Just sing like a normal person

Post albums that would be much better if the vocalist didn't sound like cookie monster on PCP.

Attached: th.jpg (270x270, 5.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>filtered by metal screams
yeah there was never any hope for you tourist

normie genocide when

Today Is The Day’s entire discography desu.

this isn't for you unironically, if the vocals bothers you you will never get it

Explain to me what the appeal is. There are ways to express extreme emotions without hurting my ears.

wahhh my earie wearies!!!!!!!!!!!
that's what you sound like

It's about the intensity, it fits the warm sound, uplifting chord progressions and melodies.
It shifts black metal's usual cold and harsh aesthetic to a blistering hot one while maintaining the intensity.

There's bunch music without screaming for you, faggot.

It's like if one went on how Ariana Grande would be so much better if she didn't do clean vocals; retarded.

>Ariana Grande would be so much better if she didn't do clean vocals
This but unironically.

Would be a 9 if that was the case

Forgot photo.

Attached: 298175.jpg (608x559, 27.46K)

if its hurting your ears then lower the volume you pleb

>album art: transparent cookie monster with C O O K E A T E R
>Please Bake More
>Cook coma
>The Pecan Sandie

Attached: kot thonk.png (128x128, 30.64K)

The vocals are one of that album's best aspects. God I hate normans so fucking much

t. literally 12-14 years old

>Instrumental starts
Oh wow, this is really cool. I like this alot.

What a shit album.

please come back when you're old enough to post here, until then maybe you'd be better suited for funnyjunk, thanks.




You mean old enough that I'm going deaf? Because that's the only way I can imagine listening to this album all the way through.


Attached: i dont like thing.jpg (480x288, 37.32K)

This is what you sound like.

I'm trying hard to picture someone that thinks fucking DEAFHEAVEN is too intense for them. If this site wasn't anonymous I would be experiencing second hand embarrassment honestly

I just prefer my vocals to sound like...you know...an actual human being and not a woodchipper being fed through another woodchipper.

get out normie


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imagine unironically getting filtered by fucking deafheaven

DEAF. HEAVEN. it's like drowning in a rubber kiddie pool

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LMAO those vocals are actually fine. It just sounds like someone gargling water into the mic and that doesn't bother me at all.

The drummer needs to ease back on that high tom though because holy shit does it stick out of the noise like a sore thumb.

fuckin goregrind

The intensity and the aesthetic. Sunbather is an intense album, the screaming just adds to that and the wrought, raw emotion it brings completes the aesthetic. Eventually you'll realise that harsh vocals are ace and give yourself tonsillitis from learning to scream on the drive home from work.


based faggot

OP what do you think of these vocals

They're pretty entry level Hardcore/Metalcore

Attached: Converge - Jane Doe.jpg (599x529, 143.78K)

If I just look at the instrumentals it's not intense at all though. At least compared to most of the other black metal i've heard. That's why I have a problem with this album specifically. In stuff like what
posted it makes sense because the music itself is harsh and aggressive. In sunbather the tone of the music is nowhere near as intense as the tone of the vocals.

>In sunbather the tone of the music is nowhere near as intense as the tone of the vocals.
not true at all. the instrumentals reflect the feeling of facing the sun with your eyes closed and the vocals only add to that effect. they match perfectly.

This is the funniest thread I've seen in months.

I'm not a fan but it at least fits the spastic and panicky tone that (I assume?) they're going for.

I'm a big fan of this if that gives you an idea of what I like when it comes to Hardcore.

>the instrumentals reflect the feeling of facing the sun with your eyes closed
I agree completely. Which is why I say they aren't that intense. Facing the sun with your eyes closed is a fairly soothing experience.

It is pretty intense, not as harsh as a lot of black metal, but harsh and intense are different things.

again, the vocals are pretty soothing along with the instrumentals. intense, but soothing still.

I stand corrected then. I guess what I mean is that the instrumentals aren't nearly as *harsh* as the vocals.

If you genuinely think that these vocals are soothing then we either have different definitions of soothing or you process auditory stimuli very differently from me.

This is not the kind of thing I could lay back, turn on, and relax to.

If you took out the black metal/screamo shrieks, this would literally just be a shoegaze album.

Just go listen to shoegaze, there's an entire 90s genre of it.

This picture is making me thirsty for some grapefruit juice.

It's always been a bit tart for me tbqh

if you genuinely think the instrumentals are soothing, which they are, you'd have to agree that the vocals are a perfect match.

soothing and relaxing aren't the same. they're both intense, but soothing.

>90s shoegaze has drills, blast beats and metal solos
no. there are more metal elements than just the screaming.

You're 100% right. They should drop the pretension of being a metal band and copying black metal. Sunbather is literal faggot shit

>soothing and relaxing aren't the same
Okay, if you want to argue on the semantics of synonyms I'll explain it in general terms

The instrumentals of sunbather make me go "Hey, yeah that's pretty good. I could jam to this."
The vocals of sunbather make me go "Hey, could you stop? I'm trying to enjoy myself and you're killing the vibe.

The difference between sunbather and most other extreme metal albums I've listened to is that in those other albums *both* the lyrics and the instrumentals make me feel the second way.
Sunbather is particularly frustrating because the instrumentals make me feel one way and the vocals make me feel another way.
While those other albums aren't my taste, they at have a consistent tone and I can understand what someone would get out of them if they were so inclined.

I've honestly never been able to tell what defines shoegaze as a genera. Some of it, like MBV, just sounds like unfocused noise to me. On the other hand, Slowdive sounds like any other 90's alt rock band to my ears.

>Kublai Khan
Shit taste

>The instrumentals of sunbather make me go "Hey, yeah that's pretty good. I could jam to this."
>The vocals of sunbather make me go "Hey, could you stop? I'm trying to enjoy myself and you're killing the vibe.
How are you not understanding how subjective this all is? That's the effect the music has on you; not on me or many other people.
Just you.
I feel like the vocals compliment the music and vice versa. You don't. This didn't need to be a thread.


the music is melancholy and emotional. the vocals are too. the lyrics match.
everything in the record matches, idk

>I've honestly never been able to tell what defines shoegaze as a genera.
it's just deep-fried dream pop

I get that music has a different effect on different people. But I'm curious as to *why*. Subjectivity is fake and gay.

>I get that music has a different effect on different people.
>but subjectivity is fake and gay.
Alright I'm done trying to use logic with you.

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>Ignores the important middle sentence
I've cracked the case. Your brain must be so small that the music reverberates in your skull, making is sound different to you.

just wish hot topic tier shit like kublai would die off already

>personal insult with no argument
user, the sentence in the middle was left out because it was totally irrelevant. this is bottom-tier trolling.

Your opinion is garbage