with that Tourette syndromed guy

most overrated composer of the classical era

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Notice how nobody paid attention to your retard nigger noise.


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Imagine disrespecting the very creator of music himself, not very based of you user

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No, not even close.
Literally Beethoven but improved.


See what? Those posts are filtered for me