The great debate

the great debate

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>Tom York
>Kurdt Kobaine
Get it right

based anglo being bawwy sad just for the $$$$$.

retard 'merican really feeling like shit and blowing his brains out because of it.

What debate. Who inspired the worst music. Kurt Cobain created a whole generation of whiny angsty bands while Thorn Yorke inspired of load of psudo fake deep intellect hipster

virgin anglo vs chad american

this is what I never get, you're a white man in a first world country, perk up for fucks sake.

White incel music

kurt was cuck as it gets. thom in his 50 is at peak performance and pulling top young ass nowadays.

i love nirvana and i hate radiohead, so the choice is obvious. kurt cobain is a better singer, songwriter, and nirvana was more important/influential to music.

>nirvana was more important/influential to music.
nice me-me

name a single nirvana influenced band that insnt some other retarded plaid shirt grunge band from these same years.

Whatever the debate is, if Kurt's involved then he's the loser.

queens of the stone age


>irrelevant band
they're literally the best band of the 21st century.
they don't sound like a nirvana clone obviously (if they did, they'd suck), but there's parallels you can make between them. homme's songwriting was influenced by cobain's.

>Dave Grohl played with them for a little while so they're obviously influenced by Nirvana
Kill yourself

Puddle of Mudd

>The first time I heard Bleach, I remember turning to my friends and saying, "We gotta start writing better songs." Listening to "Negative Creep" and "School" and "Love Buzz," I thought there were three different singers in the band. It was a total perspective-changer – it definitely ripped a sheet of paper off of my mental notepad. A couple of years later, I got an advance copy of Nevermind. I was raised on Black Flag and the Cramps; I had always thought, "This is the best shit ever, and no one's going to listen to it." Nevermind proved that I was completely wrong about that. I was so stoked.
>Being close to that world as it was going down, I met Kurt and Dave and Krist. I watched Kurt get more bummed about how big everything was getting – and yet the songs just got more acidic and better. Being famous was obviously overwhelming for him and too complex for him to understand how to deal with it, but he didn't make the music pay for it. That was wonderful. Even now, whenever a Nirvana song comes on, I'm always like, "Thank you! Three minutes of nothing to worry about."

reads like a simpleton, not a very deep or artistic personality. basic.

>I was raised on Black Flag and the Cramps
Josh is a retard because I hear those bands in his music way more than I hear Incelvana. Also Love Buzz is a dogshit cover and Negative Creep is straight up trying to sound like Killing Joke. Nirvana is irrelevant because they were just a worse version of music that already existed and people need to realize this, they're basically flannel KISS

Nirvana is the rock equivalent to shitty Mumble rap.

Both made fag music so.

always redirect the nirvana kiddies to the actual important band, the pixies.

u want a nirvana influenced band that sounds like niravana but dosent play grunge?
Please you have to acknowledge that ur an retard.

what the fuck does that mean? is he supposed to say some pretentious artsy faggot-y bullshit?
someone seems a little angry that i proved them wrong.
the pixies are a great band too, but i would personally place nirvana much higher. i prefer cobain's vocals, songwriting, and riffs. it would not bother me if someone claimed the pixies were better though. the pixies are a good and important band, unlike radiohead.

you can sound like nirvana the way you articulate the poppy choruses or because of the dynamics formula or because of the vocal strain. my man, listen to more music and read more. and have sex.

>doesn't argue against kurt cobain being a better singer or songwriter

Lol triggering Nirvanafags is like shooting Kurts in an apartment. He was a trash songwriter and an even worse singer, considering him a "musician" is laughable

this is genuinely not an argument.

as opposed to radiohead which....oh wait

>what the fuck does that mean? is he supposed to say some pretentious artsy faggot-y bullshit?
ever heard bowie or frank black in interviews? real artists have a mystique, and some unique perspective of music, no pretension needed, josh just sounds like a common chap that doesnt have the spark or brilliance in his head, his music sounds like that too, thats why i dont listen to any qotsa.

Yeah, youre retarded.

>i dont listen to any qotsa
shit taste desu

If QOTSA was really heavily influenced by Nirvana then people would call Homme "Ginger Cobain" instead of "Ginger Elvis". If someone made a list of artists with notable influence on QOTSA Nirvana wouldn't even crack the top 10.

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no, because homme looks sorta like elvis and tries to have a similar sort of sex appeal. he looks nothing like cobain.

Sounds nothing like him either yet some retard in the thread thinks his music wouldn't exist without Nirvana

Based. I bet there's people on here who put Tourettes in their top 10 out of spite.

Nirvana's influence isn't so much important because of who they influenced sonically. They're important because they ended a bunch of people's careers and created an environment where bands like The Flaming Lips and Butthole Surfers were not only able to get major record deals, they actually had well selling songs/albums because labels were promoting them.

his music would still exist, but it wouldn't be the same

Really reaching there, user

how is that reaching? this is a well-known fact

i agree to that. theyre a market move and nothing else.

radiohead themselves would not have been able to get big without nirvana

AFAIK Britain didn't give a shit about Nirvana's brand of buttgrunge though, and Creep got big because of some Israeli DJ.

It really isn't. Tonnes of rock bands signed after '91 got that deal because of Nirvana. Melvins were putting out records for a couple of years under different smaller labels, suddenly Kurt cites them as a big influence and they're on Atlantic.

Nirvana: 1987-1994, Ran for 7 years until Kurt Cobain "killed himself" while on a high dosage of heroin.He was the only songwriter/lyricist in the band for the most part.

Radiohead: 1985-Present, It took 8 years until their first studio album Pablo Honey, a generic grunge album, got released. Songwriting credited towards the entire band, lyrics towards Thom Yorke.

hit it right on the head

>"killed himself"
>in quotes
Fuck off

What a mind numbingly boring perspective.

As someone who used to LOVE Nirvana and HATE Radiohead, I can say I've come around the other way now. Radiohead makes/made way better music. OK Computer is god-tier, unironically.

>Tom York
looks like someone smeared shit on their faces

what kind of gay fucking question is that, it's obviously thom

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kek, user btfo

name a single good band that radiohead influenced
>inb4 some terrible indie shit

Esbjörn Svensson Trio


>this pathetic response
Do Americans really?

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>As someone who used to have good taste and now has bad taste

Kanye West

but people call him cobain of the desert
but i think that josh is too "macho" and kurt was a fag

thom yorke is objectively a better singer, see anything on ok cumputer or the bends. hell, even live performances of creep have him belting out; a really big challenge. but realistically, thom yorke only provided the backdrop for a bunch of sad english retards to mope and spew pseudo-intellect about "like.... society man..." out of their festering english holes.

thom yorke has one of the worst voices i have ever heard in a popular rock band. i cannot stand his voice. cobain has an amazing and very emotive voice.
he's terrible.

>thom yorke has one of the worst voices i have ever heard in a popular rock band
>cobain has an amazing and very emotive voice
Lol I can't comprehend this level of faggotry

thom is against homophobia

how is this not an amazing vocal performance?