Is this the logical conclusion to metal?

Is this the logical conclusion to metal?

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No but nu metal is

Hangar 18

I hate Mustaine's vocals on Tornado of Souls

nah. they are pretty rad dude. plus the shredding is otherworldly.

I like everything about Megadeth except the vocals. The lyrics, guitar and drum work, etc are solid. But Dave sounds like a wannabe Axl Rose.

close, but no

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name a better thrash metal album than this. looking for recs

Anything by Vektor, particularly black future.


>Is this the logical conclusion to metal?
How could you think that when this album came out during death metals heyday?

Somewhere in Time

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Reminder that “the big four” is just some bullshit marketing and doesn’t mean anything.

>death metal

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Sure it means something. It means they were the four biggest thrash metal bands.

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Death metal and black metal are the logical conclusions of the metal invented by Black Sabbath. Deal with it.

In what sense?

They both fucking suck, especially death metal. I can't believe zoomers actually think metal = death and black metal.

Black metal is a devolution in every single way.

>death metal sucks more than black metal
Awful opinion, kill yourself

Generally "big" refers to the level of success and visibility/noteriety an artist has...this can be attributed to which bands have the highest album sales, concert attendance, fan following, etc

In this way, one would conclude that Michael Jackson was "bigger" than Tito Jackson, etc etc...

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You’re probably one of those fags that says metal is rock and roll. You’re probably so gay you use the phrase ‘rock and roll.’

Doesn’t mean anything.

Death metal is the most soulless genre I've ever listened to. It's fucking atrocious.
Stay mad, zoomer.

Was Anthrax really the fourth best selling “thrash metal” band in the 80’s? Always thought it was weird they were included and not, say, Exodus.

No, Babymetal is

Welcome back, faggot

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Someone please explain to me the differences between different sub-genres of metal. I don't know what people mean when they say thrash metal, death metal, black metal, nu-metal

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why does japan have to ruin everything?

Except Dave came before Axl. Btw, is there a more pleb filter in music than vocals?

>I like everything about Megadeth except the vocals

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>descent or degeneration to a lower or worse state.
>"the devolution of the gentlemanly ideal into a glorification of drunkenness"
But it is, analphabetposter. Black metal literally started as awful musicians making awful sounds

>why does japan have to improve everything?


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Dave Mustard sings like a queer, what a waste of good guitars

>Dave Mustard
I bet you thought that was clever, incel

post bald spot

>complaining about vocals in a genre that has Ozzy Osbourne and Robert Plant as progenitors

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>I bet you thought that was clever, incel

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literally kpop tier


They're not even fap worthy

The only reason to listen to this is when you’re pretending to like it so you can bang that weird girl who likes anime.

I won't make a case for Anthrax because people just don't get it but anyone who seriously thinks Slayer is better than Metallica or Megadeth has garbage taste and should fucking kill themselves.

They are not meant to be

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>Thrash metal
Most gay
>Black metal
Most emo
>Death metal
Most unga bunga
Most pop
There's your oversimplification

Stop posting this goblin please. At least the other girl is cute


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>"slayer is better!"
>as it happens, the man stops listening to each song before the dumpster fire solos start

>people just don't get it

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Metallica > Slayer >> Megadeth >>>> Anthrax


Any other opinion is wrong

your pick

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for me the logical conclusion to metal is Heaven and Hell

Solos are all Megashit has going for it, Mustaine's voice is higher than most women's, gay as fuck and drags down everything else

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he sounds like a cartoon rat

>I don't know what people mean when they say thrash metal, death metal, black metal, nu-metal
It’s probably easiest to just listen to bands and songs to get the idea.
>thrash metal
I think early exodus is a good band to understand what thrash sounds like.
To me, Suffocation is the quintessential death metal band
Early bathory and darkthrone are what I think of when I think black metal. But the second wave bands were all a bit different.
Not really a genre, Korn is probably the most famous band.

>Solos are all Megashit has going for it
Megadeth literally has the best collection of riffs in metal.

RtL and MoP are masterpieces but there's no way KEA or fucking Justice are better than Rust

Also, most people agree (early) Morbid Angel is death metal, but “sounds very thrash.”

>another Megadeth/Mustaine-dicksucking thread by the same obsessed autist

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Ok maybe not KEA, but Justice is absolutely their best album
>inb4 no bass!!

>inb4 incredible flaw that ruins the entire album

Would you say Impressionism is a devolution of art because it’s not photorealistic?

>on KIRO-FM he was asked if he supports gay marriage and replied: "Well, since I'm not gay, the answer to that would be no."[59][60] He was then asked if he would support legislation to make gay marriage legal and said, "I'm Christian. The answer to that would be no."[59]

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Ozzy just works though.

>worst production of the first 4
>retarded song structures and needlessly drawn out songwriting (B-BUT IT'S PROG ADJACENT!)
>worst instrumental
>Kirk's soloing takes a nosedive once he forgot his Satriani lessons and ran out of Mustaine notes
Yeah, nah. I like Justice but only brainlets think it's the best.

You sound like a wimp. Go listen to your wimp metal.

Guessed it lol. It sounds much better without bass. Compare it to the remixes on Youtube with the bass added. It sounds horrible.

Slayer is objectively trash, user. It's not my fault you're too retarded to realize it as you're trying to carve their logo into your arm but can't penetrate the four inches of fat around your skin.