post your topsters and anons will try to make assumptions about you
Post your topsters and anons will try to make assumptions about you
Other urls found in this thread:
doesnt like music with male vocals
doesnt like music
you're a tranny
i like music
or you think being gay is a personality trait
You are a gay bottom
You are based
You are white
You're a women who talks too loud to the point that people look at you on the street.
Don't actually listen to music, just likes to look at cool cover art.
You like to say that you're music taste is SOOOOO out there because you like 1 or 2 surface level post rock albums. (same)
i have listened to every one of those albums all the way through and liked them, but good guess
shy, uncomfortable with expressing emotions
listen music for the clout
curious, enthusiastic, never bored alone
chill anime friend
gravediggaz is based, other than that, u seems to be a cool dude
u seems to be a spiritual guy with a passion for occult stuff
What's the name of the jesus christ album
social fun at parties guy
probs not even alive
listened to music a lot longer then anyone in the thread
probs just got Yas Forums enlightened
based. god
looks up to fantano as a father fither
no you dont
likes women.
secretly listens to clairo
probably owns a longboard
hasn't left the house in months
this one is pretty hard to pin down, you did peyote once listening to the klf and it changed your life
that dude that wears the same hoodie all year round
either gay or a woman who ""stans"" these artists
is underage or only got into music in the last few years
dreams of being producer but is way too lazy
used to listen to clairo like 3 years ago lmao, didn't really like her new album very much
"taste" is completely spoonfed by this board, except from relapse, which is all you listened to until going on Yas Forums
ur chart has an ex-softboy vibe lol that's all
male feminist ally
says the n word when no one is looking
white high school boy
high on life, or drugs
stands in the corner at parties
very peaceful nature
plays well with others
doesnt care about others opinions
young, new to Yas Forums and wants to fit in
wants to be life of the party; isnt
you ever noticed how lazyposters always have the worst taste?
too fuckin lazy to come up with your own taste in music, not smart enough to comment on what other people like, doesnt know how keyboards work, small dick, no gf
>topsters2 (23).png
theres at best 4 or so albums here that are considered "Yas Forumscore"
hahahaha all good, shes got a pretty good voice tho.
also ur chart is mega based sir :)
finished mine (for now)
thanks man
just moved some stuff around lmao
To appear more obscure I bet but your favorites are still generic vaporwave for the most part.
MY favourites? i was just calling this guy out, please dont assume im a basic bitch like him
Meh, i rushed, also couldn't find King Crimson on there.
douteux le stupeslip mais du bon sinon
wow so based dude! here's your (you) you obviously wanted
Youre a faggot. I can say that cause im gay. I fucking love pop 2. Itzme kpop aoty
My chart is just from mt lastfm top played so not necessarily my all time fave albums
and this statement continues to uphold
i-i mean
none of you are wrong
God I really hate rating and ranking stuff
The only actual zoomer ITT
You buy weed from Minor case of depression
Doesn't own a TV
Cowardly heart
Urban youth of good standing
Sexually aroused by Iroquois men
Candy flips regularly
Read a book once
You've been a teenager for over a decade somehow
just one
My list not bothered to curate a top 100 so my weeks worth of listening
Haley reinhart - lofisoul
Art farmer - Art
Antonio Carlos Jobim - Elis & Tom
Funadelic - maggot brain
Dom & Roland - industry
If you like king crimson Jethro Tull - thick as a brick
Esbjorn Svensson Trio - somewhere else before
Listen to the live version of The chapel
Your realise that Yas Forumscore is to give you an entry into different genres so that you to develop your own music taste user?
Most of the entrys on mucore aren't even the artists best albums
only good chart itt
what motivates you to lazypost with such shit charts i dont get it
Bags under your eyes, probably kind of nihilistic, probably recently started college or late hs
This is pretty mucore, but i would guess you are pretty upbeat and personable, but slightly awkward. Probably in college
Love the superstar and star. Not much of a read on this though. I bet you smoke weed
Really into anime or vidya, not much of a social life
Cool chart, though it's hard to guess. Likely in college or grad school. Reads a lot- may even want to stay in academia
Personable and unpretentious but highly anxious or introverted
Probably older than most itt, somewhat angry or down on your luck
Possibly makes music or at least engages with something, be it a social scene or art in some way
Desires to be an outsider, political
Fairly young
Somewhat depressed and unsure what to do with your life
Chill, possibly artistic, possibly from a non English speaking country? Or with some roots in one
Likes driving, very aloof but likable enough, has graduated college and works
Gay furry, probably in college
Tell me how on or off I am
Reading his wiki article while listening to this is haunting. Imagine seeing your father unconscious on the sea floor, only to realize you'd never get to speak to him again.
>Likes driving, very aloof but likable enough, has graduated college and works
Literally unironically the opposite of everything you said. That's remarkable.
>Desires to be an outsider, political
i wouldnt personally label myself as either, but you might be onto something
I'm gonna keep this open in another tab as I've been looking for some pop to listen to.
Fuck. Good chart tho man
>possibly artistic
I'm trying lol
>possibly from a non English speaking country
Scare shit, better than the alternative of never finding him. At least they get some closure.
Fantastic jazz, what i rec'd is a compilation album so definitely check out their studio stuff if you like it. Especially "From Gagarin's Point of View".
i'm incredibly bad at making assumptions.
>better than the alternative of never finding him
Truth. I've got that compilation and a couple live albums in my library now. Thanks user.
>Gay furry, probably in college
Bi, not a furry nor in college.
No problem pal, Happy listening!