If you lurking oldfags needed any further proof this is a dead board/site, here it is

If you lurking oldfags needed any further proof this is a dead board/site, here it is

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A post literally radioactive with cancer

I am a lurking oldfag and I posted that, thanks for dedicating an entire thread to me OP

Mac Demarco is the peacemaker. Everyone loves Mac.

You are a coombrain tranny and should consider suicide

But he's 100% right? Incel alt-righters are still the majority here unfortunately but they're losing now.

you're both embarrassing

2008 an hero kekekekekek!!!!
2008 haters make me famous thx sweetie


imagine liking mac demarco lmao

I started posting in 2015


not enough newfag buzzwords, you forgot zoomer too

>started posting in 2015
>not a newfag

Either you Mac or you whack

Never trust the infected

It's been 5 years. I don't care if you call me a newfag when I'm objectively not one.

>2015 was 8 years ago

>being this new

all of these posters need replacing with avant teens

this is exactly the sort of gay shit a mac demarco fan would say lmao

I turned 18 in 2015. Keep trying to gatekeep though. I'd rather have newfag 18 year olds than people who were 10 in 2008.

wow i see you've been learning some big words during your five years on 4channel :)

what do you have against 22 year olds

When did you start browsing and how old were you.

Yas Forums sucked back then. I unironically enjoy it more now

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Nothing. It's about the people who browsed Yas Forums in their formative years and constructed am identity around it.

Yas Forums would be better now if it wasn't for Yas Forums tourists and incels, otherwise it absolutely got better with the years
the fact we stopped dicksucking fantano and p4k was a huge step forward

This war in between us, winners losers, the fight.


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omg all these greenfags, pls make me green again

>t. electionfag

why do zoomers get so assblasted about that whole "incel" meme . do you guys use that term instead of mysogynist because it's easier to spell? LOL :D

me too
stupid indie shitlords all around making shit jokes

Incel is a perfectly fitting term for pic related
>socially rejected
>involuntary celibate
>intellectually stunted (won't listen to rap)
>no talent or creativity
>hateful, repetitive, addicted to memes
These are the people runing not only Yas Forums, not only Yas Forums but internet culture in general. Luckily they're irrelevant in real life because they're scared and docile outside their incel hovels.

Attached: the incel.png (1279x696, 895.18K)

anything having to do with CURRENT negro culture outside of jazz should be denounced by all Yas Forumstants. Rap music is degenerate and fucking bad.

ODB needs homage

Did your highschool sweetheart fuck a cool black dude, incel?



I miss ODB

newfags keep this place alive

>Incel alt-righters are still the majority here

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Where are the mods

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Why don't you just huwhitify nig culture a la bladee

They're less vocal than they used to be and gradually losing numbers but still the majority as things stand.

I doubt they are the majority. A lot of people here are just shitposters looking to get a rise out of overly sensitive people.

Based and plaguepilled.

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yass sister! upboated!!

>things are getting better I can feel it!
>this time its going to be different

Attached: ohsweety.jpg (250x250, 6.42K)

>otherwise it absolutely got better with the years
Fuck off. Such bullshit.


I'm an oldfag and this is half true
there are a lot of hate boners against things like daughters and igor when they get good ratings from fantano/adopted by the public
but at the same time Yas Forums has become more than a niche thing and is where a lot of people find their tastes. it makes sense. Yas Forums has always talked about popular shit.

plus just to add on, you can actually have good discussion on this board. it gets archived almost immediately but that's how I've joked about a lot of my favorite shit i've ever found

arthoes are idiots with shitty taste in fashion

fucking based, please keep these retards in their containment boards (Yas Forums and Yas Forums)


>doesn't conform to society
>won't listen to rap
>hates minorities
incels sound based to me. seethe more

this board is dead, i remember people saying "this board is dead" in 2013 but even back then it was still 10x better than now

okay why is jack black the band lol

This person really doesn't know what people are like. Reeks of sheltered zoomer that can't think outside the realm of social media. These kids are about to make some weird-ass adults.

>doesn't give a counter argument


gen z twitter "liberals" have gotten about as toxic as the incels which is such a fucking disappointing turn to witness. the whole gen as whole is just unchill as shit, i mean look at your post. trying any amount to hurt strangers over the internet, it's a very similar venom you people have welled up inside you. this kind of release definitely won't work forever, though.

>cool black dude
What a cringe, white, and gay three words to say. Get out in the world.

btw op is a fag zoom zoom

he's right though