Why doesn't she catch on with normies? Shouldn't underage girls be all over her music? Is she too pure?

Why doesn't she catch on with normies? Shouldn't underage girls be all over her music? Is she too pure?

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Her act is pretty interesting to me. She hangs with a lot of female artist like Charli and LIZ who you could argue have a similar sound, but she doesn't really have the same sexual image.


She's more of a millenial-core artist IMO, the other PC Music artists are a bit more zoomer-friendly.
>Is she too pure?
probably lol

literally who

Kill yourself with a brick




Your new waifu

Attached: hannah_diamond_press_1200x800.jpg (1500x1000, 160.88K)




PC Music is still a bit niche



This. Even gecs are more popular and they wouldn't exist without PC Music.



She fits into this "only people with very low iq and people with high iq like this" meme. Underage girls aren't dumb enough to like it, but also don't have the genius mind of your average pc music optimist, to completely grasp her aesthetic.


Her aesthetic is literally just post irony. What else am I missing?




"post irony" is just a meme that doesn't mean anything


Uh oh stinky
>Post-irony is a term used to denote a state in which earnest and ironic intents become muddled. Confusingly, it may less commonly refer to its converse: a return from irony to earnestness, similar to New Sincerity

makes sense...
I think that she just needs better marketing. Maybe should try to go viral on tiktok or something like that


I was being post ironic


get ready bitch

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-01 at 6.24.39 PM.png (718x690, 81.68K)

I highly doubt it. And even if you were, you failed to communicate it.

>wahhh i wanna talk about my waifu >:(

Attached: you you you.png (512x512, 360.9K)

>mommy, mommy, help me! :’(

Attached: F5355D42-D71A-4FDD-A09A-C500A02607BA.jpg (730x430, 40.83K)

>Mommy!!! :'(

Attached: some dweeb.png (960x540, 222.78K)

Got you again, I was being meta-sincere

the irony...

>ahem, yes, i do believe we were marveling at the spectacle of miss Hannah Diamond, sir

Attached: hannah diamond fan.jpg (715x488, 168.18K)


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Enjoy posting while you still can

>Enjoy posting while you still can

Attached: hannah diamond stan.jpg (350x500, 31.85K)


> *snort*
>yes, let's get back to discussing post-irony mmm

Attached: gottem.jpg (512x345, 34.36K)

some people in this thread were just trying to have a good time and look what happened. mass hysteria, fighting, and violence. is this really what we’re going to let a virus do to us? tear us apart? we’re a family, dammit. a family. and it’s time we act like one.

it's just one metalfag schizo, rest of us are fine

Anyone who uses the term “post irony” is not fine

I'm convinced it has to be more than just one, but I guess we'll see


Imagine lying to yourself and saying you care about the thread topic when all you want to do is bitch about someone posting “Metallica” a few times here and there in the spirit of old Yas Forums


You've spammed up multiple threads dork

just like old Yas Forums! I think it was a terrific laugh, chuckle, and a chortle! hoh hoh hoh

people who reply to trolls are just as bad

when did Yas Forums become facebook

Just because you don't know what a word means doesn't mean it has no meaning.

Since Bruce Springsteen, Madonna, way before nirvana, there was u2 and blondie, and music still on mtv, her two kids in high school, they tell her that she’s uncool

>hey guys check out how liberal arts i am right now
>hella woke meta sincere post irony, check out this sicccc meme i found

>Nooo you can't just use words that I don't like

Attached: 096.gif (800x371, 192.73K)

>he's justifying the n word
>le epic meme