And why the fuck is he wearing a Cosby sweater? He even gets the fucking words wrong.
Jacob Collier butchers a classic in livestream
Other urls found in this thread:
>sings it really awkward himself
>criticizes others
Jesus Christ what the fuck is he doing lmao
This is unlistenable.
t. doesn't understand monochromatic triplets in 5/4
i came just to post the OP but saying he did wonderful. he did.
yall just jealous of his top skills.
Based Jacob.
Cringe OP.
Why does he sound like he has something stuck in your throat?
absolute trash
His cover of the Flintstones theme was really great, but this sounds really self-indulgent.
>literally who
It's his unholy craving for cock. He sucks so much dick and deep throats it so hard that he caught gonorrhea in his vocal chords. Now you know.
disgusting and soulless
super funny, thank you!
Well it’s giving me involuntary chills in some sections, so it’s evidently not all bad. But it is incredibly self-indulgent as always
this is probably my second favorite cover of this song.
if you dont have ears for it then you dont, I recommend you dont be angry and hateful about it.
His name is Jacob Collier, and he's the subject of many a bait thread here. Those who post such bait are hoping for a robust argument between those who champion a thorough knowledge of music theory and those who believe that one need not know theory in and out to make great music. Jacob is held up as an example of someone who is technically skilled and knowledgeable in theory who makes soulless music.
>those who champion a thorough knowledge of music theory
except it ends up baiting people who just happen to like the sound of jacob's music.
jacob collier's music has nothing to do with music theory wtf
>music has nothing to do with music theory
thsi is pretty good and the piano is sounding excellent there, its so muddy its bordering experimental. bring the shoegaze fans here. radiohead fans too should dig it a lot.
Jesus fucking Christ this is terrible. The dude is completely incapable of subtlety or containing himself. Why must he whale all around the place like some Idols contestant? Such a simple and humbling song, completely ruined.
that is literally true. Music isnt inherently tied to music theory.
Thats like saying life is based on biology. Or that you need to know biology to live life.
absolutely horrifying. He turned a song that was intentionally about a concept above human understanding into a song about how he can go over 20 notes in one syllable. On top of that, all of the improv he does sounds like he has very little actual direction, a mash of bebop and free jazz that ends up sounding, well, like trash. I had the feeling he was a meme musician, this is his first song I listened to, and it only confirmed my intuition.
sure. Jacob Collier does not know anything about music theory and he never used it in his life. You can hear it in his music.
>"But you don't even care for music, do you?"
Very apt.
So lost in his masturbatory embellishment that he doesn't even get the lyrics right.
This is the most harmonically advanced cover yet achieved, perhaps even the most advanced theoretically possible. We're witnessing history in the making, not a "butchering"
lyrics are irrelevant for music.
Yes, he's just a meme. He's so meme that in his spare time he draws Sanic pictures.
imagine being so far up your own ass with music and music theory the songs you write are actively destroying music itself.
It ends up baiting plenty of people. Some poster just dumps a picture of Collier with "So this is the power of theory?" and lets the games begin. It's lame, it's worthless, and the troll gets his kicks.
He's like big bill hjelte's annoying little brother
how the FUCK do you hear music theory in jacob collier's music?
You can't even say there is music theory in mozarts music. Music theory can't even manifest itself as anything, what is music theory to you a substance? A liquid you pour into your music to make it big brain baddy no good noises?
If you can't use your voice to make a song sound beautiful or interesting while staying in key then you shouldn't be singing. I don't know if this dude's trying to flex his vocal range or what, but it just makes him sound like shit.
le theory moment
>melts a sub-harmonic pre-tone of the bottom left quarter of his epiglottis into a suspended added 13th, effectively moduling onto the secret post-mixolydian mentioned in the lyrics
holy shit
but go and listen to it again, listen to it 3 times. bet you can now receive it better. i for one dont like theory centered musicians nor ormanentists, and never heard this guy before, because i knew i wouldnt like him.
but this is pretty great and listenable. all the noise rock, harsh noise, shoegaze, gamelan and classical are paying off. you guys are deaf and retarded.
you guys hate talent.
>you guys hate talent.
No, I just don't like Jacob Collier's music.
Yet he gets the fucking lyrics wrong after saying it's one of his favorite songs. He looks like a psychopath.
There should be a law against covering Hallelujah
>muh lyrics
grow up. its music not a drama play.
music is full of psychopaths pretending to be something they arent, you should be accustomed by now, or maybe youve been fooled by your favorites all this time.
he's incredibly posh
what does this have to do with the fact that his cover is masturbatory garbage?
If he would just do more original music instead of trying to make 3rd rail(classical/jazz) arrangements of pop songs, we'd have less to complain about.
He's got an ego like few others which is why he does the pop material(for attention), but talent like few others as well, he's squandering it.
Like that awful "In My Bones?"
this. plebs cannot differentiate interpretation of music from just performing. song is just a wehicle for individual expression. human is not flac player.
I was thinking more along the lines of instrumental material.
This is part of his ego though, his greatest asset as he sees it is his voice, maybe, but his compositional ability and speed at which he can do it would go much further in material not hampered by cheesy lyrics and pop-song structures.
Probably. He seems more comfortable with jazz.
Classical music has abandoned traditional harmonic forms it was attached to, deciding whether a piece is jazz or classical as it concerns Jacob wouldn't really matter, it'd end up being somewhat both harmonically/structurally.
Though in my head improvisation and traditional aural transmission(as opposed to rigid sheet music) define jazz more than even the harmonies used.
So I'd say anything he composed would fit right in with modern classical material.
Is he autistic? I mean, is it confirmed?
lmao he has nothing to express
I'd like an answer to this question
they're not when the music is from fucking leonard cohen
why does it need to be answered? guy stated collier didnt know the lyrics and was psychopathic. i answered lyrics are irrelevant to music, and that also thats a psychopath he spotted, theres tons in music.
then he said the meme "masturbatory garbage", which doesnt deserve any retort. yes, some people can play a lot and do it effortlessly, get over it.
I respect his talent, not his music
This so fucking autistic. Fuck.
so you didnt find cute when he at the end simulated an ovation from the public?
>heart surgeon cuts patient open with a chainsaw
>not allowed to criticize unless also a heart surgeon
That was the worst part. He's a maniac.
>lyrics are irrelevant to music
...according to your (subjective) standards and worldview. I guess the entirety of opera, musical theatre, intervention songs, russian romance, min'yo and countless other folk genres are irrelevant to you.
>some people can play a lot and do it effortlessly, get over it
And produce actually worthwhile music in the process. Also, don't assume all anons you're replying are the same person.
Yeah, it's absolutely fantastic. He is feeling really free here. Guy got some sick improvisation chops, but this is really about expression!
what the fuck did he really subsidize the major sevenths in 3/5 time in a chloroforactic scale? insane