Attached: wony.jpg (2000x3000, 1.17M)

Other urls found in this thread:

this guy really seething over what other people blast to

Lalisa Manoban

Attached: 218.jpg (1242x1548, 154.68K)

Blasting to T-ara.

Attached: CbTwwWWUkAABtVu.jpg (1235x2048, 390.11K)

nayeon mentioned

Attached: 1553946750325.jpg (575x1024, 116K)

Attached: tranny lover.jpg (459x512, 67.67K)


Attached: 1562985153303.jpg (1000x1300, 170.77K)



Attached: 995C5D3F5DB5A62329.jpg (2160x2874, 804.68K)

Attached: 1576779565449.webm (318x360, 455.03K)

Attached: ET4WvmAXQAA1Afi.jpg (819x1024, 46.7K)

Boram in particular


Attached: 1583696764571.jpg (1007x2048, 193K)

you're a dumb-ass.


Attached: 34543.jpg (1364x2048, 330.52K)

very true friend

Attached: bd01cec524df5950999a61b3ff831c11.jpg (1499x2048, 368.64K)

I appreciate these posts.

Attached: 1557920931876.jpg (1080x1349, 195.56K)


i hate it when dumb bitches wear their masks like this

what the fuck is the point of wearing it when you are just going to deliberately wear it wrong? just to look cute? fuck you

Attached: 1567397967317.jpg (4000x5328, 1.79M)

miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe

Attached: 1585512493221.jpg (1000x1500, 179.62K)

Attached: 1557699652619.png (873x696, 661.25K)

nice spanish cosplay slug

Attached: 1581977107677.jpg (1080x720, 208.28K)

honestly, wony is the only idol besides cheng xiao and kuromiya rei that ive ever jacked off to

>Conan, what's best in life?
Crush your kpg enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their waifus!

based bro

Attached: 1564965307801.gif (450x450, 1.47M)

Nayeon the j*zz queen

Attached: 1583085894814.jpg (1608x2048, 564.19K)

Attached: 1566785028690.png (640x800, 804.55K)

The wony spam in quarantine finally broke me. She still isnt "sexy" but yea I get it she makes you nut really fucking hard.

Attached: mama&moo.jpg (910x525, 49.22K)

Attached: 1566008550693.jpg (960x960, 169.55K)

Attached: DbV5morWsAAuR7M.jpg (1321x2048, 741.17K)

Attached: 1585444500721.webm (564x700, 2.45M)

you are quarantined in a room with idols born in the same year as you
post the best girl in your room

Attached: EUSW6JEUMAAN_gr.jpg (800x1200, 244.3K)


this is so depressing and i dont even know why...

Attached: 1557735570767.jpg (809x1200, 141.68K)

they should have banned choerry for being illegally hot

Attached: [4K] 190216 이달의소녀 루나버스 Loonaverse Sweet Crazy Love 직캠 Fancam-7A6vKaBFGUQ_1585073687.webm (784x1504, 2.65M)

Attached: 1572842073416.jpg (750x747, 39.62K)

Attached: 1560346741158.jpg (590x739, 80.67K)

me inside the mickey

Attached: 5tpz5wu7vgp.jpg (1080x1080, 110.31K)

Yes. She knows a lot about sax

what do we think of meatsoo’s sister

Attached: 77BB357F-4A59-41A9-99CF-ACFE6020CE04.jpg (1242x1562, 194.91K)

it's to hide her unshaved chin

Yoo Jeongyeon, it is

Attached: ♥1527981364404.jpg (1080x1349, 122.21K)

Attached: 995E6B4F5ADF33250C.jpg (1500x1000, 147.98K)

Attached: 1566794972672.jpg (1200x1600, 114.77K)

the only one i've whacked off to on this list is nancy

same here user. I only got into kpop because my discord friend got me fapping to wony and its just too good to try anyone else.

Lalisa no jutsu

Attached: hyeseong DqNac_lXgAENtUE.jpg (1333x2000, 354.77K)

Attached: 1580758433644.jpg (1875x2500, 358.31K)



Attached: fire.jpg (1665x735, 234.59K)

Attached: 1581979433102.jpg (800x1243, 270.36K)

reminds me

Attached: mina care.webm (592x1280, 2.24M)

based moons

Attached: 1578954920571.jpg (1000x1411, 258.89K)

Attached: EUSwGXCUcAEt_N7.jpg (2000x2000, 2.97M)

Today is when I learned Cheetah is 29

donald duck is pure taste

Attached: demon yeji.jpg (2730x4096, 1.63M)

I want Jeongyeon to manspread while sitting next to me on the train

ugliest trannyshit that brutally got mogged by cub

Attached: hyeseong Dm5kPfWVsAAlnOA.jpg (1366x2048, 279.57K)

Attached: D7Q1-PpU8AAX0C7.jpg (1366x2048, 524.89K)

that’s an ugly man, not a girl

I dont mind anons blasting to my waifu. An idol's job is to make people like us happy, and when you blast you are happy, they know that. Nayeon is pure but sometimes she lewds herself out of love for her fans. Thats why she is the best idol out there and my wife.

Attached: 1580435646501.webm (480x600, 653.68K)

may we see her feet

conan is lucky he didnt have to put up with dubu

Attached: IMG_20191031_132855.jpg (1200x1800, 424.68K)

Attached: 1572197498922.jpg (1376x1246, 710.97K)

Sex Dragon

Attached: not cold anymore.webm (540x960, 1.3M)

Attached: hyeseong DjSKGRQU0AEtKZa.jpg (1200x800, 109.09K)

NAKY YOU __________

Attached: 1554937728472.jpg (1920x1080, 174.18K)

Most definitely

Attached: ♥1584078738016.jpg (2720x4096, 1017.75K)

>a reddit velvet member getting mogged by a twice member
name a more iconic duo

Attached: TWICE_Sana_%2526TWICE_-_Repackage_-_Promotional_photo.png (1000x1638, 1.81M)

not sure if simp or cuck


Attached: 1558380218061.jpg (1280x720, 77.99K)

Attached: EUQvyXrWsAIn5-W.jpg (1574x2000, 416.63K)

who is this cute boy?

cute comet


Attached: 1585363570290.webm (1920x1080, 399.21K)

veautiful v

Attached: 49209640_2494222643926316_2970913553923440640_o.jpg (1333x2000, 303.8K)

Attached: 1584757201370.jpg (960x960, 117.8K)


Attached: 9998FC345B7CEDFC27.jpg (720x960, 87.9K)


want her to dominate me

how would i know everyone born in a given year?

Does Choerry have the best body in Loona?

To what, friend?

Attached: choerrymnm.jpg (404x576, 44.92K)


Attached: 3z72l0pjdmp41.jpg (720x1054, 70.72K)

getting worried about that boy's drinking habits

Attached: 1581815340768.jpg (960x721, 95.75K)

too young to die

Attached: 1581707435437.jpg (576x1024, 44.34K)

i bet his phiet stank

tfw getting jeonged

Attached: 1582951429210.webm (848x1010, 2.37M)

prob hani

Attached: hyeseong DipkEwjUwAAP_On.jpg (1920x1280, 269.07K)

to the fansite that posted that scan

Attached: 9908023B5C724B6C27.jpg (2048x1364, 284.64K)

the head pats are always the best part

bros she's so beautiful

shut up


Attached: jeong+momo happy happy.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)


so the idea of happyhappy was doing an over cutesy cringe just to make a contrast with brekusu?

Attached: breakthroughjihyo.webm (1920x1080, 1.71M)

nayuggo cucks ladies and gentlemen

Attached: 1570319356455.png (854x480, 342.22K)

meant for

Attached: hyeseong D96eC_MU0AAH-Wt.jpg (2048x2048, 1015.5K)


Attached: EUQvwmVWAAErg98.jpg (676x2000, 145.79K)

Attached: 1577136570678.jpg (1333x2000, 371.87K)

Attached: jeong dtna kiss.webm (1920x1080, 1.41M)

Attached: fyn32repvpl41.jpg (682x1024, 85.73K)

Attached: 1582418547468.jpg (2434x1440, 435.6K)

Wig status: Snatched.

yuck that was for jeongyeon, not that uggo

Attached: hyeseong karin D01Sp1kX0AASUrU.jpg (667x1000, 83.6K)

literally the ugliest shit ^

since he's a footfag I bet that's how he likes it

We got that big nigga money

Attached: 99FB7C485AA9332221.jpg (956x1700, 365.09K)

>tfw no frustrated kgf that's tired of pandering to dykes

Attached: 1554805387008.png (477x599, 405.72K)

Attached: sanasluggo.jpg (2500x1672, 1.34M)

take your pills yeintranny

Attached: 1568943845680.jpg (1124x1686, 256.79K)

Attached: 1572652244226.jpg (607x562, 296.68K)

acceptable bro

Attached: sana.jpg (1200x630, 179.1K)

Attached: IMG_20190710_161341.jpg (750x750, 46.81K)

i genuinely want to watch nayeon making out with jeongyeon and i pray they are legit lesbians with each other

Attached: Jeong kiss.webm (1920x1080, 857.48K)

Attached: 1469769345753.jpg (800x1200, 130.53K)

Attached: 1572526562058.jpg (2589x3883, 517.37K)

only pansies get unstable by drinking too much

Attached: 101149110_52.jpg (1100x1650, 198.04K)


Attached: 1584390260887.jpg (658x1145, 110.64K)

Attached: EURafZ0UUAU2gCG.jpg (1128x1504, 390.04K)

nah she likes girls

Attached: ENb4e7WWkAAZRxB.jpg (900x506, 99.58K)

Attached: 1585378150856.webm (480x852, 183.89K)

oh no but v is the definition of a pansy

sluggo the ugliest manfaced molerat that got mogged by momo


Stop that right now before it's too late.

it was a test to see what the japs preferred

Attached: 1559250500255.webm (1920x1080, 1.48M)

i found this buy you need to be logged in

which 2 twice members would drunkenly make out and why would nayeon be definitely involved

Attached: 99A104395D010EBA06.jpg (1333x2000, 344.3K)

Attached: EUR7gb_UcAEgL48.jpg (1348x2037, 217.65K)


this is the hottest she has ever looked. prove me wrong

Attached: 1567804556175.jpg (2048x1364, 326.9K)

Attached: momo22.webm (652x1028, 2.89M)

the attitude stuff is way more cringe if you think about it


Attached: [MV] 이달의 소녀_최리 (LOONA_Choerry) 'Love Cherry Motion' Choreography Ver.-nxOqHwhWmy4_1577029987.webm (556x820, 586.53K)


This is the lamest way of asking how old everyone is and it's making me angry that I can't find any hot idols who were born in 1964

kek, you post like one of those random names generators for webms

Attached: Iu2C51g.jpg (1080x1350, 226.92K)

holy shit dude

very nice

Attached: sugoi.webm (640x360, 747.49K)

Honestly there isn’t an idol that receives as much bullying, insults, and hate as Sluggo and it’s been happening for years. Not even Lisatranny is close. I think it’s funny as fuck and I’m just glad people aren’t doing that treatment towards my waifu.

Attached: 1555568145011.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

post your favorite wony pic

Attached: 1584693524042.jpg (1365x2048, 219.07K)

it’s kpg culture to hate on uggos

>nayeon will never look at you like that

Attached: ★1528756103656.gif (640x360, 1.67M)

who is you're waifu

Attached: D6XXrVPUYAAC7V-.jpg (2000x3001, 799.42K)

i feel no remorse since slugroastie is autistic and sluggo is the ugliest shit

>mah purepoop

Attached: 1575761959155.jpg (1366x2048, 373.03K)

Attached: 1566038845265.jpg (1920x1080, 222.07K)

Attached: EUQvxRgXYAAC8QR.jpg (2000x1244, 232.26K)

as a bunnybro the rampant sexualisation of nayeon is depressing and uncalled for... can we just lewd the other 8 members please

Attached: 1584997625459.jpg (788x1078, 118.92K)

where are the footfriends?

Attached: dw9dfijlekp41.jpg (1366x2048, 183.44K)

UgliestManfacedMolerat does have a gfycat ring to it

Attached: 1556296530787.jpg (970x1293, 187.74K)

Mina would probably be the type to do something like that after some drinks (and then maybe regret it a bit)

Attached: 1577317399241.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

What are you watching?

Attached: IMG_20190412_140801.jpg (1618x1079, 105.41K)

sana looks so much better than this ugly old man

Attached: EKGhu_hU0AE4VFs.jpg (1600x2399, 815.73K)

i like breaksrou tho, not everything is us vs them

Attached: 1585002629265.jpg (1080x1350, 96.77K)


whos your waifu

Jeongyeon out here bias wrecking hard.

you faggots believe no one blasts to your nugu waifu? lol...

Attached: 1._나연2.jpg (1200x800, 81.13K)

I wish

Attached: 1551140855572.png (675x636, 597.15K)

Attached: 1576321247420.webm (1920x1080, 2.22M)

meh, is just that mentally ill lovelyz fag, I only post slug to trigger him sometimes

The World's Most Extraordinary Homes, Switzerland episode

Attached: 1581979319855.jpg (1440x1080, 410.22K)

Attached: riz6dzmhqnk41.jpg (1242x1938, 440.27K)

sana taking advantage of a drunk momo and jihyo

Attached: 1566935803835.webm (640x640, 1.16M)

its just one guy here. all over the world slugg is loved and adored by billions

Attached: 57092977_436071223814833_7769804218643620790_n.jpg (1080x810, 116.68K)

spice girls was better than itzy

Attached: 0004370871_002_20190610115002704.jpg (600x427, 97.01K)

sometimes i wonder how it would feel to gete kicked in the nuts by jeongyeon
is it gay?

Attached: 993F42375B1DE4B918.jpg (850x1275, 118.2K)

Binnie, but pics with Binnie and Arin both in them are the best things ever
I don't save them, I'm just happy when people post them

Attached: 1565164539283.jpg (1000x1500, 128.28K)

jihyo brutally mogged this ugly gorilla and everyone hates this busted tranny

>jihyo talking about how sana starts kissing everyone when drunk


Attached: MfteLxL6oXW3GohM.webm (720x900, 2.94M)

>using twice instead your uglyz waifus
schizo and coward

Attached: 1579903603947.jpg (1000x1500, 249.24K)

Attached: 1573958812059.jpg (2048x1383, 401.41K)

sana would get dahyun drunk no doubt

kpg made me realize that sluggo, nayuggo, and momo are ugly
at least momo can look hot sometimes though

Attached: 1565577703740.jpg (1364x2048, 564.51K)

Attached: 1535828436636.webm (1067x600, 1.16M)

Lisa videos

Attached: 1571589268057.jpg (1800x1200, 215.97K)

>are you going to drink
>6 shots later

Attached: 1577469619562.webm (550x700, 1.5M)


Attached: 1534619708727.webm (750x1334, 582.49K)

Which group is this?

Attached: 1583605518469.jpg (508x600, 44.64K)

eh, a different time

Attached: 1568687054649.jpg (961x961, 168.3K)

*whinny gay voice*
jihyo brutally mogged this ugly gorilla and everyone hates this busted tranny

literal ugliest shit that got mogged by cub


cumming to wony is like shooting H directly into your penis

All the other stans are posting so why are Rosébros sleeping on her?

Attached: DE2_xFnUIAMLRhd.jpg (800x1200, 150.41K)