100 gecs

>100 gecs
>Black Dresses
>Kim Petras
>Wendy Carlos
>Steam Powered Giraffe
Why are trans musicians so kino? They're always so creative and pushing the boundaries of music

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Yeah, Arca is great.

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>not even mentioning the best trans musician

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Sophie and Wendy I'll give you, Arca maybe, the rest aren't pushing much.

it takes a certain ammount of bravery and a high iq to understand the complexities of gender. trans people tend to be very smart and very creative. no one you find us often as important figures in leftist circles and in art and music

Shut the fuck up tranny
None of those musicians have pushed the envelope
Many others were doing it before them

I can maybe see where you're coming from, but Wendy Carlos didn't push much? lol

ayesha>all that garbage

why do these posts always leave out black trans men?

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oh fuck i forgot

None of these are good.

i wouldnt mind if trannys all died but 100 gecs is pretty cool

Nobody gives a fuck about trans men.
I'm not even transphobic, I love trans women. They're hot.

She kinda did, popularised synth music by covering the classix. Hadn't really been done but it's more of a right place, right time thing than anything else imo

Why do trannies have no shame?
Just look at that thing...

Because they're bait threads. Nobody gives a shit about trans males people but people think male to female are peak degeneracy or whatever. This is a huge problem in trans discussion in general, trans males are invisible

glenn copeland has made amazing music

Laura Les and 99jakes basically made Happy Hardcore though

pretty simple really, outsiders make good art

you are retarded if you dont know about her original music too. she was incredibly important innovator. you clearly dont know music history

Clearly bait. But on the off chance it isnt
You might be actually retarded




nah actually 50% of the population is trans. only a small portion is out yet or knows the terminology for what they are

>entire list ranges from alright to very bad

I have some of her records, there were plenty of people making better electronic music before and during her heyday.

Happy hardcore has existed for over 20 years brodie

they literally did copy a ton of shit from happy hardcore...

yea less than 100. i really dont see how you could make a claim she wasnt on the forfront and very important in the development of electronic music

It's actually more like 100%.

>all these people saying she
Should I tell them bros?

Yeah my bad I had the wrong terminology due to my lack of knowledge about the genre, I meant that their take on it with mixing elements of other genres was pretty innovative.

I literally said she's one out of two on that list that did push things forward.

Wtf is your argument? Wendy Carlos was pioneering electronic as a whole considering all of it was second to every rock genre popular at the time. Gecs is doing nothing new, just cramming two to three genres that have already existed. Its just part of the obnoxious bubblegum bass wave. Give them 10 years noone will even remember who they were

That's not just lack of knowledge regarding happy hardcore, it speaks to even a broader lack of understanding to electronic music as a whole, imagine thinking some zoomer shit like 100 Gecs have anything to do with the development of electronic music whatsoever
You fuckin airhead

gecs are incredibly important culturally. youre right its not that different from shit that has existed for yeats. (were in fucking meta modernist period dumbfuck). they really started an entire movement and shift in culture from the le glass breaks deconstructed club shit of the 10s. i really dont think you could say any popular music has done anything besides combine different cultural phenomena in new ways. the last truly innovative artist imo was cage in that he completely transformed a way of thinking surrounding music. this is all just music. but gecs are incredibly important as cultural innovators speaking to and simultaneously creating an important cultural movement

All of those people you listed are trash.

flol, nah

imagine thinking theres a "developement of electonic music" within post-post-modernism. its about ideas dumbass

Hurr durr 100 Gecs are so influential peepee poopoo. Go neck yourself fag.

>but gecs are incredibly important as cultural innovators speaking to and simultaneously creating an important cultural movement
What movement is that?

I mean they've had a major influence on the newer Soundcloud electronic scene allowing for a post ironic approach to genre mixing, I barely even like their shit but as someone who's aware of that scene their influence is very apparent I def wouldn't disregard them.

It makes me cringe when there's an amazing amount of electronic genres and zoomers move on from indie rock to gecs and think its the most innovative thing theyve ever heard
>incredibly important
Source? ¬¬

Alright, hipster faggot. Nice trip btw.

He literally said they invented happy hardcore, which they didn't
What is this blabbering about post-modernism too? 100 Gecs ain't shit, it's pop art for impressionable kids like you, you speaking of them actually making an impact on contemporary art is actually amusing, you seem endearing

refer to to understand what I was talking about

Pop art? To me, it just reminds me of the shitty crunkcore Myspace era with a polished sound and some bubblegum bass/deconstructed club thrown in.

My point still stands
Gecs werent the first to do any of this
Just the first to get shilled enough

Ironic genre mixing has been going on since at least late 80's uk rave scene.
Loads of it in breakcore/electronica stuff from the early 00's too.

Just because you lack reference points it doesn't mean it hasn't been done many times before.

Ah so trans people are the Rick & Morty of gender then.

Yeah fair point user you're right, I'm not very knowledgeable about the uk rave scene but I recall hearing people like Cylob or Datachi do similar shit to what you've said.


"Kino" should stay in Yas Forums but I agree

Only thing they're pushing is people's dinner if you catch my drift

mental illness

>I’ll give you Wendy
>Wendy didn’t push much? lol
shit reading comprehension

enjoy their music while they're around to make it lmao

they’re the real racists

50% is autistic too
and it’s a 100% overlap

they know.

>gecs are incredibly important culturally
stopped reading here
kys yourself

>kys yourself
please kys user.


>he doesn’t know

Actually very based

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Came here to post this. Great jazzy folk stuff and even greater ambient new age stuff.

Vektroid is actually a girl though

lmao gecs aren't doing anything culturally different than what pc music, bubblegum bass, nightcore, etc. already did
they're tight and have a somewhat unique sound inside the genre, but they're fuck all innovative

black dresses hell yea