scrobbles count a 45 minute track the same as a 45 second one. There used to be a thing called last-timer that found your top artists by time spent listening.
As far as I can tell, there isn't a web based service that does this anymore but there's a few people on github who are working on it: is a pretty simple python script that does the job. The guy was apparently thinking of making a web interface but seems not to have gotten around to it.
For anyone who is scared of code, post your username ITT and I'll post who your 10 most listened to artists.
That first one is about halfway done. Here were mine in case anyone cares:
Steve Reich 0 dias 12:06:29 King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard 0 dias 12:09:35 Boards of Canada 0 dias 12:31:07 Kate Bush 0 dias 14:58:48 John Coltrane 0 dias 15:27:35 Björk 0 dias 17:43:52 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 0 dias 17:45:22 Ludwig van Beethoven 1 dias 0:49:12 John Luther Adams 1 dias 6:23:18 Johann Sebastian Bach 1 dias 7:13:12 King Crimson 1 dias 7:33:45
Miles Davis 2 days 18:39:44 Kraftwerk 2 days 23:11:48 Black Sabbath 3 days 0:12:40 Negativland 3 days 17:21:20 Global Communication 3 days 20:13:40 Radio Massacre International 5 days 8:36:18 Carbon Based Lifeforms 5 days 10:15:31 Klaus Schulze 5 days 13:58:40 Tangerine Dream 5 days 19:29:55 Brian Eno 7 days 17:42:10
Nice taste.
Sebastian Nelson
neato thanks
John Johnson
Miles Davis 2 days 18:39:44 Kraftwerk 2 days 23:11:48 Black Sabbath 3 days 0:32:06 Negativland 3 days 17:21:20 Global Communication 3 days 20:13:40 Radio Massacre International 5 days 8:36:18 Carbon Based Lifeforms 5 days 10:15:31 Klaus Schulze 5 days 13:58:40 Tangerine Dream 5 days 19:29:55 Brian Eno 7 days 17:42:10
Also pretty good taste. I was hoping to roast people desu.